(1) This procedure supports the Higher Degree by Research Policy by stating the requirements of Charles Sturt University (the University) for: (2) It is intended to ensure that the University complies with the Commonwealth Scholarships Guidelines (Research) 2017. (3) The University reserves the right to change this procedure, the conditions for granting scholarships and entitlements of scholarship holders at any time. (4) If conditions or entitlements of scholarships are changed, the University will notify recipients of the changes. (5) This procedure applies to: (6) The Higher Degree by Research Policy and Higher Degree by Research Procedure state the University's requirements for higher degree by research (HDR) awards and candidature for these awards. (7) Where supporting documents are named in this procedure, they will be listed on the associated information tab. (8) This procedure supports the Higher Degree by Research Policy and should be read alongside that policy. (9) The Higher Degree by Research Policy makes the following provisions relevant to this procedure: (10) The University uses AGRTP funding to provide the following types of scholarship: (11) The University may also offer scholarships to applicants whose research area will contribute to meeting the research objectives of one of the University Research Institutes. These will be one of the five types of AGRTP-funded scholarships listed above, but may be advertised externally as University Research Institute Scholarships. (12) The University may fund or co-fund other types of scholarships, including: (13) To be eligible for any of the scholarships listed at clauses (11 & 12), applicants must: (14) In addition to clause (13), the following eligibility requirements apply: (15) Recipients of all scholarships, except the AGRTP-Tuition and operating support scholarship, are selected to be offered scholarships via a competitive process administered by Charles Sturt University. The online Scholarship Application Guide states the selection criteria and how applications are assessed. (16) The University may prioritise a specific group of students when advertising Scholarships, as permitted by section of the Commonwealth Scholarships Guidelines (Research) 2017. (17) The University may elect to reject applications from candidates who have already completed the same higher degree by research course in the same or similar field of research. (18) All Indigenous candidates admitted to a higher degree by research program will be automatically granted an AGRTP-Tuition and operating support scholarship. This entitles them to be exempted from tuition fees and be provided with operating funding. (19) The University may elect to offer AGRTP-Tuition and operating support scholarships to domestic candidates in areas of strategic importance. (20) The University may elect to offer AGRTP-Tuition and operating support scholarships to domestic and international candidates in areas of strategic importance and where they have won a stipend from an external funding body as part of a competitive selection process. (21) Candidates cannot concurrently hold an AGRTP-Tuition and operating support scholarship and another AGRTP scholarship. (22) To take up an offered scholarship, the applicant must have been accepted for enrolment in the course. They must remain enrolled to receive the scholarship entitlements. (23) Recipients of an AGRTP-Part-Time scholarship will normally be required to be enrolled on a part-time basis. Recipients of other scholarships will normally be required to be enrolled on a full-time basis. (24) Applicants for scholarships must provide full, accurate information in their application. Similarly, candidates who are recipients of these scholarships must provide full, accurate information to the University in relation to their leave requests, suspension requests and all other aspects of their candidature. (25) If the University has reason to believe that a scholarship holder has provided false or misleading information in relation to their scholarship application or during their candidature, it will immediately: (26) The offer of a scholarship will be withdrawn if the applicant does not accept the offer by the date specified in the offer letter. (27) Once they have accepted the offer of a scholarship, the recipient must begin their studies and take up their scholarship by the deadline stated in the letter offering them the scholarship. (28) The Higher Degree by Research Policy and Higher Degree by Research Procedure state: (29) The Admissions Procedure states the process by which resources and facilities for a candidate’s research will be discussed with them as part of developing the proposal to admit them. (30) Candidates with an AGRTP scholarship (with the exception of those stated at clause (31) must not be receiving an equivalent award, scholarship or salary providing an income greater than 75% of the AGRTP-funded scholarship stipend rate if: (31) Clause (30) does not apply to: (32) A scholarship holder may do paid work, within or outside the University. However, if more than 60 hours of work is to be undertaken per month then the Dean, Graduate Research, or Director, Research Services must approve