This is the current version of this document. To view historic versions, click the link in the document's navigation bar.
Section 1 - Establishment
(1) The Academic Senate, in adopting the policy paper "Postgraduate Research Supervision: Registration, Training and Faculty Support", on 14 December 1994 (AS 94/247) accepted the establishment of Faculty Research and Higher Degrees Committees with the following suggested membership and terms of reference. The terms of reference were further amended on 25 October 1995 (AS 95/207) and 19 August 1998 (AS 98/188).
(2) The Academic Senate determined on 18 August 1999 (AS 99/99) that the Faculty Research Committees should be disestablished and the Faculties are free to develop their own committees or other internal consultative and advisory mechanisms relevant to the needs of their research activities and graduate studies programs.
Top of PageSection 2 - Faculty Arrangements for Research Activities and Graduate Studies Program
Part A - Faculty of Arts and Education
Arts Research and Graduate Studies Committee
(3) The Faculty determined on 18 November 1999 (FBA 99/171) to establish a Faculty Research Committee. Amended on 4 August 2005 (FBA 05/163), 7 June 2007 (FBA 07/69), 30 April 2008 (AS 08/40), 16 July 2008 (AS 08/76) and 21 March 2012 (FBA12/05).
(4) The members include:
- Associate Deans, Research (Presiding Officer);
- Faculty Research Officer;Presiding Officer, or nominee of each School Research Development Committee;Research Higher Degree Coordinator in each school; and
- up to five members of the Faculty, nominated by the Executive Dean, who have an appropriate research profile and represent the Faculty's designated research areas.
Terms of Reference
(5) The Faculty of Arts and Education Research Committee shall:
- contribute to Faculty planning on research and higher degree matters;
- determine policy guidelines for the operation of School Research Development Committees;
- receive and consider the minutes of meetings of School Research Development Committees;
- receive and consider reports from the Presiding Officers of School Research Development Committees on research activity within the Schools;
- make recommendations for guidelines for the Faculty's research grant schemes;
- make recommendations to the Faculty on:
- additions and/or deletions to the University Register of Fields of Research (Higher Degrees); and
- research higher degree development priorities for the triennium.
(6) Develop Faculty-specific information and resource materials for research and professional doctorate students and supervisors within the Faculty.
(7) Provide general advice to the Executive Dean, the Faculty, and the University on all research and higher degree matters that affect the Faculty of Arts and Education.
Part B - Faculty of Business, Justice and Behavioural Sciences
(8) The Faculty of Business, Justice and Behavioural Sciences Research and Higher Degrees (Research) Committee was disestablished by the Business Faculty Board on 14 August 2012 (FBB 12/67) and was replaced by the Faculty Research Committee. The membership and terms of reference of the Faculty Research Committee are to be advised.
Part C - Faculty of Education
Research Management Committee
(9) The Faculty of Education Research and Graduate Studies Committee was disestablished on 28 June 2011 and replaced by the Faculty of Education Research Management Committee (FBE 11/37 refers).
(10) Meetings of the Faculty of Education Research Management Committee will be held quarterly (March, May, August, and November).
(11) The members include:
- Associate Deans Research - Presiding Officer;
- Sub-Dean Graduate Studies;
- Head of School, School of Education, or nominee and Chair, Research and Professional Learning Committee;
- Head of School, School of Teacher Education, or nominee and Chair, Research and Development Committee;
- Head of School, School of Information and Communication Studies or nominee and Chair, Research and Development Committee;
- Leader, Early Childhood Research Priority Area;
- Leader, Teacher Education Research Priority Area;
- Leader, Information Studies Research Priority Area;
- Director of RIPPLE or representative;
- Member of the Professoriate as nominated by the Executive Dean;
- Foundation Chair of Indigenous Studies; and
- Faculty Research and Graduate Studies Officer (Executive Officer).
Terms of Reference
(12) The Faculty of Education Research Management Committee is responsible for recommending to Faculty Board matters relating to research and graduate studies by staff:
- prepare the Faculty Research and Research Training Management Plan and oversee implementation of the staff research elements of the plan;
- advise on policy guidelines for the operation of School Research Development Committees;
- receive and review annual plans for expenditure of each of the Faculty Research Priority Areas;
- receive and review annual plans for expenditure of each of the School Research Development Committees;
- receive and review meeting minutes from each School Research Development Committee meetings;
- receive and review successful applications to the Research Program Fund, Faculty Small Grant Scheme, Faculty New Staff Grant Scheme;
- receive and review progress/final reports from the Research Program Fund, Faculty Small Grant Scheme, Faculty New Staff Grant Scheme;
- foster and stimulate research in the Faculty;
- advise Faculty Board on future Research Centre bids and strategic priorities for staff research;
- encourage research collaboration with industry and other institutions;
- provide general advice to the Executive Dean and the Faculty on research and graduate studies matters;
- make recommendations on the structure and content of research higher degree programs and review their effectiveness;
- make recommendations to the Faculty on the additions and deletions to the University Register of fields of Research;
- monitor the implementation of the University Research and Higher Degree Policy in the Faculty and provide advice to Faculty Board and the Research Committee on possible amendments to regulations;
- receive and review minutes from the Graduate Studies Sub-Committee;
- via the Graduate Studies Sub Committee:
- develop and implement policy on selection of higher degree students and appointment of supervisors;
- monitor the progress and numbers of higher degree research students in the Faculty; and
- monitor the processes of supervision of research students;
- recommend to the Research Committee members of staff for inclusion on the University register of Research and Higher Degree Supervision;
- receive and review applications for admission to the doctoral program;
- receive and review research proposal approvals;
- receive and review notices of intention to submit;
- receive and review examination reports and subsequent recommendations to graduate;
- dispute resolution.
