(1) This procedure supports the Assessment Policy by stating detailed requirements for reasonable adjustments to assessment to accommodate disability, extensions of time on deadlines to submit assessment work, special consideration, deferred exams and alternative exam arrangements. (2) Its purpose is to provide reasonable flexibility to support students to continue to make academic progress when they encounter a range of life circumstances. (3) The Assessment - Conduct of Coursework Assessment and Examinations Procedure states detailed requirements for further assessment where a student has: (4) This procedure applies to assessment in coursework subjects and research component subjects for coursework courses. Within that scope restriction, it applies to the same range of staff and students as the Assessment Policy. (5) The Higher Degree by Research Policy states requirements for assessment flexibility in research component subjects in higher degree by research courses. (6) Where a supporting document is referred to in this procedure, it will be listed in the associated information tab. (7) The terms used in this procedure are defined in the glossary section of the Assessment Policy. (8) This procedure supports the Assessment Policy and should be read alongside it. (9) The University will provide reasonable adjustments to assessment tasks for students who: (10) The process by which students may request alternative arrangements for in-session tests is set out in the section on ‘Alternative exam arrangements’ at the end of this procedure. (11) The Subject Coordinator is responsible for providing reasonable adjustments for other types of in-session assessment, in consultation with the Head of School as needed. (12) Students who require reasonable adjustments are expected to: (13) Students must register with the Disability Services and inform Subject Coordinators of their study access plan early enough that there is reasonable time for the Subject Coordinator to provide any adjustments that are needed. (14) The Assessment Policy states that a student may ask the relevant Subject Coordinator for an extension of up to seven days of the deadline for an assignment, where unexpected circumstances are likely to prevent them from meeting the deadline. (15) Such requests must be submitted in writing: (16) The Subject Coordinator has discretion to grant the request without supporting documents. (17) Alternatively, the Subject Coordinator may require the student to submit the request using the online special consideration request form, which will require them to attach supporting documents as explained in the ‘Special consideration’ section below. (18) The Assessment Policy states the purposes of special consideration and the types of circumstance for which it may be available. As well as being available for short-term illness or injury, unexpected carer responsibilities or unexpected, unavoidable employment commitments, special consideration may be available where students have other unexpected commitments or adverse circumstances outside their control. (19) The Student Misconduct Rule, however, states that a penalty for academic misconduct of a reduced assessment mark, reduced subject grade or fail in an assessment task or a subject, overrules other assessment decisions such as special consideration decisions. (20) Some circumstances that are considered unexpected, unavoidable commitments or adverse circumstances outside the student’s control are: (21) The following circumstances are not considered unexpected or outside the student’s control: (22) Students must apply for special consideration, using the online special consideration request form, where: (23) A student should apply for special consideration as soon as reasonably possible after they become aware of the adverse circumstances or unexpected commitment for which they need special consideration. (24) Where a student’s circumstances worsen, they may apply again for special consideration. (25) To be granted a deferred exam, a student must apply for special consideration: (26) The following rules ensure that granting a deferred exam to a student will not unfairly advantage them over other students. (27) To have their request for special consideration considered, the student must provide the following types of supporting document, for the following types of circumstance. (28) The Assessment Policy states the process and decision-makers for decisions on a student’s request for special consideration to have: (29) Where a special consideration application seeks flexibility in relation to a workplace learning placement, the decision-maker will make the decision in consultation with the relevant Sub Dean (Workplace Learning). (30) The online special consideration system will automatically notify the student of the decision. (31) Where the special consideration request is granted: (32) Decision-makers should apply the following criteria when considering a student’s request for special consideration: (33) Students who have been granted special consideration with the outcome of an approved withdrawal without failure (AW) may apply for a refund of their Higher Education Contribution Scheme (HECS) student contribution/tuition fees and/or remission of HECS-HELP or FEE-HELP debt. (34) For refund and remission to be granted, an application must be assessed as meeting the criteria for remission stated in the Higher Education Support Act. (35) As stated in the Enrolment Procedure, the student must apply for these refunds and/or remissions to the Division of Student Administration: (36) A student may apply for special consideration to be exempted from attending a compulsory residential school. (37) They must apply: (38) Where the residential school is part of the requirements for a subject, the head of the teaching school will decide the application on the recommendation of the Subject Coordinator. (39) Where the residential school is part of the requirements for a course, and is not linked to a taught subject, the Course Director will decide the application. (40) The Division of Student Administration will inform the student of the outcome. (41) Such applications will normally be approved only where the student: (42) Where a student is declined special consideration, or is dissatisfied with the special consideration they have been granted, their only avenue for review is the review of grade process: see the Assessment - Grades and Review of Grades Procedure. (43) Schools are expected to provide reasonable assessment flexibility to students who are on the University's register of elite athletes and performers. (44) Such students must apply to the Student Liasion Officer (Elite Athletes and Sport) to be included on this register, by email to eliteathlete@csu.edu.au. They must include supporting documents from the relevant sporting or performance body or association and/or evidence of their participation in elite sporting events or performances. (45) The Student Liasion Officer (Elite Athletes and Sport) will decide whether these applications are sufficient to record the student on the register. For applications to be registered as an elite athlete, they will make this decision in consultation with the Personal Excellence section of the Australian Institute for Sport. (46) They will distribute to each school, at the beginning of each session, a list of registered elite athletes and performers enrolled in subjects managed by the school. They will notify schools if one of their students is added to the register or removed from it. (47) Faculties may, however, identify courses where professional accreditation or professional registration requirements limit their ability to provide assessment and/or attendance flexibility to such students. (48) Such students are expected to work with the Student Liasion Officer (Elite Athletes and Sport) to