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Information Technology Procedure - Purchasing and Disposal

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Section 1 - Purpose

(1) This procedure supports the Information Technology Policy and sets out processes for the purchase and disposal of information and communication technology (ICT) equipment, including software, computing, telephony and peripheral devices, at Charles Sturt University (the University).


(2) This procedure applies to all University employees.

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Section 2 - Policy

(3) See the Information Technology Policy

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Section 3 - Procedure

Part A - Purchasing equipment

(4) Unless an exemption applies, all University ICT equipment must be purchased through the University’s Computer Shop, in accordance with the Information Technology Policy and Delegation Schedule D - Facilities and Information Technology and the Finance Procedure - Procurement. This includes all:

  1. computers e.g. desktops and laptops
  2. monitors
  3. servers
  4. telephony devices e.g. VoIP handsets
  5. software licences
  6. cordless presenters.

(5) The costs associated with ICT equipment used by individuals and organisational units are borne by the organisational units.

(6) The Computer Shop will:

  1. negotiate with vendors to ensure best value ICT equipment
  2. ensure the ICT equipment is fit for purpose
  3. ensure relevant multifunction devices and printers:
    1. conform to the technical standards implemented at the University
    2. are compatible with the University's network printing solution and strategy
  4. request vendors and preferred suppliers provide a standard level of service via service level agreements to the University.

(7) Staff purchasing ICT equipment must:

  1. seek approval from the appropriate budget centre manager
  2. provide budget centre account details for purchases to be charged to
  3. complete the Computer Shop order form.


(8) The following exemptions apply to clause 4:

  1. Peripheral items may be ordered by organisational units directly from the University's preferred suppliers or as otherwise set out in the Finance Procedure - Procurement.
  2. Standing exemptions, as approved by the Chief Information and Digital Officer (or delegate) for a class of ICT resources, for an organisational unit, or otherwise. Exemptions will be subject to appropriate security, risk, and expenditure considerations, and in accordance with relevant delegations.
  3. Other exemptions where approved first by the Computer Shop.

Mobile devices

(9) Mobile devices may be approved for eligible employees for genuine business needs (see Delegation Schedule D - Facilities and Information Technology for approval authorities).

(10) Mobile device entitlements are limited to:

  1. senior, executive or senior executive leaders – (e.g. Band 6 and above)
  2. those required for personal safety where a shared device is not practical
  3. those required for critical emergency response where a shared device is not practical
  4. shared resources for use within a team (e.g. on-call staff).

(11) Staff are limited to one sim enabled device per person. If both a phone and tablet are required to undertake duties, the tablet will be wi-fi only and use the phone hotspot to access the internet.

(12) The mobile device must be purchased from the approved Mobile Device list on the Computer Shop website. Exceptions to this require approval from the appropriate budget centre manager and the Chief Information and Digital Officer.

(13) Where there is a specific use case for sim enabled tablet device aligned to research or other outdoor activity, the budget centre manager can apply to the approval authority for exemption, noting clause 11.

(14) University-owned mobile devices that are connected to a cellular network must be connected to the University approved mobile telephony service provider under the NSW Government Rate Plan and are provided standard with:

  1. unrestricted access (restrictions can be applied upon request)
  2. international data roaming disabled. If international data roaming is required for official overseas travel, users must log an IT Service Desk Request.

(15) For any mobile device connected to the cellular network, usage will be billed against the supplied account code. Monthly charges will detail the device number and amount.

(16) Data usage will be monitored by the Division of Information Technology.  

(17) All staff allocated a mobile device must take:

  1. reasonable steps to minimise voice and data costs
  2. responsibility for the device’s security and maintaining its good working order.

(18) The Computer Shop will:

  1. maintain a list of approved mobile devices on the Computer Shop website
  2. register the mobile devices with the University approved mobile telephony service provider.

Multifunction devices

(19) Multifunction devices (MFDs) are the preferred option for all new printing devices. Staff requesting an MFD must:

  1. check there is not an MFD in the vicinity that could be used (the Chief Information and Digital Officer (or delegate) may refuse requests if they consider there to be sufficiently accessible MFDs available at a location)
  2. contact the Computer Shop for available models. Non-standard business requirements must be discussed and agreed upon with the Computer Shop prior to purchase
  3. seek approval from the appropriate budget centre manager.

