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Reporting to Council Procedure - Management

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Section 1 - Purpose

(1) This procedure defines the process for the preparation and communication of management reports to the Charles Sturt University Council and its committees.

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Section 2 - Policy

(2) Nil.

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Section 3 - Procedures

(3) Under Council rules, only members of the Council (or the University Secretary in limited circumstances) may submit reports, motions or proposals for consideration of the Council. The Vice-Chancellor is the sole management member of the University Council.

(4) The Vice-Chancellor is the principal executive officer of Charles Sturt University (the University) and is solely responsible for communicating the achievements, strategies and challenges of the University to the Council from a whole-of-institution perspective.

(5) As the principal executive officer of the University, and sole management member of the Council, the Vice-Chancellor has responsibility for reviewing and submitting all management reports and presentations to the Council, except in the following circumstances:

  1. Audit and related reports prepared by the Internal Auditor, or an external auditor on request of the Internal Auditor or the Audit and Risk Committee.
    1. Where required, such reports will be referred to the relevant faculty or division for a 'management response' prior to finalisation of the audit report.
    2. Once completed, draft management responses must be submitted to the Vice-Chancellor by the relevant manager or executive with a copy of the relevant audit report. The Vice-Chancellor will review and amend (where necessary) the management response and then submit the approved management response to the Internal Auditor or relevant external auditor.
    3. Once the approved management response has been submitted by the Vice-Chancellor, the Internal Auditor may submit the final report to the University Secretary for inclusion in the agenda of the Audit and Risk Committee or the Council. In submitting the report, the Internal Auditor or relevant auditor must confirm that management responses have been approved by the Vice-Chancellor before the University Secretary will accept the item for inclusion on the agenda.
  2. Items relating to Council or Committee business that are prepared by the University Secretary on behalf of the Chancellor, the Council or a committee.
  3. In some cases, the Vice-Chancellor may approve an individual senior executive to submit a routine management report or presentation on a specific topic to the Council on behalf of the Vice-Chancellor. These documents are submitted on behalf of the Vice-Chancellor in all cases. 


(6) It is essential that management reports are submitted to Governance at prior to the close of agenda, and that submissions are clear, accurate and informed by a whole-of-institution perspective. The timeline for submission is below. 

Notice of meeting and call for agenda items 4 weeks prior to meeting
Agenda closes. Papers due to Governance Services 2 weeks and 2 days prior to agenda close
Papers submitted to Vice-Chancellor by Governance Services 2 weeks prior to meeting
Papers approved by Vice-Chancellor and submitted to Governance Services  
Agenda distributed 1 week prior to meeting

(7) The dates for each meeting are listed in the Meeting Schedule available on the Council website

(8) Late submissions will require the approval of the Vice-Chancellor and the Chancellor/Chair for inclusion on the agenda. 

(9) The University Secretary or member of Governance Services will review the management report and either:

  1. submit it unamended to the Vice-Chancellor for review and final approval
  2. amend the document and submit it to the Vice-Chancellor for review and final approval, or
  3. refer the management report back to the officer who prepared the report and seek amendments.

(10) The University Secretary or member of Governance Services will then submit the management report to the Vice-Chancellor for review and approval.

(11) The Vice-Chancellor will review the management report and either:

  1. approve the document for inclusion on the agenda
  2. amend the document and approve it for inclusion in the agenda
  3. refer the management report to the Executive Leadership Team for consultation prior to submission to the Council or Committee, or
  4. refer the management report back to the officer who prepared the report and seek amendments.

(12) The University Secretary will only accept management reports (except as listed below) approved and submitted by the Vice-Chancellor or the Vice-Chancellor's Executive Officer on behalf of the Vice-Chancellor.

(13) Submissions to a committee that are endorsed for submission to the Council are not required to be re-submitted by management to the Council. Governance Services will update the submission for the Council unless the committee has requested further information or amendments. In such circumstances, the report will be referred to management for amendment and resubmission to the committee or the Council. 

(14) The University Secretary will generally refer reports, presentations or proposals from other members of the Council to the Vice-Chancellor (unless precluded by the subject matter of the submission) to enable the Vice-Chancellor to prepare a response if required.

(15) Nothing in this procedure is intended to interfere with or alter the process for submission of reports to the Council, or an officer of the Council, in accordance with relevant University policies or procedures on whistle-blowing. The University Secretary (or relevant officer) shall not disclose reports or allegations in accordance with their obligations or as required to preserve the integrity of confidential reporting processes.


(16) All submissions to the Council and its committees must be on the standard submission template developed by the University Secretary. Submission templates are available on the University Council website. The relevant submission template must be used in all cases and must be submitted in MS Word format with all relevant tables and graphics incorporated into the report. Separate attachments, including Excel, PDF and image files should be used on exception.

(17) The University's standard template for PowerPoint presentations must be used when making presentations to the Council. Presentations using PowerPoint are by exception and must be cleared by the University Secretary.

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Section 4 - Guidelines

(18) Nil.

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Section 5 - Glossary

(19) In this procedure:

  1. Council - means Charles Sturt University Council and its committees.
  2. Management report - means any report, submission, briefing, paper, business case, presentation or other form of communication that is prepared by senior staff for submission to the Council through the Vice-Chancellor.
  3. Executive Leadership Team - means the Provost and Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic), Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President (Research), Chief Operating Officer and University Secretary.
  4. University - means Charles Sturt University
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Section 6 - Document Context

Compliance Drivers N/A
Review Requirements As per the Policy Framework Policy
Document class Governance
Document type This document has the effect of a procedure under the Policy Framework Policy