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'National Security Compliance Committee' - Membership and Terms of Reference

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Section 1 - Establishment


(1) The National Security Compliance Committee is established by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) (DVC (R)) to provide organisational oversight and coordination of processes and mechanisms to ensure that the University's people and information are safeguarded from foreign influence and interference and compliant with legislated obligations over a range of emerging and sensitive areas of activity and interest to the University.

(2) The National Security Compliance Committee (the committee) reports to the DVC (R) and, through them to the Audit and Risk Committee (ARC) of the University Council.


(3) The committee provides oversight and co-ordination of the University's governance and frameworks in relation to:

  1. the University Foreign Interference Taskforce (UFIT) guidelines and implementation and actions under the Countering Foreign Interference Procedure
  2. membership of the Defence Industry Security Program
  3. adherence to a range of legislation related to foreign interference and influence, including:
    1. Australia's Foreign Relations (State and Territory Arrangements) Act 2020 (Cth) including the Foreign Arrangements Scheme
    2. Foreign Influence Transparency Scheme Act 2018 (Cth) including the Foreign Influence Transparency Scheme
    3. Crimes Legislation Amendment (Combatting Foreign Bribery) Act 2024 (Cth)
    4. Defence Act 1903 (Cth), including the Safeguarding Australia’s Military Secrets Program
    5. Defence Trade Controls Act 2012 (Cth)
    6. Security of Critical Infrastructure Act 2018 (Cth).

(4) Where appropriate, for example in circumstances of potential heightened risk, the committee will provide advice to the relevant delegate to inform the exercise of their delegation in relation to matters outlined in section 3.

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Section 2 - Membership

(5) The committee comprises the following membership:

  1. Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) or delegate – chair
  2. Pro Vice-Chancellor Research (Performance and Governance) (ex-officio)
  3. Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) or delegate (ex-officio)
  4. Deputy Vice-Chancellor Associate (Global Research) (ex-officio)
  5. Chief Security Officer (ex-officio)
  6. Director, Risk and Compliance (ex-officio)
  7. Pro Vice-Chancellor (International) (ex-officio)
  8. Executive Director, Engagement and Enterprise (ex-officio)
  9. Head of School, Australian Graduate School of Policing & Security (ex-officio)
  10. General Counsel (ex-officio)
  11. Chief Information and Digital Officer (ex-officio)

(6) At the discretion of the chair, other permanent members with relevant experience may be appointed to ensure adequate breadth of subject expertise is present on the committee.


(7) With the approval of the chair, sub-committees may be established for the purpose of assisting the committee in discharging its functions and responsibilities.

(8) The chair of any sub-committee must be nominated from the membership of the committee.

(9) The chair of a sub-committee is accountable to the committee for the delivery of the agreed scope of work.

Rights of audience and debate

(10) The following position holders have right of audience and debate at meetings of the committee:

  1. Committee support staff, particularly regarding providing advice on procedural matters and corporate knowledge.
  2. Manager, Research Integrity
  3. Any other member of staff with the approval of the chair.

(11) Persons with rights of audience and debate have no decision-making authority in relation to the business of the committee.

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Section 3 - Functions and responsibilities

(12) It is intended that the committee be established with a general suite of functions and responsibilities and that these terms of reference be reviewed and amended at least annually to refine and better define the committee’s purpose and functions.

National Security Compliance Committee

(13) The committee shall:

  1. ensure that the University has effective policy, procedures and business processes in place to ensure compliance with the University's national security obligations (covering those areas of legislation and responsibility outlined in section 1)
  2. provide oversight of the delivery of national security training and information across the University
  3. provide advice to the relevant delegate, as appropriate, on matters of national security, including those where a heightened risk of foreign interference has been identified
  4. co-ordinate activity, as required, to ensure compliance with the University's national security obligations
  5. monitor and provide oversight of the University's performance in meeting its national security obligations
  6. monitor risks relating to the University's national security obligations and receive reports in relation to the management of those risks
  7. ensure that mechanisms are in place to detect and report potential non-compliance with the University's national security obligations, and
  8. ensure that mechanisms are in place for national security-related incident reporting and notification.


Defence Trade Controls sub-committee

(14) A standing Defence Trade Controls (DTC) sub-committee is established for the purpose of:

  1. assessing research and teaching applications in relation to the Defence Trade Controls Act
  2. developing and maintaining relevant policy, procedure and training materials
  3. reviewing and accepting, rejecting or declining teaching and research projects relating to defence trade matters
  4. receiving and considering annual reports, variations, extensions and end of project reports so that the sub-committee may be satisfied that the conduct of teaching and research continues to conform with the approved proposal, and
  5. undertaking any other reasonable activity at the request of the committee.

(15)  The DTC sub-committee members are:

  1. Pro Vice-Chancellor Research (Performance and Governance)
  2. Chief Security Officer
  3. Director, Risk and Compliance
  4. Head of School, Australian Graduate School of Policing & Security

Member responsibilities

(16) Members of the committee or any sub-committee shall:

  1. thoroughly prepare for meetings by reading applications, reports and documentation provided in meeting agendas
  2. attend scheduled meetings to deliberate on the acceptability of agenda items for approval
  3. actively engage in informed and thorough discussion of matters before the committee
  4. in a timely manner, complete actions assigned to them arising from matters before the committee
  5. complete training appropriate to the member’s position, and
  6. declare any conflict of interest.

Committee support

(17) The Research Integrity Unit will provide administrative and secretariat support so the committee can discharge its obligations. The Research Integrity Unit can also be called upon for protocol and procedural advice.

Related expenses

(18) External members may claim a meeting allowance in accordance with the Research Integrity Committee – Meeting allowances Schedule.

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Section 4 - Meetings


(19) A quorum for the committee or a sub-committee is at least 50%.


(20) Subject to these terms of reference, the committee may determine its own procedures for organising and conducting meetings.

(21) The committee will meet four times per year, at approximately regular intervals.

(22) A schedule of meeting dates and agenda closing dates will be posted on the committee website by the beginning of each academic year.

(23) Extraordinary meetings of the committee may be convened during peak workload or to review urgent committee business.

Agendas and minutes

(24) Agendas are circulated to the members one week before the meeting.

(25) Minutes of meetings are confirmed in draft by the meeting chair within one week of the meeting.

(26) Outcomes of meeting decisions are advised within two weeks of the meeting.

(27) Minutes of the meeting are circulated to members within three weeks following the meeting.

(28) Minutes of the meeting (or a summary report) are tabled at ARC.


(29) Variations to the terms of reference and/or membership of the committee must be approved by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research).

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Section 5 - Glossary

(30) Nil.