(1) This Rule is the Governance (Council Meetings) Rule 2007 No. 4. (2) This Rule may be referred to as the Council Meetings Rule. (3) This Rule commences on 31 August 2007 under resolution CNL07/98. (4) This Rule is enacted for the purpose of establishing procedures for the conduct of meetings of the Council and its committees. (5) This Rule is made pursuant to authority granted to the Council under sections 20, 31(1)(f) and 32 of the Act. (6) In this Rule: (7) In this Rule, unless the contrary intention appears: (8) Division 2 applies to the conduct of meetings of committees only. (9) Where a vacancy arises in the membership of a committee, the Council shall (where practicable) elect a new member to the committee at the next meeting of the Council after which the vacancy arises. (10) The term of the member elected under clause 9 shall be: (11) The Council shall have regard to the need to maintain an appropriate balance of experienced and new members on the committee when electing members of committees. (12) Unless otherwise determined under the rules of the Council, where a vacancy arises in the chair of a committee, the Council shall (where practicable) elect a new chair to the committee from amongst the members of the Council at the next meeting of the Council after which the vacancy arises. (13) The term of the chair elected under clause 12 shall be the balance of the member's term on the Council. (14) In electing a chair, the Council shall have regard to the skills, qualifications and experience needed by the person to provide leadership to the committee in the exercise of its functions. (15) The chair of each committee meeting has charge of the conduct of that meeting. (16) The chair shall preside at all meetings of the committee at which the chair is present and able to so act. (17) Subject to the Act, By-law and rules of the Council, the chair shall determine the procedures to be adopted and the application of those procedures at that meeting. (18) The chair of each committee is responsible for: (19) The chair of each committee (or a nominee) will provide a report, orally or in writing, to the Council at its next scheduled meeting on the activities of the committee, and any issues about which the Council should be aware, during the intervening period. (20) The chair will facilitate an annual review of the work and performance of the committee and its members against the terms of reference and provide a report and any recommendations of the committee to the Council. (21) Unless otherwise determined under the rules of the Council, the committee shall elect a member of the committee to be deputy chair of the committee for such a term as may be specified by the committee (not exceeding the member's term of appointment to the committee). (22) The deputy chair may be removed from office by resolution of the committee. (23) In the absence of the chair at a meeting of the committee, the deputy chair may exercise all the power and authorities of the chair. (24) The office of a member of a committee (including the chair or deputy chair) becomes vacant: (25) Except where the context provides otherwise, Divisions 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 of this Rule apply to the conduct of meetings of both the Council and its committees. (26) The University Secretary will prepare a draft calendar each year of the ordinary meetings of the Council and its committees for the next calendar year or years for the approval of the Council in accordance with the Act, By-law or the Rule establishing the committee. (27) A committee is to hold ordinary meetings as provided in the calendar. (28) The University Secretary may determine the time and date by which notice must be received by the University Secretary of matters to be submitted to any meeting of the Council or a committee. (29) Where a member wishes to consider a matter at a meeting they will give notice of the matter to the University Secretary on or before the time and date determined by the University Secretary under clause 28 for that meeting. (30) The University Secretary shall, on receipt of a notice under clause 29, include in the business papers details of the matter to which the notice relates. (31) Notwithstanding clauses 28 to 30, a matter for which notice has not been given may be considered at an ordinary meeting where a motion is passed by the members at the meeting permitting it to be considered. (32) The University Secretary must send an electronic notice of the time and date of each ordinary meeting to each member of a committee at least five working days before the meeting. (33) A notice under clause 32 will: (34) The notice is to be accompanied by: (35) A notice of a meeting is not required to be given to a member where that member: (36) A document or documents will be deemed to have been received by a member under this Rule where: (37) The University Secretary must convene a special (extraordinary) meeting of the Council or a committee on receipt of a written request to do so from: (38) A request under clause 37 is to specify the purpose of the meeting, the items and any business papers to be considered at the meeting. (39) The date of the special meeting convened under clause 37 is to be a date as soon as reasonably practicable after the request to hold the meeting is made. (40) Where, in the opinion of the chair, it is not reasonably possible to hold a meeting of the Council or committee together for the purpose of considering the business, the chair may: (41) Members are required to attend the whole of each ordinary and special meeting of the Council or committee of which notice has been provided in accordance with this Rule. (42) A member may be excused from attendance at a meeting, or given leave to depart after the commencement of a meeting, by a resolution approved by a majority of the members present at the meeting of the Council or committee. (43) The Council or committee may only excuse a member from attendance at a meeting where the member has provided valid reasons for unavoidable non-attendance to the satisfaction of the Council or committee. Acceptance of an apology is not automatic. (44) Where a member has been excused from attendance at a meeting of the Council or committee, the name of the member shall be recorded in the minutes by the University Secretary as an apology. (45) Where a member has not sought approval to be excused from attendance at a meeting prior to the commencement of the meeting, the member will be recorded in the minutes as absent. (46) A member may request in writing to be excused after the completion of a meeting. Where a member does not request permission to be excused, or the Council or committee does not accept the apology of the member, the