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'Web Steering Committee' - Membership and Terms of Reference

This is not a current document. It has been repealed and is no longer in force.

This is not a current document. It is no longer in force and the committee has been subsumed by the Technology Committee.

Section 1 - Establishment


(1) The Web Steering Committee was established by the former Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Administration) position in 2016, under the authority of the Delegations and Authorisations Policy, Schedule 1, Delegation GOV14.


(2) The purpose of the Web Steering Committee is to maintain oversight for the strategic online operations of Charles Sturt University (the University) and is responsible for ensuring the entire web landscape adheres to and aligns with the University Strategy.

(3) The Web Steering Committee is a committee of the Technology Governance Committee (TGC) and shall report to the TGC.

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Section 2 - Glossary

(4) For the purposes of this document:

  1. Committee – means the Web Steering Committee.
  2. Web Improvement Program – means the annual plan provided by the Web Office detailing the projects and priorities for the upcoming calendar year approved by the Web Steering Committee in quarter 4 each year.
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Section 3 - Membership

(5) The Web Steering Committee has cross-University representation and is chaired by the Executive Director, Division of Information Technology.

(6) The members of the Committee are:

  1. Executive Director, Division of Information Technology as the Chair
  2. Executive Dean, Faculty of Arts and Education
  3. Associate Director, Brand and Performance Marketing, Division of Strategy, Marketing and Analysis
  4. Executive Director, Students
  5. Pro Vice-Chancellor (Learning and Teaching)
  6. Senior Manager, Research Grants and Partnerships, Office of Research Services and Graduate Studies
  7. Director, Office of the Vice-Chancellor

(7) A regular member may appoint another person to attend a meeting or meetings on their behalf. A person so appointed will be deemed to be a regular member of the Committee for the specified time of the meeting and may vote as a regular member.

(8) Right of audience and debate shall be granted to the:

  1. Director, Application Services
  2. Senior Manager, Web Office, Division of Information Technology

(9) The Executive Officer and Manager, Shared Business Servcies, Division of Information Technology shall be secretary to the Committee.

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Section 4 - Function and responsibilities

Committee responsibilities

(10) The Web Steering Committee has responsibility to provide governance for the following:

  1. endorsement of the Web Improvement Program for the University,
  2. prioritise web activities based on the benefit to the University and the alignment with Web Strategy,
  3. endorse guidelines and policies in relation to web operations, and 
  4. compliance requirements relevant to the University web environment.

Member responsibilities

(11) Members of the Committee shall:

  1. provide strategic leadership and guidance associated with the implementation of the Web Improvement Program, and
  2. contribute to committee meetings and activities.

Advisory role and referral of matters

(12) The Committee shall have responsibility for providing advice on policy, procedures and/or practices relating to the online environment of Charles Sturt University.

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Section 5 - Meetings


(13) A quorum for meetings of the Web Steering Committee will be half of the entire membership, plus one.


(14) The Web Steering Committee meetings will occur a minimum of twice per year, or as required, via video conference.

Agenda and minutes

(15) Agendas are circulated to the Web Steering Committee members one week before each scheduled meeting.

(16) Minutes are circulated to the Web Steering Committee members within two weeks following the meeting.

Related expenses

(17) Nil.

Conflict of interest

(18) Where a member has a perceived or material conflict of interest, they must declare this to the Chair and at the Web Steering Committee meeting prior to discussion to the item of business. 


(19) Variations to the terms of reference and/or membership of the Committee must be approved by the Chair of the Technology Governance Committee.