this, on the recommendation of the candidate’s principal supervisor prior to the work being commenced. (33) Paid work outside the candidate’s course must not interfere with the progress of their candidature: permission may be withheld if this is likely, or withdrawn if it becomes apparent that the work is impeding the candidate’s progress. (34) A candidate’s scholarship may be cancelled if they do paid work outside of their course without the required permission. (35) A scholarship may comprise one or more of the following components: (36) A holder of a scholarship other than an AGRTP-Part-Time scholarship or AGRTP-Tuition and operating support scholarship may be entitled to receive a stipend, as follows: (37) An AGRTP-International scholarship holder may be entitled to have the University pay the premium for their Overseas Student Health Cover. (38) Scholarship holders may be exempt from tuition fees but may be liable for any miscellaneous charges. (39) As operating funding, the University may provide the scholarship holder with an allowance, for a maximum of three years (full-time equivalent), to help meet costs of their research. (40) If allocated, such an allowance will be paid at the following rates, unless otherwise specified: (41) A candidate who relocates to a campus of the University to take up a scholarship may receive a relocation allowance to cover: (42) The Higher Degree by Research Policy states the following rules for HDR candidates’ leave from their course: (43) The following types of leave are available as paid leave to AGRTP-funded scholarship holders: that is, during these types of leave payment of a scholarship holder’s stipend (if any) continues. (44) An AGTRP-funded scholarship holder must apply for the following types of leave. (45) Recreation leave taken by a scholarship holder does not extend the duration of the scholarship. (46) Scholarship holders do not have to take recreation leave during compulsory University closures. (47) A request for recreation leave that does not exceed the accrued entitlement may be approved by the candidate’s principal supervisor. (48) Holders of any AGRTP-funded scholarship may also have up to 10 working days of personal leave, which may be accrued, but which does not extend the maximum duration of their scholarship. (49) For their scholarship entitlements to continue during personal leave, a candidate must apply for the leave and it must be approved. (50) For a scholarship holder to take any accrued personal leave, and up to 10 days personal leave from the current year, the candidate’s principal supervisor can approve the leave. (51) A request for personal leave of more than two days must be supported by a medical certificate. (52) Personal leave may be used to meet carer responsibilities for a person in the candidate’s family. (53) Unused recreation leave and unused personal leave are ‘forfeited’ at the end of a candidate’s scholarship duration: that is, they cannot be taken after the end of the duration to extend it. (54) A holder of a scholarship other than an AGRTP-Part-Time scholarship or AGRTP-Tuition and operating support scholarship is entitled to additional paid personal leave up to a total of 60 working days. (55) The requirements for personal leave above also apply to additional personal leave, except that additional personal leave must be approved by the Dean, Graduate Research or Director, Research Services, on the recommendation of the candidate’s principal supervisor and the relevant Sub Dean (Graduate Studies). (56) Candidates must exhaust their personal leave entitlement including any accrued personal leave before they can apply for additional personal leave. Any period of additional personal leave approved and taken will extend the duration of the scholarship by the period of the leave. (57) A holder of a scholarship other than an AGRTP-Part-Time scholarship or AGRTP-Tuition and operating support scholarship who has completed 12 months of their scholarship duration and takes on the role of primary carer following the birth or adoption of a child may be entitled to paid primary carer parental leave up to a total of 60 working days. (58) Any period of primary carer parental leave approved and taken will extend the duration of the scholarship by the period of the leave. (59) A holder of a scholarship other than an AGRTP-Part-Time scholarship or AGRTP-Tuition and operating support scholarship who has completed 12 months of their scholarship duration is entitled to up to 10 working days paid parental leave if: (60) Parental leave does not extend the duration of the scholarship. (61) A request for parental leave that does not exceed the accrued entitlement may be approved by the candidate’s principal supervisor. (62) A holder of a scholarship other than an AGRTP-Part-Time scholarship or AGRTP-Tuition and operating support scholarship may be entitled to up to five days of paid special leave in any calendar year, for situations that are not covered by other forms of leave. (63) Special leave must have been approved before the candidate takes it. (64) Special leave may be available where the scholarship holder needs it: (65) Special leave does not accrue or extend the duration of