member will be recorded as absent from the meeting. (47) A meeting of a committee of the Council is deemed to be a meeting of the Council for the purpose of clause 4(1) of Schedule 1 of the Act. (48) The University Secretary will declare the position of a member vacant where the member fails to be excused from attendance in accordance with clause (2)(i) of Schedule 1 of the Act. (49) A person may attend for part or all of a Council or committee meeting at the invitation of the chair, in consultation with the Vice-Chancellor. Attendees will not have right of debate and may not participate in a vote. (50) Observers are not permitted at Council or committee meetings except by invitation of the chair. (51) At any meeting of the Council or a committee, a majority of the total number of members for the time being of the Council or committee constitutes a quorum. (52) If, at a meeting of the Council or a committee, a quorum is not present: (53) Where an urgent matter has been received by the Council or committee for consideration at a meeting at which a quorum is not present, the chair may direct the University Secretary to conduct a meeting using technology or by flying minute. (54) If the chair (or in their absence, the deputy chair) is not present within 10 minutes after the time appointed for a Council or a committee meeting or if the chair is unwilling or unable to act as chair for the whole or any part of that meeting, the members present may: (55) The committee may, by resolution, adjourn a meeting of the Council or the committee to a later time or date or to the same or another place or by a different method. (56) A motion brought before a meeting in accordance with this Rule shall be received and put to the meeting by the chair. (57) At a meeting the chair may call for the starring of items that appear on the agenda. (58) Where the chair calls for the starring of items, the chair shall invite members before the consideration of the business of the meeting to star those items that members wish to discuss. Upon receipt of the advice of the members, the chair will put to a vote that all items that have not been starred by the members be approved by the meeting in the terms set out in the notice. (59) Where an item is not starred, and a vote taken in the affirmative, this shall be conclusive evidence that the motion is approved by the meeting. (60) Except with the consent of a majority of the members, a motion may not be withdrawn after being placed on the business paper prepared for that meeting. (61) The chair shall call: (62) A motion supported by a majority of the votes cast at a meeting at which a quorum is present is a resolution of the Council or committee. (63) A member may, immediately after a vote on a motion or an amendment to a motion has been taken, call for a division in respect of the voting. (64) Where a division is called under clause 63, the chair shall immediately call upon members to raise their hands: (65) Notwithstanding a vote under clause 63, a division under clause 64 shall be deemed to be conclusive evidence of the decision of the meeting. (66) Where a division is held under clause 64, the University Secretary shall record the names of each member, and their vote, into the minutes. (67) An entry into the official minutes as to the vote cast by members will be sufficient evidence of that fact without a requirement for further proof. (68) No objection may be made to the validity of any vote except at the meeting at which the vote is tendered, and every vote not disallowed at that meeting is valid for all purposes. (69) Unless a division is called under clause 64, the minutes will record the resolution as it was agreed by the Council or committee without further requirement for listing of the names of members who voted in the affirmative or the negative on the motion. (70) Despite clause 69, the University Secretary will record into the minute the vote of a member in the affirmative or the negative on public request of the member to the University Secretary at the time of the vote. (71) A member will not absent themself from a meeting without approval of the chair. (72) The University Secretary will record into the minute the period of any temporary absences of members approved by the chair. (73) If on any motion where an equal number of votes is cast for and against a motion, the chair has a casting vote in addition to any vote cast by the chair as a member. (74) Where only two members are present and form a quorum or when only two members present are able to vote on the motion, the chair does not have a casting vote and the proposal will be deemed to have lapsed. (75) A motion lapses if the chair declines to exercise a casting vote when the votes for and against the motion are equal. (76) A motion put at a meeting may not be altered or rescinded unless agreed by a majority of the members of the Council or committee at the meeting to which the motion is put. (77) Where a notice of motion is altered or rescinded under clause 76: (78) Where at a meeting a notice of motion to rescind a resolution is given in respect of a resolution passed at the meeting, the resolution shall not be carried into effect until after the motion is put and lost. (79) Subject to this Rule, a member may, during the debate of a matter at the meeting, move, as a procedural motion, that: (80) A procedural motion may be moved under clause 79 at the conclusion of a speaker's time, and the chair shall, on the motion being moved, immediately put the motion without permitting debate on the motion. (81) The chair may rule a procedural motion out of order where a motion to the same effect has been put, and lost, at the meeting. (82) Subject to this Rule, a member may at a meeting ask a question for reply by another member or attendee at a meeting of the Council or committee. (83) A member or attendee may take a question on notice for reply at a subsequent meeting or at such a time as may be determined by the chair. (84) A motion, amendment to a motion, procedural motion, or a matter before a meeting, which is determined by the chair to be out of order shall be rejected. (85) A member at a meeting may, without notice, move a motion of dissent in relation to a ruling by the chair on a point of order under clause 84. (86) Where, under clause 84, a motion is moved, further consideration of the matter in relation to which the ruling of the chair was made shall be suspended until after the motion is put. (87) Where a motion moved under clause 85 is carried, the matter in relation to which the ruling of the chair was made shall: (88) The chair may approve: (89) A member participating in a meeting using technology is to be considered present in person at the meeting, and the