(20) The Computer Shop will:

  1. liaise with the organisational unit and recommend an appropriate model to meet business requirements
  2. obtain approval from the CSU Card Manager for student use MFDs and printers
  3. order the agreed MFD or printer via the University’s preferred supplier on behalf of the organisational unit.

(21) Once an MFD or printer has been purchased, the preferred supplier will provide the consolidated usage data file to the Division of Finance for charging.

Part B - Disposal or redeployment of equipment

(22) Organisational units are encouraged to update equipment to ensure currency and warranty. ICT equipment may be subject to a service fee for devices that are retained beyond the expiry of the warranty.

(23) University-owned ICT equipment that is no longer required by an individual or organisational unit must be:

  1. disposed of via the Computer Shop, or
  2. redeployed (transferred or cascaded) within their section/organisational unit.

(24) The organisational unit must inform the Computer Shop where ICT equipment is redeployed within the section/organisational unit.

(25) University staff are prohibited from:

  1. removing University-owned ICT equipment from the workplace without approval
  2. taking University-owned ICT equipment when leaving the University
  3. donating or selling University-owned ICT equipment to others
  4. disposing of the ICT equipment in landfill or in any other manner.

(26) Exceptions allowing removal of ICT equipment must be approved in writing by the Chief Information and Digital Officer (or nominee) prior to removal. Requests must be logged as an IT service desk request.


(27) If the surplus ICT equipment is to be disposed of, the ICT equipment owner must complete the asset disposal form and follow normal University asset disposal processes as set out on the Division of Finance website. ICT equipment that was purchased through the Computer Shop must also be disposed of through the Computer Shop via a request through the IT Service Desk for the equipment to be collected.

(28) Disposal arrangements for multifunction devices are to be requested via the Computer Shop. Disposal costs will be borne by the organisational unit that owns the device.

(29) Before disposal, the Computer Shop will:

  1. remove all confidential material from the machine
  2. ensure software licensed to the University is removed to avoid breaches of copyright and agreements
  3. destroy any personal information contained on ICT equipment
  4. ensure that disposals are carried out in an environmentally responsible manner.

Transfer or cascade

(30) If the ICT equipment is to be redeployed via transfer, the responsible organisational unit must:

  1. log an IT Service Desk Request asking for the ICT equipment to be renamed to the new University staff member or organisational unit, and update account codes if required
  2. update their asset register
  3. complete and authorise the asset transfer/loan form if the ICT equipment is moving to another organisational unit.

(31) The Computer Shop will:

  1. rename the ICT equipment for the new user or organisational unit
  2. update the account code within the Computer Shop database.

(32) If the ICT equipment is to be redeployed via cascade, the responsible organisational unit must:

  1. log an IT Service Desk Request asking for the ICT equipment to be cascaded to another University staff member, or select the ‘replace existing machine’ option on new purchase order forms
  2. paying the cascade fee (if applicable)
  3. updating their asset register.

(33) The Computer Shop will:

  1. schedule the cascade activities to be undertaken
  2. install a new image (where necessary) and rename the computer or ICT equipment for the new user or organisational unit.
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Section 4 - Guidelines

(34) Nil.

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Section 5 - Glossary

(35) This procedure uses terms defined in the Information Technology Policy, as well as the following:

  1. Asset register - means the register maintained by organisational units to record minor assets (items costing less than $10,000) as per the Finance Procedure - Procurement.
  2. Budget centre manager - as defined in the Delegations and Authorisations Policy.
  3. Cascade - means to transfer ICT equipment from one staff member to another staff member within the same organisational unit.
  4. Information and communication technology equipment - means computers and devices used to store, process and receive data, including desktop computers, laptops, monitors and docking stations.
  5. Mobile device - means a University supplied mobile phone or tablet devices.
  6. Peripheral items - means items attached to a computer to complete tasks. Examples include:
    1. keyboards and mice
    2. portable projectors
    3. USB drives
    4. external hard drives
    5. portable screens
    6. network cables
    7. document cameras
    8. CD and DVD discs
    9. hands-free handsets and headsets.
  7. Multifunction device (MFD) - means a network-attached all-in-one printer, scanner and photocopier.
  8. Service level agreement - means a contract between a service provider and customer, specifying what services will be provided.
  9. Software – means software licensing for both installed software and software provided as a cloud service.