(1) Under section 19(1B)(h) of the Charles Sturt University Act 1989, the University Council is to establish policies and procedural principles for the University consistent with legal requirements and community expectations. The Academic Senate is also tasked with developing and implementing appropriate policies to ensure the high quality of teaching and learning within the University, under s 105(1)(b) of the Charles Sturt University By-laws. (2) The purpose of this policy is to: (3) This policy applies to: (4) The following types of text, their definitions and authority are the preferred text types to be used in the policy framework: (5) The University may also introduce other texts that support the policy suite (for example, where an external standard, regulation or convention requires a different term). Where used, these texts should state their equivalence to one of the types of text defined under clause 4 for the purpose of approval and authority. These types of texts may include the following: (6) The classes of policy text (identified as the ‘document realm’ in the policy library) are determined by the delegated authority to approve policy texts for governance and management functions. The classes of text are: (7) Policy owners and Policy Developers are responsible for: (8) The University Secretary and nominees for policy work are responsible for: (9) Lower texts in the policy hierarchy must be consistent with higher texts: the hierarchy is 1, rule (highest); 2, policy; 3, procedure; 4, local instruction (lowest). As guidelines cannot set mandatory requirements, they cannot contradict other texts, and so are not included in the hierarchy. (10) Content of policy texts must be consistent with the delegations of authority to specific bodies and officers by the University Council, as stated in the Delegations and Authorisations Policy and its schedules. The Delegations and Authorisations Policy and its schedules overrule any inconsistency in a policy or procedure. (11) A proposal to change, add or remove a delegation must be approved by Council before a policy text relying on the change to delegation can take effect. (12) Where texts are inconsistent, the higher text overrules the lower text and the lower text must be changed as soon as possible. Such amendments to address inconsistencies between documents in the policy hierarchy are considered minor changes (see clause 21). (13) The Enterprise Agreement (EA) is a binding agreement between the University, staff unions and the employees specified under the EA as being within its coverage, which sets out conditions of employment for employees within coverage. Policies that set requirements for staff must be consistent with the EA, and any inconsistencies will be overruled by the EA. (14) Statements in rules, policies and procedures that use the verbs ‘must’, ‘shall’ or ‘will’ state mandatory requirements for staff and/or students. (15) Compliance with rules, policies and procedures is a condition of employment at the University, and a condition of enrolment at the University. Non-compliance may lead to disciplinary action (staff) or action for misconduct (students), or other specific consequences defined by particular policies or procedures, or by the EA. (16) Where a rule, policy or procedure uses the word ‘including’ or the phrase ‘for example’, the examples are not intended as an exhaustive list and do not limit the provision to the example(s) stated, unless otherwise stated in the document. (17) Responsibilities and authorities assigned to officers/units are exercised within the scope of responsibilities related to their position, unless otherwise stated. (18) Where an organisational unit or position referred to in a policy text changes or is disestablished, the role, authority or responsibility stated in the text will escalate to the next line manager or transfer to the successor of the relevant function until the policy text is amended (except where this would be inconsistent with a higher text). (19) As far as possible the University will keep the number of policies to a minimum, and only introduce a new policy when: (20) Approval to introduce a new policy text is not needed where: (21) Delegation Schedule A - Governance and Legal of the Delegations and Authorisations Policy sets the approval authorities for the types and classes of policy text. (22) Changes to policy texts will be determined as one of the following: (23) The University Secretary will determine whether a proposed change to a policy text is major, minor or editorial, and advise the policy owner on the appropriate consultation and approval process. (24) The Vice-Chancellor may approve a new (or a major change to an existing) policy or procedure where there has been a change in funding requirements, regulatory requirements, legislation or other circumstances where urgent action is needed to mitigate significant risk to the University. This clause may also apply to rules that are approved under the Vice-Chancellor's delegated authority to approve rules. (25) Following such approvals, the policy owner will conduct a full review of the new/amended rule, policy or procedure as soon as practicable, and normally within one year of the urgent approval. (26) The Policy Development and Review Procedure sets out the requirements for policy owners or their nominees in developing or reviewing a rule or policy and its supporting procedures. (27) Rules, policies, procedures and guidelines must be published in the University policy library. (28) Local instructions may be linked to the relevant policy or procedure. (29) Rules, policies, procedures and guidelines take effect when published unless the approval authority has approved other take-effect dates or transition arrangements, in which case the publication must state when the provisions take effect. (30) Transitional provisions must be stated in a new or reviewed policy text if elements of a previous or expired policy text will apply to certain staff or students for a period of time. (31) Review dates are calculated from the take effect date of the policy text following development or the last full review: (32) Changes to a rule, policy or procedure without full review do not change the review date. (33) The University Secretary can approve extensions to the review date for a rule, policy or procedure on the recommendation of the Manager, Policy and Records where there are justifiable business reasons for an extension. (34) A policy owner or approval authority may initiate a full review of a policy text earlier than its review date. (35) The University Secretary will report: (36) Rules, policies and procedures will continue in force until they are replaced or rescinded. (37) The Policy Development and Review Procedure supports this policy by stating detailed requirements for policy owners, Policy Developers and core stakeholders in developing and reviewing rules, policies and procedures. (38) Nil. (39) In this policy, the following terms are defined:Policy Framework Policy
Section 1 - Purpose
Top of PageSection 2 - Policy
Definitions of types of text
Definitions and authority
a. Rule
b. Policy
c. Procedure
d. Guideline
e. Local instruction
Classes of text
a. Governance
Normally approved by University Council or a committee of the University Council, or as otherwise stated in Delegation Schedule A.
b. Academic
A policy text that governs an aspect of the University's academic activities, such as curriculum, learning and teaching, research, higher degree by research candidature, student administration, the student experience or student success.
Normally approved by Academic Senate, or as otherwise stated in Delegation Schedule A.
c. Management
A policy text that governs an aspect of non-academic management activities of the University such as advancement, communication, facilities, finance, global engagement, human resources, information technology, marketing, or other activities not considered matters for academic or governance policy.
Normally approved by Band 8 authorities, or as otherwise stated in Delegation Schedule A.
Force of provisions
Approval to develop a new policy
Approval authorities
Changes to policy texts
Urgent approvals
Developing policy texts
Publishing policy texts
Section 3 - Procedure
Section 4 - Guidelines
Section 5 - Glossary
Top of PageSection 6 - Document Context
Compliance drivers
Review requirements
As per the Policy Framework Policy.
Document class
View Current
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A policy text related to functions of the University that are retained by the University Council (the Council) and stated in Delegation Schedule A. These include: