(1) This Rule is the Governance (Academic Senate) Rule 2006 No 6. (2) This Rule may be referred to as the Terms of Reference - Academic Senate. (3) This Rule commences on 28 May 2009 (CNL09/59). (4) This Rule is enacted for the purpose of defining the composition of the Academic Senate and delegating to the Academic Senate certain functions of the Council under the Charles Sturt University Act 1989 No 76. (5) This Rule is made pursuant to authority granted to the Council under section 20 and 32 of the Charles Sturt University Act 1989 No 76. (6) Note: (7) In this Rule: (8) Regulation means an academic policy, procedure, guideline or other similar document of the University. (9) The notes in the text of this Rule do not form part of this Rule. (10) Headings do not form part of this Rule. (11) Note: (12) In addition to the functions prescribed in the By-law, the Academic Senate is to: (13) The Academic Senate has such other functions as may be necessary to enable it to exercise the functions specified in clause 9. (14) In exercising its functions under this section 7, the Academic Senate may: (15) Where it is necessary or convenient for the exercise by the Academic Senate of its functions, the Presiding Officer of the Academic Senate may request the Vice-Chancellor to: (16) Subject to the Act and By-law, the Academic Senate has such delegated authority as may be necessary to exercise the functions of the Academic Senate under this Rule. (17) Note: (18) The Secretary to the Academic Senate shall be the Academic Secretary, as appointed by the University from time to time. (19) Section 16 of the Act provides for there to be an Academic Senate of the University consisting of the Vice-Chancellor, members of the academic staff of the University, and of other universities, appointed by the Council and such other persons as are determined by the Council in accordance with the By-laws. Clause 101 and 102 of the By-law provides that the Council may by resolution determine the qualifications required to be held by persons in order to become members of the Academic Senate and the persons who may be members of the Academic Senate under section 16 (1) (d) of the Act. (20) A new Academic Senate shall be constituted every two years after 30 June. (21) The term of the members of the Academic Senates shall expire on the day prior to the first scheduled meeting of the new Academic Senate held after the 30 June. (22) Part 5, clause (102) of the Charles Sturt University By-law 2005 states that the Council may by resolution determine who are to be the members of the Academic Senate under section 16 (1)(d) of the Charles Sturt University Act 1989 No 76. At the time of publication of this Rule, the Academic Senate shall comprise the: (23) The Official Members of the Academic Senate are: (24) The Vice-Chancellor shall nominate a maximum of 3 persons as Nominated Members of the Academic Senate from amongst the officers of the University who hold the position of Deputy Vice-Chancellor. (25) The Appointed Members of the Academic Senate are: (26) The Elected Members of the Academic Senate are: (27) Subject to this Rule, a current member of the Academic Senate may be re-elected to the Academic Senate provided that they are, at the time of their election, eligible for membership in that category. (28) The term of office of the Presiding Officer and Deputy Presiding Officer shall end at the conclusion of the first meeting of the newly constituted Academic Senate after 30 June. (29) A person nominated or elected under this section holds office as a member of the Academic Senate for the term of the Academic Senate to which the person has been nominated or elected. (30) The term of office of all members of the Academic Senate expires on the day prior to the first meeting of the newly constituted Senate held after 30 June. (31) Note: (32) There shall be a Presiding Officer and a Deputy Presiding Officer of the Academic Senate. (33) It does not matter that a nominee for Presiding Officer or Deputy Presiding Officer of the Academic Senate is not, at the time of nomination, a member of the Academic Senate. (34) All members of the Professoriate are eligible to be nominated and elected as Presiding Officer provided that he or she does not occupy the position of Vice-Chancellor, Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Pro Vice-Chancellor, Executive Dean, Associate Dean or Head of School. A person shall not be disqualified from being nominated and elected as Presiding Officer solely because the person is acting temporarily in a position in the circumstances set out in clause 51. (35) All members of the Professoriate are eligible to be nominated and elected as Deputy Presiding Officer provided that he or she holds a full time academic appointment and, if elected to the position, does not occupy the position of Vice-Chancellor, Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Pro Vice-Chancellor or Executive Dean. A person shall not be disqualified from being nominated and elected as Deputy Presiding Officer solely because the person is acting temporarily in a position in the circumstances set out in clause 51. (36) Despite clauses 34 and 35, the University Council may override the election process and directly appoint a suitably experienced external person to the position of Presiding Officer or Deputy Presiding Officer, in which case clauses 37 to 50 will not apply. (37) Nominations must be made by two members of the Academic Senate and endorsed by the nominee. (38) If there is only one nomination for election of the Presiding Officer or Deputy Presiding Officer, the returning officer must declare the nominated candidate to be elected. (39) If there are two or more nominations for election of the Presiding Officer or Deputy Presiding Officer, the returning officer must conduct a poll of members of the Academic Senate by secret ballot. (40) At a poll for the election of the Presiding Officer or Deputy