rules relating to meetings contained within this Rule apply. (90) A member may not leave a meeting using technology by disconnecting their link to the meeting unless that member has previously notified the chair. (91) A member is conclusively presumed to have been present and to have formed part of a quorum at all times during a meeting using technology unless that member has previously obtained the express consent of the chair to leave the meeting. (92) The chair may request the University Secretary to conduct a meeting by flying minute in respect of a: (93) A flying minute will include: (94) A flying minute will be sent to the email address provided to the University Secretary by the member for that purpose. (95) Where a two-thirds majority of members sign and approve the motion in the terms provided, the motion will be deemed to have been passed at a meeting of the Council or committee held on the day on which the document was last signed by a member. (96) Notwithstanding clause 88, the Council may allow a committee to conduct its ordinary business by flying minute. (97) The University Secretary will keep an official minute of each meeting of the Council and its committees. (98) The official minute shall record: (99) The minutes shall be conclusive evidence of the business of the meeting. (100) Within a reasonable time after the end of each meeting, the University Secretary shall prepare a draft official minute of the meeting for approval by the chair. (101) After approval by the chair, the unconfirmed minute of the Council or committee will be included on the agenda of the next meeting of the Council and/or committee for confirmation by the members. (102) Upon confirmation by the members, the chair of the next committee meeting must sign the minute. (103) A confirmed minute of the committee shall be included on the agenda of the next meeting of the Council (where practicable). Where the minute has not yet been confirmed by a committee, the unconfirmed minute shall be included on the agenda of the next meeting of the Council (where practicable). (104) Despite clause 103, the University Secretary may include a recommendation to the Council from a committee on the business papers for the next ordinary meeting of the Council despite the fact that the minutes of the committee are not confirmed by the committee. (105) A recommendation under clause 104 will be deemed to be proposed by the chair of the committee. (106) Notices, business papers and minutes of meetings may only be published to members of the Council and its committees unless otherwise approved by the University Secretary or where disclosure is otherwise required by law (for example, the Auditor General). (107) Despite clause 106, notices, business papers and minutes may be distributed by the University Secretary to specified officers of the University from time to time. (108) Confidential matters in a notice, business paper or minute will be so marked by the University Secretary. (109) Confidential matters under clause 108 will not be disclosed except as provided in this Rule. (110) For the purpose of this clause a matter is confidential if: (111) Where any document includes information that would constitute a conflict of interest if read by a member, attendee or specified officer of the University, the University Secretary may exclude that document, or relevant parts of that document, from distribution to the member, attendee or specified officer. (112) The University Secretary will cause to be published a minute summary of non-confidential matters for publication on the University website. (113) The University Secretary is responsible for: (114) The University Secretary, or a person appointed by the University Secretary, shall attend all meetings of the Council and its committees. (115) Proceedings at a meeting of the Council or committee are taken to have been validly transacted even though:Governance (Council Meetings) Rule 2007 No. 4
Division 1 Introduction
Name of Rule
Division 2 Members and officeholders of committees
Election of members of committees
Election of chairs of committees
Role of chair
Election of deputy chair
Term and vacation of office
Division 3 Holding of meetings
Ordinary meetings
Members may give notice of business
Consideration of matters without notice
Secretary to give notice of ordinary meetings
Special meetings of the Council or committee
Attendees and observers
Division 4 Conduct of meetings
Standing over of unfinished business
Absence of chair
Adjournment of meetings
Division 5 Voting
Motions to be put by the chair
Starring of items
Motions not to be withdrawn
Method of taking vote
Calling a division
Validity of votes
Record of voting
Casting vote
Rescinding or altering motions
Procedural motions
Motion to be rejected if out of order
Motion of dissent
Division 6 Use of technology and flying minutes
Use of technology in meetings
Flying minute
Division 7 Records
Secretary to keep official minutes
Confirmation of official minutes
Confirmed minutes to be forwarded to the Council
Publication of notices, business papers and minutes
Confidential matters
Certain items not to be disclosed
Minutes summary
Division 8 Miscellaneous
Validity of proceedings
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Notes: Section 20 of the Act allows the Council to delegate all or any of its authorities to an officer or body of the University. Sections 31(1)(f) and 32 of the Act state that the Council may make Rules with respect to the conduct and record of business of the Council.
Notes: Under clause 4(2) of Schedule 1 of the Act, it does not matter that any or all of the members of a committee of the Council are not members of the Council.
Notes: Clause 92 of the By-law states that the Council shall meet at least five times each year.
all business that should have been transacted at the meeting is to be stood over until the next ordinary meeting, and is to take precedence at that meeting, unless a special meeting is convened in the meantime for the transaction of that business.
and may do so as often as the chair considers it necessary to enable them to form and declare an opinion as to whether there is a majority of affirmative or negative votes.
However, does not include matters where:
Notes: Clause 19(1) of the By-law states that there is to be a Secretary appointed by the Council. The term of office of the Secretary is determined by the Council. Clause 19(2) states that the Secretary has such functions and authorities as are conferred or imposed on the Secretary under the By-law and any rules of the Council. The Secretary is subject to the same duties as members of the Council under Schedule 3 of the Act. The Secretary may be removed from office by the Council for breach of duty.