(1) This procedure supports the Domestic and Family Violence Support Policy by providing processes and information about: (2) This procedure applies to all University staff. (3) Refer to the Domestic and Family Violence Support Policy. (4) A staff member’s experiences of domestic and family violence can impact negatively on their sense of safety, self-esteem and confidence, and can have severe health consequences. (5) Charles Sturt University (the University) seeks to promote a healthy, equitable and inclusive culture. This includes fostering a work environment in which staff feel secure in their workplace and in requesting support and flexibility to manage legal, medical, domestic or other matters related to domestic and family violence. (6) A staff member who is supported to stay in employment while dealing with domestic and family violence is more likely to maintain financial and emotional independence, which is critical to breaking the cycle of violence and control. (7) Managers and supervisors will promote a safe working environment by: (8) The Division of People and Culture (DPC) will promote a safe work environment by: (9) Disclosure of concerns related to domestic and family violence may be made by: (10) A staff member who has a concern related to domestic and family violence may contact an appropriate line manager or DPC representative to explore options for support and/or safety measures on campus. (11) All information about a staff member's personal circumstances in terms of domestic and family violence will be kept confidential to the extent possible and will not be placed on their employee file. (12) Other staff members should be informed of domestic and family violence circumstances on a need-to-know basis only. Where possible, the need to notify others will be discussed first with the staff member experiencing domestic and family violence. (13) It may not be possible to maintain strict confidentiality in circumstances where: (14) When a disclosure concerning domestic and family violence is made, the manager/DPC representative will work with the staff member who raised the concern to put in place strategies to minimise the risk to their health and safety while at work. Any personal safety measures adopted should be agreed to by the staff member concerned. The manager, DPC representative or Director, Security and Resilience (CSO) will need to assess whether others in the workplace or using the premises may also be at risk. (15) Measures for increasing individual safety in the workplace in the context of domestic and family violence may include but are not limited to: (16) If there is an immediate threat of harm to any individual due to domestic or family violence, the police and/or Security must be contacted immediately. Any incidence of violence must be documented as soon as possible and, within 24 hours, via the university incident reporting system. (17) Any staff members involved in or witnessing the violent incident should be referred to the University's EAP. (18) In the case where a reported domestic and family violence situation is occurring between two members of staff, the University will explore any reasonable changes to working arrangements necessary to protect the safety of both parties. (19) A staff member who is experiencing domestic and family violence can apply for flexible working arrangements or appropriate leave in order to address the impacts of the violence, including obtaining assistance, attending court, or making necessary arrangements to create a safe situation. (20) The Leave Manual sets out the leave available for a staff member experiencing domestic and family violence or supporting an immediate family member, which may include applying for family and domestic violence leave, special leave, leave without pay, or drawing on accrued leave. (21) When applying for leave or flexible working arrangements because of domestic and family violence, the staff member may be requested to provide evidence to verify that they (or their family member) are experiencing domestic and family violence. (22) Where, due to an emergency, it is not possible to provide advance notice of the intention to take leave, the staff member should notify their manager of their circumstances and anticipated length of absence as soon as reasonably practicable. (23) Where extended leave is deemed appropriate, the staff member and manager should agree on a return to work plan and the means by which communication with the University will be maintained during the staff member's absence. (24) Where domestic or family violence has an ongoing impact on a staff member’s performance or attendance, the manager must seek advice from DPC. DPC will provide advice and resources to ensure that performance issues are managed in a trauma-informed, person-centred manner. (25) A staff member who discloses that they are experiencing or are impacted by domestic and family violence will be referred to the University's EAP family and domestic violence specialist helpline for support and assistance. (26) External sources of information and support that may be helpful are listed on the current staff website (staff login required). (27) Nil. (28) This procedure uses terms defined in the Domestic and Family Violence Support Policy.Domestic and Family Violence Procedure (Staff)
Section 1 - Purpose
Section 2 - Policy
Section 3 - Procedures
Support arrangements and processes
Managers and supervisors
Division of People and Culture
Leave and flexibility
Supporting staff performance during personal hardship
Section 4 - Guidelines
Section 5 - Glossary
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