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Information Technology Equipment Purchasing Policy

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Section 1 - Purpose

(1) This Policy sets out management principles on the purchase of Charles Sturt University (the University) software and computing, telephony, and peripheral devices.


(2) This Policy applies to all staff of the University.


(3) This Policy should be read in conjunction with the:

  1. Information Technology Procedure - Acceptable Use and Access;
  2. CSU Computer Shop Website; and
  3. Division of Information Technology (DIT) website.
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Section 2 - Glossary

(4) For the purpose of this Policy:

  1. Mobile device - refers to a University supplied portable voice or tablet device
  2. Information Technology (IT) Equipment - refers to computers and devices used to store, process and receive data. Examples include:
    1. desktop computers;
    2. laptops;
    3. monitors; and
    4. docking stations.
  3. Peripheral items - refers to items attached to a computer to complete tasks. Examples include:
    1. hands-free handsets and headsets;
    2. webcams;
    3. cordless presenters;
    4. external hard disk drives; and
    5. scanners.
  4. Multifunction device (MFD) - refers to a network attached all-in-one printer, scanner and photocopier.
  5. Telephony device - refers to a piece of equipment using technology which allows voice and/or interactive communication.
  6. Budget Centre Manager - as defined in the Delegations and Authorisations Policy.
  7. Service Level Agreement (SLA) - refers to a contract between a service provider and customer, specifying what services will be provided.
  8. CSU Card - refers to an all-in-one card used by staff and students incorporating identity, building access and financial transaction functionality.
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Section 3 - Policy

(5) The Computer Shop is responsible for:

  1. negotiating with vendors to ensure best value Information Technology (IT) equipment;
  2. supplying requested IT equipment as specified in clauses 8(c) and 15;
  3. ensuring relevant multifunction devices (MFDs) and printers:
    1. conform to the technical standards implemented at the University; and
    2. are compatible with the University's network printing solution and strategy;
  4. requesting vendors and preferred suppliers provide a standard level of service via Service Level Agreements (SLAs) to the University.

(6) Prior to purchasing, all staff are responsible for:

  1. deciding what information technology (IT) items are required;
  2. ensuring selected items meet business requirements;
  3. obtaining purchasing permission from the relevant authority;
  4. contacting the relevant supplier for purchasing advice (if required); and
  5. completing the relevant order forms for processing.

(7) If IT equipment is lost and unable to be found, replacement IT equipment will need to be purchased at the business unit’s cost.

General Information Technology (IT) Equipment

(8) All staff purchasing IT equipment must:

  1. decide what type of equipment is required - refer to the CSU Computer Shop Website ;
  2. seek approval from the appropriate Budget Centre Manager in accordance with Delegation Schedule D - Facilities and Information Technology;
  3. purchase University owned IT equipment through the CSU Computer Shop Website. Examples include:
    1. computers e.g. desktops and laptops;
    2. monitors;
    3. servers;
    4. telephony devices e.g. VoIP handsets;
    5. software licences;
    6. cordless presenters; and
  4. complete the relevant CSU Computer Shop Website Order Form.

(9) Exceptions to clause 8(c) must have prior approval from the Computer Shop.

Peripheral Items

(10) All staff purchasing peripheral items must:

  1. decide which items are required - refer to the University's preferred office supplier for available products;
  2. seek approval from the appropriate Budget Centre Manager in accordance with the Delegations and Authorisations Policy, Schedule C – Finance Delegations;
  3. purchase University owned peripheral items through the University's preferred office supplier. Examples include:
    1. keyboards and mice;
    2. portable projectors;
    3. USB Flash Drives;
    4. external hard drives;
    5. replacement projector lamps;
    6. portable screens;
    7. network cables;
    8. document cameras;
    9. CD and DVD discs; and
  4. request the staff member responsible for purchasing office supplies within the business unit complete the online order.

Mobile Devices

(11) Mobile devices are available to a limited pool of staff for genuine business requirements and are not available for convenience.

(12) Mobile device entitlements are limited to:

  1. executive staff – Band 6 and above (ELT members, Executive Directors and Deans, Directors and Heads of School), with approval from their manager;
  2. those required for personal safety where a shared device is not practical;
  3. those required for critical emergency response where a shared device is not practical; and 
  4. shared resources for use within a team eg on-call staff.

(13) The relevant senior executive line manager with Band 8 approval authority must confirm the criteria at clause (12) is met before a mobile device may be purchased or may continue to be used by a staff member or team.

(14) Staff are limited to 1 sim enabled device per person.  If both a phone and tablet are required to undertake duties, the tablet will be Wi-Fi only and use the phone hotspot to access the internet.

(15) The mobile device must be purchased from the approved Mobile Device list on the Computer Shop website. Exceptions to this require approval from the appropriate budget centre manager and the Executive Director, Division of Information Technology.

(16) Where there is a specific use case for sim enabled tablet device aligned to research or other outdoor activity, the Budget Centre Manager can apply to their respective Band 8 portfolio head for exemption, noting Clause (14).

(17) Budget Centre Managers must:

  1. contact the Computer Shop for purchasing advice (if required);
  2. ensure the mobile device suits the requirements of the role; and
  3. complete the relevant CSU Computer Shop Website Order Form.

(18) Mobile devices that are connected to a cellular network must be connected to the University approved mobile telephony service provider under the NSW Government Rate Plan and are provided standard with:

  1. unrestricted access (restrictions can be applied upon request); and
  2. international data roaming disabled. If international data roaming is required for official overseas travel, users must log an IT Service Desk Request.

(19) For any non-managed mobile device connected to the cellular network, usage will be billed against the supplied account code.  Monthly charges will detail the device number and amount.

(20) Data usage will be monitored by the Division of Information Technology.  

(21) All staff allocated a mobile device must take:

  1. reasonable steps to minimise voice and data costs; and
  2. responsibility for the mobile device security and maintain good working order.

(22) The Computer Shop must:

  1. maintain a list of approved mobile devices on the CSU Computer Shop Website;
  2. order the required mobile device; and
  3. register the mobile devices with the University approved mobile telephony service provider.

Multifunction Devices

(23) Multifunction devices (MFDs) are the preferred option for all new printing devices and staff purchasing a MFD must:

  1. check there is not a MFD in the vicinity that could be utilised;
  2. contact the Computer Shop for available models. Non-standard business requirements must be discussed and agreed with the Computer Shop prior to purchase; and
  3. seek approval from the appropriate Budget Centre Manager in accordance with Delegation Schedule D - Facilities and Information Technology.

(24) The Computer Shop will:

  1. liaise with the business unit and provide recommendations on the appropriate model to meet business requirements;
  2. obtain approval from the CSU Card Manager for student use printers and MFDs; and
  3. order the agreed MFD or printer via the preferred supplier on behalf of the business unit.

(25) Once a printer or MFD has been purchased, the preferred supplier will provide the consolidated usage data file to the Division of Finance for charging.

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Section 4 - Procedures

(26) Nil.

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Section 5 - Guidelines

(27) Nil.