(1) This procedure supports the Admissions Policy by stating detailed University-wide minimum: (2) Individual courses may have higher and/or additional entry requirements and/or higher English proficiency requirements. (3) The Admissions Procedure states detailed application requirements for admission to courses, to enable assessment of whether applicants meet the requirements in this procedure. (4) This procedure describes the minimum University entry requirements for admission to each level of study for coursework courses, including undergraduate and postgraduate study. (5) For information about the minimum entry requirements for HDR courses, see the Admissions - Entry Requirements (Higher Degrees by Research) Procedure. (6) This procedure supports the Admissions Policy and should be read alongside that policy. (7) Where this procedure states an academic qualification required for entry, the applicant must have gained the qualifications either: (8) Where this procedure refers to ‘equivalent’ qualifications and applicants present qualifications gained outside Australia, the relevant Enrolment will assess them for equivalence with the qualifications specified. Equivalencies will be determined using internationally recognised tools such as the Australian Government’s Country Education Profiles (CEP), the United Kingdom National Information Centre/Ecctis and Australia’s University Admissions Centre (UAC) schedules. (9) Where the University wishes to accept a qualification or attainment level for international students outside of these tools: (10) Where an applicant has completed a qualification at a higher Australian Qualifications Framework (Second Edition January 2013) level than the qualification stated as an entry requirement below, the higher qualification meets the requirement with regard to level of study. (11) Applicants may be admitted on the basis of having completed the New South Wales Year 10 Record of School Achievement or an equivalent Year 10 qualification from another Australian state. (12) Applicants must meet one or more of the previous study requirements listed below for entry to a Bachelor degree course. They may also be admitted to a course on the basis of other attributes listed under the ‘Attainments and experience’ section of this document. (13) Applicants may also be admitted on the basis of interim academic results and a principal’s report, on the conditions stated in the Admissions Procedure. (14) Applicants through the Connections – First Nations Entry Program may be admitted on the basis of their participation in this program and performance in its final assessment. The Admissions Procedure provides more detail about this program. (15) Previous studies include completion of at least one of the following: (16) An applicant may also be admitted to a course on the basis of the following attainments and experience, or these may be a factor in the admission decision alongside prior studies: (17) Applicants cannot be admitted to a Double Degree program if they have previously completed one of the component single degrees at Charles Sturt University or a close equivalent of one of these at another institution. (18) In these cases, applicants can be admitted to the other component single degree where it is available as a separate course, with appropriate credit. (19) An applicant for admission to a one year Bachelor (honours) or integrated Bachelor (honours) course must have completed at least: (20) Entry requirements for a specific Bachelor (honours) course may also: (21) Applicants for admission must have completed at least: (22) Alternatively, such courses may specify in their entry requirements that applicants may be eligible if they have gained at least five years relevant work experience. (23) Applicants must: (24) Alternatively, such courses may specify in their entry requirements that applicants may be eligible if they have gained at least five years relevant work experience. (25) The Course Director may require applicants to complete specific subjects at a specified level of performance, undergo assessment or carry out specified work, to establish their eligibility for admission. (26) The Admissions Policy states the minimum English language proficiency requirements for entry into courses. The following provides more detail on these requirements and what are considered their equivalent. (27) Applicants meet English language proficiency requirements for admission if they meet one or more of the following: (28) The following qualifications may be accepted to meet English proficiency requirements if they were completed in an English-medium school or tertiary education institution: (29) The University will accept an applicant’s results in English language programs offered by other Australian universities where it considers these demonstrate English language proficiency equivalent to other ways of satisfying English language requirements stated above. (30) The English language requirements web page for international applicants lists tests that are accepted as meeting English language proficiency requirements, and the test scores required. (31) For a test result to be acceptable, the applicant must have sat the test within two years before the start date of the course for which they are applying. (32) The following qualifications may be accepted to meet English language proficiency requirements, for admission to undergraduate courses only, where the applicant was born and undertook the qualification in a country on the list of English-speaking countries: (33) Nil. (34) Most terms used in this procedure are defined in the glossary section of the Admissions Policy. For the purposes of this procedure, the following additional terms have the definitions stated:Admissions - Entry Requirements (Coursework) Procedure
Section 1 - Purpose
Top of PageSection 2 - Policy
Section 3 - Procedure
Part A - Assessment of equivalence
For entry to undergraduate diplomas
For entry to bachelor degree courses (except honours)
Previous studies
Attainments and experience
For entry to double degree programs
For entry to bachelor (honours) courses
For entry to graduate certificate and graduate diploma courses
For entry to master by coursework courses
Part B - English language proficiency
English-speaking background
English language programs
English language proficiency tests
English language proficiency pathways
Top of PageSection 4 - Guidelines
Section 5 - Glossary
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