inform school staff of the student’s needs. Alternatively the student may email the Course Director to explain their situation and request assessment flexibility. (49) Such students may also apply for special consideration to request assessment flexibility. (50) Students are expected to plan study around their sporting or performance commitments as far as possible, and where they will need assessment flexibility to request this as far in advance as possible. (51) Schools and the Examinations Office will endeavour to provide flexibility where the student gives sufficient notice to arrange this. (52) The Student Liasion Officer (Elite Athletes and Sport) can advise school staff on students’ eligibility for assessment flexibility and on consistent practice in providing it. (53) Where a Subject Coordinator is unsure about whether a student’s request for flexibility is reasonable, or it is outside normal practice in providing flexibility to such students, they will refer the request to the Course Director for decision. (54) Elite athletes and performers may be considered for alternative exam arrangements. (55) The Student Liasion Officer (Elite Athletes and Sport) will: (56) Schools are expected to provide reasonable assessment flexibility to students who are Defence Force reservists, to enable them to meet Defence Force service commitments. (57) Where a deferred exam is granted in accordance with the Assessment Policy section on special consideration, it will typically be held in the exams period at the end of the following session. (58) Where a student needs a pass in the subject to progress in their studies, however, the faculty or Division of Student Administration may administer a deferred exam sooner than the next session’s final exams period. (59) The Examinations Office (or, for faculty-run deferred exams, the faculty) will notify the student of the deferred exam arrangement. (60) A deferred exam will have the same weight as the original exam in deciding the final grade in the subject, and will assess the same learning outcomes, with the same level of challenge. (61) The original exam paper cannot be used as the deferred exam paper, unless the original exam paper was provided to all students in the subject well in advance of the original exam. (62) Deferred exam answers will be marked by the same process and in the same time-frame as answers from other exams in the same exam period. (63) The Assessment Policy provides for a student who cannot make alternative arrangements to feed their child during an exam, to request an arrangement to breastfeed during the exam. (64) The student should submit such a request in writing to the Disability Services no later than six weeks before the start of the relevant exam period. The Disability Services will inform the Examinations Office. The Disability Services and Examinations Office will make every effort to accommodate later requests. (65) The student will have the options of: (66) Depending on the facilities at the exam venue, breastfeeding arrangements will include: (67) The Assessment Policy provides for alternative arrangements in final exams and in-session assessment tasks for students living with a disability or a long-term physical or mental health condition. (68) Typical arrangements are described in the guidelines section below. (69) Where a student needs alternative arrangements to undertake assessments without disadvantage, they must apply: (70) Once a student is registered with the Disability Services, they must contact the Subject Coordinators of their subjects, providing their study access plan, to arrange flexibility for in-session assessment tasks as needed. (71) If a student develops a disability or health condition after the normal deadline for applications to special exam conditions, they should apply as above. (72) The Disability Services and Examinations Office will do their best to arrange alternative arrangements for late applications, in consultation with staff of the teaching school as relevant. (73) The student, head of the teaching school or the Executive Director, Division of Student Administration may request a review of a decision on a student’s request for alternative arrangements for an exam of in-session test. (74) Review requests must be submitted in writing to the Director, Student Safety and Wellbeing. The Disability Services will advise the requester of the outcome. (75) The Assessment Policy states the decision-makers on these requests. (76) Exam supervisors will provide students who have been granted alternative exam arrangements with the opportunity to choose to sit the exam under normal conditions, or under the alternative arrangement they have been granted. (77) Typical minor adjustments to exam arrangements that can be approved by a Disability Liaison Officer are: (78) Typical major adjustments to exam arrangements that can be approved by the head of the teaching school are:Assessment Flexibility Procedure
Section 1 - Purpose
Section 2 - Glossary
Section 3 - Policy
Section 4 - Procedure
Reasonable adjustments for disability for in-session assessment tasks
Extensions of deadlines for submitting assessment work
Special consideration
Eligibility for special consideration
Applications for special consideration
Applications for special consideration to be granted a deferred exam
Supporting documents
Family/personal circumstances
Unexpected, unavoidable employment commitments
b. the nature of the changes.
Sporting, cultural, military or legal commitments
b. the period of interruption of the student’s study.
Attendance at a Defence Reserves camp or training course, or being called up for full-time Defence Reserves service
A statement on letterhead from an officer of the Defence Reserves stating the dates and times when attendance is required.
Special consideration decisions and outcomes
Criteria for deciding special consideration applications
Refund of fees and/or remission of debt after approved withdrawal
Special consideration for exemption from attending residential schools
Review of special consideration decisions
Assessment flexibility for elite athletes and performers
Assessment flexibility for Defence Force reservists
Deferred examinations
Alternative examination arrangements
Alternative examination arrangements for breastfeeding mothers
Alternative examination arrangements for students with a disability
Section 5 - Guidelines
Minor alternative exam arrangements
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so that the Disability Services can develop a study access plan for the student and the student can provide this to the teaching school.
Short-term mental or physical illness, or exacerbation of an existing medical or mental health condition
A signed medical certificate from a registered professional in a relevant health profession, giving the impact of the illness and the date(s) of impact.
The student should ask the health professional to complete and sign the Charles Sturt University student medical certificate, which will provide the full set of information for the decision-maker. However, a health professional’s own medical certificate may also be accepted if it provides enough information.
To enable the University to provide flexibility appropriate to the nature of the student’s illness, the certificate should if possible state the nature of the illness.
A statement from a registered health professional or from a person who knows the student but is not related to them. The statement must include:
a. the date the circumstances began or changed; and
b. how the circumstances affected the student’s ability to undertake assessment tasks.
A statement on letterhead, from the student’s employer, including:
a. the date the student’s employment commitments or employment status changed; and
A statement on letterhead from the relevant body, including:
a. details of the event; and