Presiding Officer, each member of the Academic Senate is entitled to cast a vote for 1 of the candidates only. (41) When the poll is finished, the returning officer must count the number of votes cast at the poll for each candidate. (42) If one candidate has received more votes than any other, the returning officer must declare that candidate to be elected. (43) If two or more candidates receive an equal number of votes cast at the poll and no other candidate receives more votes than those candidates, the returning officer must conduct a further poll. (44) A further poll is to be conducted by secret ballot. (45) At a further poll each member of the Academic Senate is entitled to vote for one of the candidates who received an equal number of votes at the original poll. (46) The returning officer must count the number of votes cast for each candidate at the further poll and, if one candidate has received more votes than any other, the returning officer must declare that candidate to be elected. (47) If two or more candidates receive an equal number of votes cast at the further poll, and no other candidate receives more votes at the further poll, the returning officer must decide by lot which of the candidates with an equal number of votes is to be declared elected. For that purpose, the returning officer: (48) The candidate whose name is drawn first following the procedure under clause 41 is to be declared elected. (49) The election of the Presiding Officer is to be held first if both the Presiding Officer and Deputy Presiding Officer are to be elected at the same meeting of the Academic Senate. (50) Where the person elected as the Presiding Officer or Deputy Presiding Officer of the Academic Senate is a current member of the Academic Senate, the position held by that person before the election will be deemed to have become vacant and will be filled in accordance with the procedures for filling a casual vacancy under Division 5 of this Rule. (51) Unless otherwise determined by a resolution of the Council or Chancellor's Foresighting Committee of the Council, a person may not serve more than two consecutive terms as Presiding Officer or Deputy Presiding Officer of the Academic Senate. (52) Note: (53) Section 31 (1) of the Act provides that the Council may make rules for the good government of the University, including determining the manner of election of the presiding member of the Academic Senate. (54) The Presiding Officer shall: (55) The Deputy Presiding Officer shall: (56) For the purpose of the Act, a person acting as the Presiding Officer shall be a member of the Council and assume the membership of any committee of which the Presiding Officer is a member for the time being in the place of the holder of the office. (57) A casual vacancy will arise in the office of a member of the Academic Senate where the member: (58) Notwithstanding clause 57e, a casual vacancy will not arise in the office of Presiding Officer or Deputy Presiding Officer, Academic Senate solely because the member is appointed to act in a position prescribed under clause 28 or 29: (59) For the purpose of clause 57c, a person is not be deemed to have ceased employment solely because the person has ended one contract of employment and commenced a new contract of employment within a reasonable period of time. (60) In the event of a casual vacancy in the office of Presiding Officer occurring during the first 12 months of the term of office it shall be filled by election in accordance with Division 4 of this Rule. (61) In the event of the casual vacancy in the office of Presiding Officer occurring after the first 12 months of the term of office it shall be filled by the Deputy Presiding Officer. (62) Until a casual vacancy in the office of Presiding Officer which occurs during the first 12 months of the term of office is filled, the Deputy Presiding Officer shall act as Presiding Officer. (63) If a casual vacancy exists in both the office of the Presiding Officer and the Deputy Presiding Officer, the Vice-Chancellor shall act as Presiding Officer until either of the casual vacancies is filled. (64) For a person elected to fill a casual vacancy in the office of Presiding Officer which is less than 12 months, then that term of office is not counted when applying the requirement that a person may not serve more than two consecutive terms as Presiding Officer. (65) Note: (66) In the event of a casual vacancy in the office of Deputy Presiding Officer occurring during the first 12 months of the term of office it shall be filled by election in accordance with Division 4 of this Rule. (67) In the event of a casual vacancy in the office of Deputy Presiding Officer occurring after the first 12 months of the term of office it shall be filled as determined by the Senate. (68) For a person elected to fill a casual vacancy in the office of Deputy Presiding Officer which is less than 12 months, then that term of office is not counted when applying the requirement that a person may not serve more than two consecutive terms as Deputy Presiding Officer. (69) Note: (70) If there is a casual vacancy in a position of an Nominated Member the position shall be filled by the appointment of a person by the Vice-Chancellor who holds the same qualifications for appointment as set out in section 11. (71) A person who fills a vacancy under this section holds office as a member of the Academic Senate, subject to the Act and this By-law, for the rest of the term of the person's predecessor in office. (72) If there is a casual vacancy in a position elected by the Professors' Forum the position shall be filled by the Professors' Forum electing an eligible candidate to the vacancy as set out in clause 21a. (73) If there is a casual vacancy in a position elected by the Faculty the position shall be filled by the relevant Faculty electing an eligible candidate to the vacancy as set out in clause 21b. (74) If there is a casual vacancy in a