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'Infrastructure Management Committee' - Membership and Terms of Reference

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Section 1 - Establishment


(1) An internal review of Charles Sturt University's management committees was undertaken in 2022 to transition to a more contemporary and streamlined management committee structure. At the time, it was proposed to establish a Finance and Infrastructure Committee. However, it was decided that further work was required to mature the capital planning and delivery functions prior to the establishment of a new committee.

(2) The University now has a strong focus on campus master planning and capital investment. Given this focus, it is proposed to now establish an Infrastructure Management Committee (IMC) chaired by the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) to oversee the delivery of capital infrastructure projects within the University.


(3) The purpose of the IMC is to enable due diligence and informed decision-making and provide assurance to the Vice-Chancellor and Executive Leadership Team (ELT) that investment in infrastructure is governed appropriately and delivered in accordance with the University's strategic objectives. This, in turn, allows the Vice-Chancellor to ensure the University Council is well informed and fulfils its accountabilities.

(4) The IMC will also provide advice and support to the Vice-Chancellor and Council on the planning and development of the University's major property and physical infrastructure. This will be primarily through the campus master planning and development of the annual capital plan.

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Section 2 - Glossary

(5) For the purpose of this document:

  1. Capital expenditure comprises those items and/or programs of works that meet the accounting treatment as defined under the University’s Finance Procedure - Constructed Assets.
  2. Capital Plan means the instrument approved (and updated) by University Council.
  3. Operating expenditure relating to infrastructure that supports the delivery of the Capital Plan.
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Section 3 - Membership

(6) The regular members of the IMC are:

  1. Chief Financial Officer (chair)
  2. Director, Strategic Infrastructure
  3. Director, Financial Services
  4. Chief Operating Officer (COO)
  5. Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) or representative(s)
  6. Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) or representative(s)
  7. Chief Information and Digital Officer
  8. Executive Director, Engagement and Enterprise

(7) A regular member may appoint another person to attend a meeting or meetings on their behalf, or to act on their behalf for a specific time frame. A person so appointed will be deemed to be a regular member of the IMC for the specified time and may vote as a regular member.

(8) Approval is required by the chair for additional invitees to attend the IMC meeting, prior to the meeting.

(9) The secretariat for the IMC will be provided by the COO's portfolio.

(10) The Director, Financial Services has responsibility to maintain the master copy of the Capital Plan.

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Section 4 - Functions and responsibilities

Committee responsibilities

(11) The objectives of the IMC are to:

  1. ensure alignment of the Capital Plan across the University and with the 2030 Strategy during the capital planning process
  2. provide effective management oversight of the delivery of the approved Capital Plan as per the project management schedule, noting where there is deviation from plan, providing input into rectification activities to bring projects back to plan, and reporting on permanent changes to plan
  3. review capital project proposals and business cases that require Executive Leadership Team, Finance, Investment and Infrastructure Committee (FIIC), and/or University Council approval
  4. monitor the overall university-level portfolio to ensure realisation of planned benefits
  5. advise on the prioritisation, allocation, management, and optimisation of the university-level portfolio in outer years.

Member responsibilities

(12) Members have responsibilities to:

  1. receive reports on progress against the Capital Plan (including budget, process, and stakeholder outcomes) and provide oversight, propose interventions, and escalate where required.
  2. represent their respective portfolio and, through consultation, ensure a representative view is put forward.
  3. consider points of intersection between university strategy and operations that impact on the Capital Plan.
  4. consider issues of risk and opportunities inherent in the Capital Plan, including ensuring probity responsibilities are met.
  5. as a forum, discuss emerging issues affecting the Capital Plan for escalation to the Executive Leadership Team as may be appropriate.

Advisory role and referral of matters

(13) The IMC will provide advice to the ELT and Council sub-committees through the Chief Financial Officer on performance against the Capital Plan, any high-level risks, or opportunities as well as advice and direction for how the Capital Plan can support the University's strategy and operations.

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Section 5 - Meetings


(14) The IMC will meet a minimum of nine times per year with one meeting each calendar month.

(15) Where a member has an actual, potential or perceived conflict of interest, they must declare this to the chair and at the meeting prior to discussion of the item of business.


(16) Variations to the terms of reference and/or membership of the IMC must be approved by the Chief Financial Officer.