(1) This procedure supports the Protocols Policy and sets out Charles Sturt University's expectations for the management of ministerial and parliamentary visits and meetings with Members of Parliament (MPs) and senior government officials. (2) This procedure has the same scope as the Protocols Policy. (3) See the Protocols Policy. (4) As stated in the Protocols Policy, the Office of Government Relations and Regional Engagement (OGRRE) is the primary point of contact with a government representative or their office, unless otherwise determined by OGRRE. (5) Charles Sturt University staff considering a visit by a minister or MP, or who has been approached by a minister or MP or their office about the possibility of a visit or meeting or any request for a minister or MP to attend and/or speak at an event (either on-campus of off-campus) must contact the OGRRE as soon as possible, with information about: (6) The OGRRE will then determine what information, advice or support is required for the visit, and prepare the relevant documentation in consultation with the other University staff involved. (7) The OGRRE must: (8) The Head, Government Relations and Regional Engagement or their delegate may attend any ministerial or parliamentary visit/meeting. (9) Appropriate follow-up with any government representative or their office following a visit will be coordinated by OGRRE. (10) Nil. (11) This procedure uses the terms defined in the Protocols Policy, and further defines the following:Protocols Procedure - Ministerial Visits, Meetings and Government Relations
Section 1 - Purpose
Section 2 - Policy
Section 3 - Procedures
Section 4 - Guidelines
Section 5 - Glossary
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