position elected by the undergraduate or postgraduate students the position shall be filled in accordance with a procedure determined by resolution of the Academic Senate as set out in clause 26c or d. (75) A person who fills a vacancy under this section holds office as a member of the Academic Senate, subject to the Act and this By-law, for the rest of the term of the person's predecessor in office. (76) Note: (77) A Faculty may nominate an alternate member of Faculty Board to attend meetings of the Academic Senate at which one, or both, of the members elected by the Faculty Board is unable to attend. (78) An alternate member under clause 66 may only exercise a right of audience and debate. (79) The Academic Secretary shall be responsible for the administration of the business of the Academic Senate. (80) The Academic Secretary is the returning officer for all elections for members of the Academic Senate under this Rule. (81) The returning officer may, subject to the Act, By-laws and Rules, decide all matters relating to the procedure for the conduct of an election under this Rule. (82) Subject to the Act, By-laws and Rules, a decision of the returning officer relating to an election under this Rule, including a decision relating to the eligibility of a candidate or a voter, the conduct of the election or the result of an election, is final. (83) The returning officer is entitled to attend meetings of the Academic Senate for the purpose of conducting an election under this Rule. (84) The returning officer is to preside during any part of a meeting of the Academic Senate at which an election for the Presiding Officer or Deputy Presiding Officer is to be held. No business other than the election of the Presiding or Deputy Presiding Officer may be conducted at a meeting of the Academic Senate while the returning officer is presiding. (85) The following officers of the University shall have a right of audience and debate at meetings of the Academic Senate: (86) The Presiding Officer may grant to any other officer of the University a right of audience and debate for a specified period of time. (87) The rules for the conduct of meetings, including the number for a quorum, will be in accordance with the Rule for the Conduct of Meetings of Academic Committees. (88) Note: (89) Any act, matter or thing that had effect and any regulation approved by the Academic Senate before the commencement of this Rule is taken to have effect under this Rule. (90) A person who was a member of the Academic Senate immediately prior to the commencement of this Rule continues to be a member of the Academic Senate for the balance of the person's term of office. (91) No amendment made by this Rule affects the continuity of the Academic Senate. (92) Notwithstanding section 8 and 14, the Council may by resolution vary the term of one or more members of the Academic Senate, and of the Presiding Officer and Deputy Presiding Officer of the Academic Senate, where this is appropriate in the view of the Council. (93) Where the Council resolves to extend the term of all members of the Academic Senate under clause 92, the term of the members of the Academic Senate at that time, including the Presiding Officer and Deputy Presiding Officer, are deemed to continue until a date determined by the Council. (94) The term of the new Academic Senate will commence on the day following the expiry of the extended term of the Academic Senate under clause 93. Notwithstanding a variation to the term of the Academic Senate, the term of the next Academic Senate will expire in accordance with section 8 of the Rule, unless otherwise decided by the Council. (95) Where the Council varies the term of one or more members of the Academic Senate, and/or the Presiding Officer or Deputy Presiding Officer of the Academic Senate in accordance with clause 92, an election for new members, and/or a new Presiding Officer and Deputy Presiding Officer will be held on a date determined by the Council.Governance (Academic Senate) Rule 2006 No 6
Division 1 Introduction
1 Name of Rule
2 Commencement
3 Purpose
4 Authority
5 Glossary
6 Notes and Headings
Division 2 Functions
7 Functions of the Academic Senate
Division 3 Term and Composition
8 New Academic Senate to be Constituted Every Two Years
9 Composition of the Academic Senate
10 Official Members
of the Academic Senate elected in accordance with Division 4 of this Rule.11 Nominated Members
12 Appointed Members
13 Elected Members
14 Term
Division 4 Official Members
15 Presiding Officer and Deputy Presiding Officer
16 Qualifications of the Presiding Officer and Deputy Presiding Officer
17 Form of Nomination for Presiding Officer and Deputy Presiding Officer
18 Contested and Uncontested Elections
19 Procedure for electing Presiding Officer and Deputy Presiding Officer
20 Determining Count
21 Conduct of Further Poll
22 Order in which Elections for Presiding Officer or Deputy Presiding Officer are to be Held
23 Casual Vacancy to be Declared
24 Term
25 Role of the Presiding Officer
or, where the Presiding Officer, cannot participate in the panel for any reason, to nominate a member of the Academic Senate or of the Professiorate to be a member of the selection panel (such member to have the same rights and responsibilities as the Presiding Officer).26 Role of the Deputy Presiding Officer
26A Casual Vacancy
Division 5 Casual Vacancies
27 Casual Vacancy in Office of the Presiding Officer
28 Deputy Presiding Officer
29 Casual Vacancies in the Position of a Nominated Member
30 Filling of Casual Vacancy in the Position of an Elected Member
Division 6 Miscellaneous
31 Alternate Faculty Members
32 Administration of Academic Senate
33 Returning Officer
34 Right of Audience and Debate
35 Meetings
36 Validation
37 Transitional Provision
38 Continuation of Academic Senate
39 Variation to Term of the Senate and its Members
View Current
This is not a current document. It has been repealed and is no longer in force.
