(1) This procedure supports the Bullying, Discrimination and Harassment Prevention Policy and is intended to assist with identifying these behaviours and outline options for reporting and resolving incidents. (2) This procedure has the same scope as the Bullying, Discrimination and Harassment Prevention Policy. (3) This procedure supports the Bullying, Discrimination and Harassment Prevention Policy. (4) Staff, students or visitors who believe they are being bullied, discriminated against, harassed, victimised or vilified, or who witness bullying, discrimination, harassment, victimisation or vilification should not ignore the problem. (5) In the first instance, if they feel safe to do so, it may be sufficient to make it clear to the other person that their behaviour is unwelcome, offensive or distressing. If the staff, student or visitor does not feel comfortable with this approach or if it is not effective, they should follow one or more of the following options: (6) If staff or students experience bullying, discrimination, harassment, victimisation or vilification while on work or study placements with other organisations, they are encouraged to inform the University to determine an appropriate approach to the issue. (7) The Complaints Management Policy sets out what a person should do if they are victimised or subject to detrimental action in reprisal for reporting or making a complaint. (8) Any difficulty in defining what constitutes bullying, discrimination, harassment, victimisation or vilification should not deter a person from seeking assistance to address behaviour that causes them distress, nor should they be deterred by embarrassment, intimidation or fear of publicity. The sensitivity of these concerns and the need for confidentiality will be respected. (9) The University’s emphasis is generally on informal resolution of complaints. This approach is not intended to minimise the seriousness of the matter but can allow for a more immediate response that is appropriate to the matter and the individuals involved. The Complaints Procedure - Workplace describes an informal complaints process that may be utilised by managers, supervisors or other individuals who receive a complaint from a staff member, student or visitor. (10) More formal action and investigation under the University’s Complaints Management Policy may be appropriate in instances where, for example: (11) Any form of bullying, discrimination, harassment, victimisation or vilification may be determined to constitute misconduct or serious misconduct and lead to disciplinary action and penalties under the Enterprise Agreement, employment contracts or Student Misconduct Rule 2020. (12) The University may also report matters to the police where violence or damage to property is involved. This includes threats of violence or threats of destruction of property. For example physical assault or the threat of physical assault. (13) Staff, students and visitors who make a complaint should be aware that if: (14) Bullying, discrimination, harassment, victimisation and vilification can result in trauma and stress for the person who is the target of such behaviour. Counselling services are available through the Employee Assistance Program for staff or through the Division of Safety, Security and Wellbeing for students, or external organisations such as Lifeline and Beyond Blue. (15) The Student Counselling team operates as the University’s central point of inquiry and reporting of inappropriate, concerning, and threatening behaviour, and offers a respectful and confidential place to seek support and advice for students. This service is available to students who have experienced sexual assault, sexual harassment and violence whether this happened within the university setting or external to it. Anonymous reporting is an option for students who wish to only share their story but withhold their details. (16) This part provides further details and examples of behaviour that may constitute bullying, discrimination, harassment and vilification. It is intended to support the identification of these behaviours for the purpose of prevention and/or reporting and managing incidents. (17) Bullying is generally characterised by a misuse of relative and/or assumed power. It is often, but not always, deliberate and it usually encompasses more than one act. (18) Bullying can be identified by repeated, persistent, aggressive behaviours that may escalate in severity over time, or a pattern of behaviour that causes disadvantage and/or distress. (19) Bullying behaviours may include but are not limited to: (20) Bullying should not be confused with reasonable management practices and the legitimate exercise of managerial, supervisory or teaching authority. It is not bullying or harassment for: (21) Discrimination can be against the law if it is based on a person’s: (22) Discrimination may be: (23) In the context of the University, harassment is behaviour that is unnecessary to the performance of professional duties and that interferes with a person's right to work or study in a non-threatening environment. (24) Harassment may take verbal, written, physical or other non-verbal forms. It can encompass behaviour that is offensive or harmful, from demeaning personal comments to bullying which, if not managed, can lead to acts of aggression or physical violence. The Australian Human Rights Commission