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'Student Experience Committee' - Membership and Terms of Reference

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Section 1 - Establishment


(1)  The Student Experience Committee is a management committee established by the Vice-Chancellor to encourage and enable students and staff to consult and advise on student experience matters, including those which are covered by the Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2021 and the Education Services for Overseas Student (ESOS) legislation. 


(2) The purpose of the Student Experience Committee is to consult and provide advice on student experience matters and to support a shared understanding between staff and students of the impact of various activities on the student experience.

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Section 2 - Glossary

(3) For the purpose of this document:

  1. Committee - means Student Experience Committee
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Section 3 - Membership

(4) The members of the committee are:

  1. Provost and Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) – chair
  2. Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Student Success
  3. Executive Director, Student Experience
  4. Executive Director, Safety, Security and Wellbeing
  5. Head, Communications and Government Relations
  6. President of the Student Senate (or nominee)
  7. One higher degree by research student representative, nominated by the Student Senate in liaison with the Dean, Graduate Research
  8. One postgraduate coursework student representative, nominated by the Student Senate
  9. One on-campus undergraduate Student Representative Committee (SRC) representative, nominated by the Student Senate
  10. One online SRC representative, nominated by the Student Senate.

(5) The committee will, where practicable, aim for 40:40:20 gender representation for student membership positions.

(6) The Provost and Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) will determine an appropriate person to act as committee secretary.

(7) The student members appointed to the Student Experience Committee shall have a term of one year and at the conclusion of their term, they may re-nominate for the committee.

(8) The holder of a student membership position must inform the chair as soon as reasonably practicable if they are no longer a student at Charles Sturt University or they no longer meet the membership requirements of their appointed position.

(9) Where the holder of a student membership position is no longer a student of Charles Sturt University or no longer meets position membership requirements of their appointed position, they will be considered ineligible for their position on the Student Experience Committee and a new appointment will be made.

(10) When a vacancy of an appointed member occurs, a new appointment will be made.

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Section 4 - Functions and responsibilities

Committee responsibilities

(11) The Student Experience Committee will be responsible for monitoring, consulting and advising on the following student experience matters:

  1. Student wellbeing and safety.
  2. Student grievances and complaints.
  3. Student surveys and student survey outcomes and action plans.
  4. Opportunities for students to participate in University decision-making processes.
  5. Open days, orientation, intensives, exams, timetabling and graduation.
  6. Information technology (as specifically related to the student experience, for example, the Student Portal).
  7. Campus facilities and infrastructure as specifically related to the student experience, including sporting facilities, food and beverage areas, residential accommodation and recreational spaces.
  8. Online facilities and infrastructure specifically related to the student experience, including social activities, and support networks.
  9. Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF) funding.
  10. Matters impacting the student experience of specific cohorts of students.
  11. Other related student experience activities or matters.

Committee functions

(12) The role of the committee is as follows:

  1. Consult and advise on initiatives, activities and strategies to improve the student experience.
  2. Monitor and advise on student experience outcomes, including student experience data and survey results.
  3. Within the framework of the relevant policies, monitor and review reports and action plans from student experience operational areas, committees, sub-committees, working parties and projects and provide feedback where appropriate.
  4. Report systemic, potential and emerging issues of concern to relevant the University areas.
  5. Review and provide feedback on policies and procedures relating to students.
  6. Receive submissions from the Student Senate and Student Representative Committees and support other methods to seek broad student input.
  7. Make recommendations to the Executive Leadership Team, Student Senate and Student Representative Committees, and other areas of the University, to facilitate an improved student experience.
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Section 5 - Meetings


(13) Meetings are to be held at least four times per year, with additional meetings scheduled as required.

Agendas and minutes

(14) Agendas and minutes shall be prepared by the committee secretary.

(15) Minutes will be submitted to the Academic Portfolio Leadership Team, Student Senate and the Student Support Services Reference Group for noting.

Conflicts of interest

(16) Where a member has a perceived or material conflict of interest, they must declare this to the chair and at the committee meeting prior to discussion of the item of business. 


(17) Variations to the terms of reference and/or membership of the committee must be approved by the Vice-Chancellor.


(18) Should committee members be unable to attend a meeting, they may choose to nominate another person from their respective faculty/division/office or student representative group to attend on their behalf. In this instance, it is expected that the committee member shall provide a briefing to their nominated representative prior to the scheduled meeting.