(1) The Web Strategy Committee was established by the former Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Administration) position in 2016, under the authority of the Delegations and Authorisations Policy, Schedule 1, Delegation GOV14. (2) The purpose of the Web Strategy Committee is to: (3) For the purposes of this document: (4) The Web Strategy Committee has cross-University representation and is chaired by the Chief Financial Officer. (5) The regular members of the Committee shall be the: (6) A regular member may appoint another person to attend a meeting or meetings on their behalf. A person so appointed will be deemed to be a regular member of the Committee for the specified time of the meeting and may vote as a regular member. (7) Right of audience and debate shall be granted to the: (8) The Committee will be serviced by the Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer. (9) The Web Strategy Committee has responsibility to provide governance for the following; (10) Meetings of the Committee will occur six times per year, or as required, by video conference. (11) Lifecycle Management will include an annual review of the Committee engagement by way of an annual report to Chief Financial Officer which includes details about strategic web projects, aggregation of requests (and non-approved requests) and an indication of how the Web Strategy contributed to the University's strategic objectives.Web Strategy Committee - Membership and Terms of Reference
Section 1 - Establishment
Top of PageSection 2 - Glossary
Top of PageSection 3 - Membership
Section 4 - Function and Responsibilities
Top of PageSection 5 - Meetings
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