advises that harassment can include behaviour such as: (25) Harassment is usually a pattern of behaviour. However, one incident may be enough to support a finding of harassment if it is sufficiently offensive or serious in its ramifications. (26) Under various state and Commonwealth anti-discrimination legislation, harassment can be deemed to constitute discrimination. (27) Sexual harassment refers to any unsolicited, unwelcomed or unwanted behaviour of a sexual nature that makes a person feel humiliated, compromised, embarrassed or distressed. (28) The law defines sexual harassment as occurring when a person makes an unwelcome sexual advance, an unwelcome request for sexual favours, or engages in other unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature that causes the recipient to feel offended, humiliated, or intimidated, and when this reaction is reasonable, given the circumstances. (29) In determining whether sexual harassment has occurred, the intention of the person whose behaviour has caused offence is of less significance than the effect of their behaviour on the other person. The same behaviour may be perceived differently, depending on a person's age, gender or their social or cultural background. In addition, forms of sexual behaviour that may initially appear mild or trivial can cause severe distress in situations where there is a formal inequality of status between those involved. (30) Sexual harassment can occur as a single incident or a persistent pattern of unwelcome behaviour. It may be intentional or unintentional and is not confined by definition to any gender or sexuality. It can range from subtle behaviour to explicit demands for sexual activity or even criminal assault. (31) A person can be sexually harassed even if they are not the intended target or recipient of the unwelcome or inappropriate behaviour of a sexual nature. (32) Sexual harassment may include but is not limited to: (33) Sexual harassment is of particular concern where it: (34) Sexual harassment does not refer to relationships of mutual attraction that are based on genuine choice and consent. However, in situations of unequal power and authority, there is a danger that 'consent' might be based on fear, intimidation or perceived coercion because of the unequal status of the parties involved. For example, where a sexual advance appears to be reciprocated, it could still be viewed as harassment if the recipient had reasonable grounds for believing that a rejection of, or objection to, the sexual behaviour would disadvantage them in some way. (35) The Code of Conduct and Conflict of Interest Procedure requires staff members to disclose details of personal relationships that may give rise to an actual, potential or perceived conflict of interest in the performance of their duties. (36) It is helpful to distinguish between sexual harassment and gender-based harassment. The latter encompasses harassment or offensive conduct based on the gender of the recipient - that is, treatment that is sexist or in any other way denigrates or disadvantages a person because of their gender. (37) Racial or religious harassment is harassment (as defined by the Bullying, Discrimination and Harassment Prevention Policy) with reference to the racial, ethnic, cultural or ethno-religious background of people or groups. (38) Racial harassment may include, but is not limited to: (39) Harassment of a person in relation to their sex characteristics, sexual orientation, and/or gender identity (including lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, queer/questioning and asexual (LGBTIQA+)) may include, but is not limited to: (40) The Disability Discrimination Act 1992 explicitly covers harassment as unlawful, on the basis of a disability, presumed disability or association with a person with a disability. This includes harassment of a person because they have, or are assumed to have, an illness or infectious disease (such as HIV/AIDS or viral hepatitis). (41) Harassment because of a person's age, marital, relationship or domestic status is also contrary to the law in contexts where it causes disadvantage, interferes with work or academic performance, or creates an intimidating or hostile work or study environment. In such cases, any one of the following actions may constitute harassment: (42) Vilification is a public act that could incite hatred, serious contempt or severe ridicule towards a person or group. Vilification of certain characteristics is against the law, including vilification based on a person's race, sexual orientation, gender identity, intersex status or infectious disease status, the following activities may be defined as vilification: (43) Nil. (44) Nil.Bullying, Discrimination and Harassment Prevention Procedure
Section 1 - Purpose
Section 2 - Policy
Section 3 - Procedure
Part A - Reporting and resolving complaints
Investigating and resolving
Part B - Examples of bullying, discrimination, harassment and vilification
Reasonable management practices
Sexual harassment
Racial or religious harassment
Sexual orientation, gender identity and intersex status harassment
Other forms of harassment
Top of PageSection 4 - Guidelines
Section 5 - Glossary
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the University may view this as a misuse of the complaints management process and address this in accordance with the Complaints Management Policy.