(1) The purpose of the Faculty Course and Subject Review Panel is to review subject and course submissions within the Curriculum Design, Accreditation and Publication (CDAP) system and recommend approval by the Faculty Board and the University Courses Committee as appropriate, in accordance with Academic Senate requirements and the Higher Education Standards Framework. (2) The Faculty Board may determine other operational purposes for the Faculty Course and Subject Review Panel. (3) For the purpose of this document: (4) The Associate Dean (Academic) shall be the chair of the panel. The chair will select members from the pool as a review panel for each proposal. The pool of panel members could include: (5) Right of consultation could be granted to the following as required: (6) The panel will: (7) The panel may exercise its responsibilities either synchronously or asynchronously. (8) The chair may schedule a synchronous meeting to review specific cases. Cases requiring a synchronous meeting may have a record of these discussions attached to the relevant proposal within CDAP. (9) The chair may schedule an asynchronous meeting. The panel will be required to exercise its responsibilities within CDAP via comments, tasks and outcomes. (10) The chair will determine the number of reviewers required for each proposal. (11) A panel meeting date will be created within CDAP to which relevant proposals will be attached. (12) All comments and deliberations will be recorded within CDAP. (13) The panel is responsible for ensuring appropriate consultation on proposals is undertaken. (14) Upon completion of the meeting, the chair (or delegate) will record final approval within the outcomes field in CDAP. (15) The chair may create additional meetings and panels for a proposal where further consultation or review is required. Additional panels can include the same members as the original or alternate members can be selected. (16) Where a member has a perceived or material conflict of interest, they must declare this to the chair prior to discussion. (17) Variations to the terms of reference of the Faculty Course and Subject Review Panel must be approved by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic).'Faculty Course and Subject Review Panel' - Terms of Reference
Section 1 - Establishment
Section 2 - Glossary
Top of PageSection 3 - Membership
Top of PageSection 4 - Functions and responsibilities
Top of Page
Section 5 - Meetings
Discussions, Consultations and Outcomes
Conflicts of interest
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