the scholarship. (66) A request for special leave that does not exceed the accrued entitlement may be approved by the candidate’s principal supervisor. (67) The Higher Degree by Research Policy states candidates’ entitlement to sessional leave, while the Higher Degree by Research Procedure states detailed conditions for application for and approval of sessional leave. (68) A scholarship holder must give the Office of Research Services at least 15 working days notice of their intention to resume study after a period of sessional leave. (69) A scholarship holder who suspends their studies without being approved to take leave must repay any stipend payments or allowances paid to them for the period of the suspension. (70) The Dean, Graduate Research or Director, Research Services may approve the following types of change: (71) The Higher Degree by Research Procedure states the approval process for a candidate to change their research topic, including where this results in a change of the field of education. (72) Where a candidate’s field of education changes and operating funding has been allocated, the allowance rate may be revised to comply with clause (40) of this procedure and section 1.7 of the Commonwealth Scholarships Guidelines (Research) 2017. (73) The Higher Degree by Research Policy states the conditions on which HDR candidates may receive approval to undertake a period of research for their candidature outside Australia and/or at another organisation. (74) In exceptional circumstances, a candidate may apply for permission to hold the scholarship while overseas for up to 18 months. (75) Candidates who receive an AGRTP scholarship may undertake industry placements, internships and professional practice activities of up to six months in duration, that are approved as part of their eligible HDR program. Approvals are made in writing on an individual basis. (76) AGRTP scholarship payments may be available for the duration of industry placements, research internships and professional practice activities if: (77) Candidates undertaking a placement, internship or professional practice are not eligible to have their AGRTP stipend scholarship extended beyond the maximum period of AGRTP support. (78) AGRTP leave provisions should not be used to support student participation in industry placements, internships and professional practice activities. (79) Candidates may apply to the Office of Research Services for a suspension of their AGRTP-funded scholarship alongside applying for leave. (80) A suspension may be granted to a recipient of an AGRTP, AGRTP-Indigenous, AGRTP-Return to Study or AGRTP-International scholarship to enable the candidate to undertake a period paid employment during which they work more than the normal limit of 60 hours per month. (81) A suspension may be granted to a scholarship holder in conjunction with a period of leave from candidature, but not in conjunction with a period of recreation leave or personal leave. (82) During a period of suspension the candidate will not be entitled to any benefits from the scholarship. (83) If the candidate fails to resume their studies at the end of the approved period of suspension, the Office of Research Services will terminate the scholarship. (84) If the candidate continues study during the period of suspension, the period of study will be included in the calculation of the duration of their scholarship. (85) The following durations of scholarships are dependent on the candidate continuing to make satisfactory progress. (86) The duration of a scholarship will be reduced by any period of study undertaken towards the degree: (87) Where a candidate starts receiving their scholarship in session 3 (session 90), this session will not be counted towards the duration of their tuition fee exemption. (88) The stipend and operating funding duration of an AGRTP scholarship, AGRTP-Indigenous scholarship, AGRTP-International scholarship, or AGRTP-Return to Study scholarship is: (89) The tuition fee exemption for an AGRTP scholarship, AGRTP-Indigenous scholarship (full-time),AGRTP-Tuition and operating support scholarship (full-time), and AGRTP-Return to Study scholarship (full-time) is: (90) The operating funding duration of an AGRTP-Tuition and operating support scholarship (full-time) is: (91) The operating funding duration of an AGRTP-Part-Time scholarship, AGRTP-Indigenous scholarship (part-time), AGRTP-Tuition and operating support scholarship (part-time) and AGRTP-Return to Study scholarship (part-time) is: (92) The tuition fee exemption for CSU Research Offset Scholarship is: (93) The tuition fee exemption for an AGRTP-Part-Time scholarship, AGRTP-Indigenous scholarship (part-time), AGRTP-Tuition and operating support scholarship (part-time) and AGRTP-Return to Study scholarship (part-time) is: (94) The University may also extend the duration of the stipend and operating funding component of a AGRTP scholarship, except when these funds have already been exhausted, for up to six months for a doctor of philosophy or professional doctorate candidate (but not for a master by research candidate) where: (95) A scholarship holder whose tuition fee exemption ends may be permitted to enrol on a full