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Charles Sturt University Excellence Awards Guidelines

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Section 1 - Purpose

(1) This document describes the nomination and selection process for the Charles Sturt University Excellence Awards and outlines the eligibility criteria.

(2) The Excellence Awards recognise outstanding contributions to Charles Sturt University's (the University) ethos, values and strategy with categories linked to the University Strategy.


(3) The Reward and Recognition Guidelines provide further information on the University’s reward and recognition program and should be read in conjunction with the Excellence Awards Guidelines.

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Section 2 - Policy

(4) Nil.

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Section 3 - Procedures

(5) Nil.

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Section 4 - Guidelines


(6) The objectives of the award are to:

  1. celebrate the exceptional achievements that contribute to the University purpose and strategy, while reflecting our ethos and values
  2. celebrate and reward achievements and leadership across all University position levels, faculties, divisions and types of employment.

Number of awards

(7) There can be up to five awards given for each of the four award categories in recognition of outstanding contributions demonstrated by an individual or team.

Staff eligibility

(8) The Excellence Awards are open to staff who meet the following eligibility criteria for an individual or team nomination:

  1. Teams may be within a work area or across organisational areas such as schools, faculties, divisions or centres.
  2. A nominee or recipient of an Excellence Award is only eligible for re-nomination in subsequent years on the basis that there were significant new achievements or developments to be considered.
  3. Any award recipient who is no longer employed by the University at the time of the announcement of the awards will not be entitled to an award prize.


(9) All University employees are eligible to be nominated. This includes professional/general and academic staff (continuing, fixed-term, adjuncts and casual) employed at the University.

(10) An individual or team may be nominated by a staff member or student (nominator) for a Charles Sturt University Excellence Award. 

(11) You cannot self-nominate for an individual award, however, you can self-nominate as part of a team nomination.

(12) Contractors and students are not eligible.

Selection process and criteria

(13) There will be an online nomination form available in RED that is accessed via the Charles Sturt University staff hub. This form may be completed on various electronic devices, including computers (Mac and PC), tablets and smartphones. 

(14) Award selection is based primarily on written statements addressing the selection criteria (detailed in subsequent sections). Therefore, the nominator must clearly demonstrate how the person or team they are nominating has demonstrated significant and outstanding achievement and a meaningful and lasting impact at the University. 

(15) Depending on the quality of the nominations, up to five awards may be given for each award category. Subject to the quality of the nominations for a category, an award may not be made.

Award panel and selection committee

Establishment and purpose

(16) The Excellence Awards Panel has been established by the Executive Director, People and Culture under the endorsement of the Executive Leadership Team (ELT).

(17) The purpose of the panel is to provide recommendations to the ELT for the Excellence Awards from nominations received.

(18) The panel has cross-University representation and is chaired by the representative from Culture and Capability, Division of People and Culture.

(19) Members of the panel are nominated each year by their respective ELT member.


(20) The Excellence Awards Panel as a selection committee will receive nominations that have been short-listed by each business area.

(21) The nominations received will be assessed against the overarching general criteria and the selected criteria for the award in which they are nominating. 

(22) The Excellence Awards Panel as a selection committee will forward its recommendations to the ELT for endorsement.


(23) The membership of the Excellence Awards Panel is comprised of the following decision makers:

  1. A representative from Culture and Capability, Division of People and Culture.
  2. An Executive Dean (rotating annually between the faculties).
  3. A representative from the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) leadership group.
  4. A Research and Engagement leadership representative.
  5. A representative from the Division of People and Culture leadership group.
  6. A representative from the Chief Operating Officer group.
  7. A representative from the Division of Student Experience leadership group.

Terms of reference

(24) The Excellence Awards Panel aims to ensure a consistent and fair decision making process when considering nominations.  The Awards Panel will provide advice and guidance to the Executive Leadership Team (ELT) on:

  1. the number of awards to be granted
  2. the number of recipients of the awards.

(25) Members who serve on the panel are not eligible for an individual or team award during the year they serve. 

(26) Any panel member who supervises, has nominated, or acts as a referee for a candidate for the Excellence Awards, must declare their conflict of interest and not participate in deliberation or voting in relation to that nominee.

(27) The panel’s recommendation and the ELT endorsement of an award are not subject to internal appeal or review. 

Operating principles for the award panel

(28) Within the model of ‘yindyamarra winhanganha’ the panel is committed to:

  1. living the University ethos and values
  2. building our culture and reinforcing the desired behaviours and performance that contribute to the success of the University
  3. collaborative discussion across award categories.

Meeting schedule

(29) The Excellence Awards Panel will meet once a year to assess the nominations received.

(30) A quorum for the panel is four of the current membership.

(31) The Culture and Capability team will provide secretariat support to the panel as required.

Expectations of award recipients

(32) The recipients of a Charles Sturt University Excellence Award may be expected to participate in seminars, presentations or act as a mentor to their colleagues. Photos of award recipients and their stories may be used for publicity purposes and to celebrate in RED.

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Section 5 - Glossary

(33) Nil.