(1) This document sets out the University's policy and procedures for the approval and award of prizes. This Policy does not apply to scholarships. (2) It is important to recognise that where a potential donor has offered to provide a prize for the University, it may be more appropriate that this prize be set up as a scholarship. Scholarships may confer significant advantages to both the donor and the University in comparison to prizes. Refer to clauses 3d and 13-15. (3) For the purpose of this Policy: Prize - (4) The University does not require a minimum monetary value for new prizes, however, it is expected that the prize will confer significant prestige, or significant value, upon the prize winner. (5) From time to time, the Head of School (or other appropriate officer of the School or Faculty) may write to the donor of a prize that is for a monetary amount, to negotiate an increase in the monetary value of the prize. (6) Prizes may be funded by the donor on an annual basis, or by means of a sinking fund, or by an endowment administered by the University. (7) For those prizes which involve a monetary award, the Head of School (or other appropriate officer of the School or Faculty) shall be responsible for administering the funds relating to this award. This includes prizes funded annually, and those funded by a sinking fund, or by an endowment, or other. (8) A prize may be a gift voucher, money, a subscription, goods, or other as negotiated between the donor and Head of School. The Head of School will also determine together with the donor how the prize will be delivered to the University for awarding to the student. Refer to clauses 30-31. (9) Prizes may be awarded to recognise: (10) Where a donor, or School / Faculty, wishes some other form of achievement to be recognised, this will require the approval of the Academic Senate, on the advice of the Faculty Board. (11) The University may administer a prize on behalf of a donor provided the criteria governing the award of the prize have been approved by the Academic Senate, for a University prize, or a Faculty Board for Faculty prizes, and are consistent with this Policy. (12) Only prizes formally approved by the Academic Senate or a Faculty Board may be mentioned in University literature, and be presented at a University or Faculty function. (13) Offers of prizes may be received by Schools, Faculties or other units of the University. All offers shall be processed by the relevant School, normally the office of the convening School for the subject in which the prize is being awarded, or other office of the Faculty as determined by the Executive Dean. (14) Where a Head of School or other Faculty person responsible for setting up a prize is in doubt as to whether an offer from a donor should be set up as a prize or as a scholarship, they should discuss options with staff involved in managing scholarships. All offers of prizes should be considered as potential scholarships, as scholarships can offer a more diverse ongoing relationship between the University and the donor, and provide material benefit to both the student and the University. (15) If a Faculty wishes to establish a University Prize, they must at the same time devise a mechanism for its administration by the Faculty or Faculties. This mechanism shall then be included in the criteria for the prize. (16) The Head of School (or other appropriate officer of the School or Faculty) shall liaise with the donor and ascertain: (17) The Office of Governance and Corporate Affairs pro forma (refer to clauses 18-19) may be used to assist in this process. (18) The Head of School (or other appropriate officer of the School or Faculty), in consultation with other Head of Schools or Executive Deans where appropriate, will draft selection criteria for the prize using the relevant form in Course and Information System (CASIMS) provided by the Office of Governance and Corporate Affairs. (19) The criteria will be consistent with this Policy and will specify: (20) Criteria for Faculty prizes shall go to the appropriate Faculty Board for approval. Criteria for University prizes shall go to the Academic Senate for approval, on the advice of the Faculty Board. (21) The register of Prizes will be retained within CASIMS. (22) A prize may only be awarded if the following conditions are met: (23) Schools and/or Faculties are responsible for organising the selection of prize winners in accordance with the prize criteria for each prize (refer to clauses 18-19). (24) Other methods of selection for a prize shall be approved by the Faculty Board, for Faculty prizes, or Academic Senate for University prizes. (25) The Faculty Board, or the Academic Senate (for University prizes), may also approve that selection be made by an external body, in which case a shortlist approved by the Faculty shall be forwarded to that body. (26) The Head of School, or other appropriate Faculty Officer, shall notify both the winner(s) of the prize and the donor of the result, and at the same time invite them to the prizes ceremony at which the prize will be presented (refer to clauses 27-29). (27) Prizes won by graduands shall be presented at the relevant graduation ceremony. Prize winners unable to attend the ceremony may collect their prize from the relevant School or Faculty. The list of all prize winners shall be printed in the graduation program. (28) Ceremonial recognition for continuing students who have won prizes shall be organised by the School or Faculty. Prize winners unable to attend the ceremony may collect their prize from the relevant School or Faculty. (29) A donor may stipulate that a prize be awarded at a function organised by the donor. Where the University is in agreement to proceed in this way, the donor shall undertake the organisation of this function, and the University shall organise the selection of prize winners, following the procedures outlined in this Policy. (30) Subsequent to selection of prize winners for a given year, the Head of School (or other appropriate officer of the School or Faculty) shall make arrangements for the collection from the donor of the prize money or other items to be awarded. These shall be forwarded to the student by the School, for continuing students. Prizes for graduating students shall be forwarded by the School to the relevant campus-based graduation coordinator in the Division of Student Administration. (31) The Division of Student Administration shall prepare any prize certificates to be awarded to prize winners.Prizes Policy
Section 1 - Introduction
Section 2 - GLOSSARY
Top of PageSection 3 - Characteristics of Prizes
Part A - Value of a Prize
Part B - Funding of Prizes
Part C - Types of Prizes
Part D - Achievement That May be Recognised
Section 4 - Approval of Prizes
Part E - Establishing a Prize
Initial Offer
Part F - Confirmation of Offer with the Donor
Selection Criteria
Approval of Prize Criteria
Registration of a Prize
Section 5 - Awarding of Prizes
Part G - Conditions for the Awarding of Prizes
Part H - Selection of Winners
Part I - Notification
Part J - Presentation
Part K - Organisation of Prize Material
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