fee-paying basis for the remainder of the HDR candidature. (96) A scholarship holder who transfers to another higher education provider will have their Charles Sturt University scholarship cancelled. (97) Such a candidate may continue to receive their scholarship only if their new provider agrees to continue the scholarship. (98) The Admissions Policy, Admissions - Entry Requirements (Higher Degrees by Research) Procedure and Admissions Procedure state entry requirements and processes for admission to HDR courses. These requirements also apply to HDR candidates at other higher education providers who apply to transfer to Charles Sturt University. (99) Where a candidate is transferring and continuing their HDR course from another provider and held an AGRTP scholarship at the other provider, they may apply to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President (Research) for approval to have the scholarship continued at Charles Sturt University. (100) In making this decision, the Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President (Research) will consider: (101) Where the candidate is seeking such a transfer, the University will require the candidate’s written authorisation for the other provider to provide details of the scholarship benefits the candidate has received and for what period they have received them. (102) Where a scholarship-holder is approved to convert from candidature for a master by research award to candidature for a doctor of philosophy or professional doctorate award, or vice versa, they may continue to receive a scholarship. (103) Where a scholarship-holder converts to candidature for a higher or lower HDR award in this way, their scholarship may continue where: (104) Where a holder of a scholarship or anyone else publishes outcomes from the recipient’s research funded by the scholarship, they are expected to include an acknowledgement of the scholarship. (105) This requirement applies to all types of publication based on the research including books, articles, theses, newsletters, literary or artistic works. (106) This acknowledgement should be placed prominently and include a statement that the candidate’s research was supported by an ‘Australian Government Research Training Program scholarship’. (107) The ‘Thesis content and style’ section of the Higher Degree by Research Procedure specifies where this acknowledgement is to appear in the candidate’s thesis. (108) A scholarship will be terminated: (109) Once a scholarship is terminated, it cannot be reactivated unless the termination was in error. (110) Where a scholarship holder has a complaint about an aspect of the administration of their scholarship, they should follow the complaints process detailed in the Complaints Management Policy and Complaints Management Procedure. (111) See the University Student Appeals Policy and University Student Appeals Procedure for information about appeals. (112) AGRTP-funded scholarships have replaced the following previous types of scholarships for HDR candidates: (113) Holders of these previous scholarships who are continuing their course will receive (as relevant) a scholarship stipend, fee support and/or operating funding for a period necessary to provide at least equivalent support to that which they would have received under their previous scholarship. (114) The period of support for these replacement scholarships will be calculated from the date the candidate began their course of study, not the date the replacement AGRTP-funded scholarship began. (115) Nil. (116) For the purposes of this procedure, the following terms have the definitions stated:Higher Degree by Research Scholarships Procedure - Australian Government Research Training Program Funded Scholarships
Section 1 - Purpose
Top of PageSection 2 - Policy
Section 3 - Procedure
Types of scholarship and their components
Eligibility criteria
Provision of false or misleading information
Acceptance of scholarships
Supervision, facilities and support
Work outside the candidate’s course
Scholarship benefits
Recreation leave
Personal leave
Additional personal leave
Primary carer parental leave
Parental leave
Special leave
Sessional leave
Variations to scholarships
Variations between full-time and part-time candidature
Variations to field of education
Research overseas
Research at other organisations
Suspension of scholarships
Scholarship durations
CSU Research Fee Offset candidates may seek a 6-month extension of their tutition fee exemption period, with recommendation from their principal supervisor and approval from the Dean, Graduate Reserach or Director, Research Services.
Transfers to and from other higher education providers
Transfers out
Transfer in
Conversion of candidature
Acknowledgement of AGRTP-funded scholarships
Termination of scholarships
Transition for holders of previous types of scholarships
Section 4 - Guidelines
Section 5 - Glossary
View Current
This is the current version of this document. To view historic versions, click the link in the document's navigation bar.
The tuition fee exemption for an AGRTP-International scholarship is:
AGRTP-International candidates can also seek an extension to their tuition fee exemption period under this clause.