Under section 20 of the Charles Sturt University Act 1989 No 76, the Council may delegate all or any of its functions to a committee or other body of the University (other than its power of delegation). Section 32 of the Act states that the Council may make rules for the good government of the University and with respect to the functions, processes and procedures of bodies of the Council.
Under clause 105 of the By-Law, the Academic Senate is the 'principal academic body of the University'. The By-law prescribes the principal functions of Academic Senate which include advising the Council and Vice-Chancellor on all matters relating to teaching, scholarship and research, ensuring the high quality of teaching and learning and research within the University by developing and implementing appropriate policies, determining the list of graduands of the University advising the Vice-Chancellor on the teaching and research activities and on the allocation of teaching and research responsibilities within the University's facilitates, considering an d reporting on matters referred to it by the Vice-Chancellor and making recommendations to the Council or Vice-Chancellor about academic standards, research or facilities at the University.
Under section 20 of the Act, the Council may, in relation to any matter or class of matters or in relation to any activity or function of the University delegate all or any of its functions (except its power of delegation) to any member or committee of the Council or to any authority or officer of the University or to any other person or body prescribed by the By-laws.
Clause 104 of the By-law provides that a member of the Academic Senate referred to in section 16 (1) (c) or (d) of the Act holds office, subject to the Act and the By-law, for two years from and including the date on which the member takes office. The term of each Academic Senate under this Rule is two years. This clause does not apply to persons who are members of the Academic Senate only because they hold particular offices or positions at the University.
The By-Law prescribes, at clause 103 (1) and 103 (2), that casual vacancies in elected positions are to be filled by the Council. By virtue of this Rule, Council has determined that the manner for the filling of a casual vacancy in the position of the Presiding Officer shall be as set out in section 27.
The By-Law prescribes, at clause 103(1) and 103(2) that casual vacancies in elected positions are to be filled by the Council. By virtue of this Rule, Council has determined that the manner for the filling of a casual vacancy in the position of the Deputy Presiding Officer shall be as set out in section 28.
Clause 103 of the By-law provides that if a person who holds office as a member of the Academic Senate under section 16 (1) (d) of the Act by virtue of having been elected by a body of, or a body associated with, the University vacates office during the first 12 months of the member's term of office, the vacancy is to be filled by the Council after an election held by the Council. If a person who holds office as a member of the Academic Senate under section 16 (1) (d) of the Act by virtue of having been elected by a body of, or a body associated with, the University vacates office during the last 12 months of the member's term of office, the vacancy is to be filled by an appointment made by the Council. If a person who holds office as a member of the Academic Senate under section 16 (1) (d) of the Act by virtue of having been appointed or nominated to that office by a body of, or a body associated with, the University vacates office during the member's term of office, the vacancy is to be filled by the Council from a nomination made by that body. A person is not eligible to be elected, appointed or nominated to fill a vacancy under this section unless he or she holds the appropriate qualification (if any) to be a member of the Academic Senate of a category of the office that was vacated.
Clause 110 of the By-Law prescribes the authority that the Academic Senate has in relation the making of rules pertaining to the establishment of committees of the Academic Senate (provided that the functions of those committees do not exceed the functions conferred on the Academic Senate under clause 105 of the By-Law), the manner and time of convening, holding and adjourning meetings of the Academic Senate and its committees, the manner of voting at meetings of the Academic Senate and its committees, and the conduct of business of the Academic Senate and its committees.