Graduate Studies Sub Committee
(13) The Faculty of Education Graduate Studies Committee was established as a Sub-Committee of the Faculty of Education Research Management Committee on 28 June 2011 (FBE 11/37 refers).
(14) Meetings of the Faculty of Education Graduate Studies Sub-Committee will be held three weeks prior to the Faculty Research Management Committee meetings.
(15) The members include:
- Sub-Dean Graduate Studies;
- Course Coordinator, Graduate Certificate in Educational Research / Bachelor of Educational Research (Honours);
- Representative of Principal Supervisors as nominated by the Sub-Dean Graduate Studies;
- Postgraduate Student Representative;
- Honours Student Representative;
- Faculty Research and Graduate Studies Officer (Executive Officer).
Terms of Reference
(16) The Faculty of Education Graduate Studies Sub-Committee is responsible for recommending to the Faculty of Education Research Management Committee matters relating to graduate studies by staff and students:
- develop and implement policy on selection of higher degree students and appointment of supervisors;
- monitor the progress and numbers of higher degree research students in the Faculty;
- monitor the processes of supervision of research students;
- receive and review applications from members of staff for inclusion on the University register of Research and Higher Degree Supervision;
- receive and review applications for admission to the doctoral program;
- receive and review applications for fee waiver scholarships;
- receive and review research proposal approvals;
- receive and review notices of intention to submit;
- receive and review changes to supervision teams;
- receive and review applications for strategic funding;
- receive and review examination reports and subsequent recommendations to graduate;
- dispute resolution.
Part D - Faculty of Science and Health
Research and Higher Degrees Committee
(17) Approved by the Faculty of Science and Health Faculty Board on 13 February 2007 (FBSC 07/31), 28 March 2007 (FBSC 07/65) and 13 August 2014 (FBSC 14/93).
(18) The membership includes:
- Associate Deans (Research, Honours and Graduate Studies);
- up to two members from each School as follows, whereby one member will be the School Higher Degree by Research Co-ordinator, and a second member may be the Chair (or representative) of the School Research Committee, where such a Committee exists;
- at least one alternative member from each School who will attend the meetings in the absence of other representation from the School; and
- Higher Degree Research Student*
*The research student representative will be absent from confidential discussions of grant applications.
Right of Audience and Debate
- Executive Dean of the Faculty;
- Associate Deans of the Faculty;
- Head of School of the Faculty;
- Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research)
- Dean, Graduate Research.
Terms of reference
(19) The Faculty Research and Higher Degrees Committee is responsible for recommending to the Faculty Board matters relating to the research and research higher degree programs of the Faculty.
(20) The Faculty Research and Higher Degrees Committee shall:
- review annually the Faculty's Research and Higher Degrees Plans and prepare a report for Faculty Board on achievement of objectives and targets during the year;
- make recommendations to the Executive Dean for disbursement of relevant Faculty funds, including review and ranking of applications by members of the Faculty for Faculty-based funding schemes;
- review applications for University-based funding and scholarship schemes where requested by the Research Committee (RC), and make recommendations to the Executive Dean and RC on disbursement of such funds;
- provide advice and reports to theExecutive Dean and Faculty Board on matters relating to research and research higher degrees;
- provide advice to the RC, via the Faculty Board, on additions and/or deletions to the University Register of Fields of Research;
- on advice of the Executive Dean or Faculty Board, undertake other activities designed to promote research expertise within the Faculty;
- Make recommendations on the development priorities, structure and content of research higher degree programs within the Faculty and monitor their operation and effectiveness and recommend amendments or additions to the academic policies to the Research Committee and Faculty Board;
- develop and recommend to Faculty Board policy relating to the monitoring, support and supervision of Faculty higher degree research students, and policy relating to remediation of problems identified during the monitoring of progress;
- make recommendations to the Faculty on procedures to assist staff and ethics requirements;
- contribute to the design of Faculty research and higher degree website(s) and related web content; and
- undertake any other activities as directed by Faculty Board in relation to research and higher degree students in the Faculty.