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Naming of Roads, Walkways and Paths Procedure

This is not a current document. It has been repealed and is no longer in force.

This document has been subsumed by the Protocols Policy and Protocols Procedure - Naming Facilities and Memorials 

Section 1 - Purpose

(1) Procedure for the designation and naming of roads, walkways and paths.

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Section 2 - Glossary

(2) Nil.

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Section 3 - Policy

(3) Refer to the Naming of Roads, Walkways and Paths Policy.

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Section 4 - Procedures

Naming Procedure

(4) Where a new road, walkway or path is to be named the Division of Facilities Management will, in the following order:

  1. identify the location of the road, walkway or path on the campus;
  2. classify the type of road, walkway and path by reference to the Types in Appendix 1 of the Naming of Roads, Walkways and Paths Policy;
  3. consult with the University Secretary (who will liaise with the Chancellor and Council where required) to identify an appropriate set of names that may be considered consistent with the approved Schema set out in Appendix 2 of the Policy;
  4. consult, where relevant, with the:
    1. the Head of Campus for the relevant campus to ensure any proposed name is appropriate in the context of the local community;
    2. the relevant Indigenous organisation in determining appropriate Indigenous words to be used;
    3. the family of the deceased where required (this is generally only necessary where there are close living relatives who knew the deceased and have an interest in the protection and promotion of the person's name, or where the family have maintained a strong historic connection in the promotion and protection of the figure);
    4. the Local Government Authority, and the NSW Geographical Naming Board, to ensure proposed names are appropriate and conform to the NSW Road Naming Policy and AS/NZS 4819:2011 Rural and Urban Addressing in determining recommendations to the University Council;
  5. prepare a formal recommendation for submission by the Vice-Chancellor to the Nomination and Remuneration Committee in the format approved by the Council; and
  6. send the approved submission to the University Secretary for inclusion in the agenda for the Nomination and Remuneration Committee.

(5) In relation to a walkway or path, the Division of Facilities Management will then coordinate the installation of appropriate signage and registration, if possible, of the name on relevant mapping services;

(6) In relation to a road, the Division of Facilities Management will:

  1. publish the proposed name approved by the Nomination and Remuneration Committee in a local paper circulating in the area or promote by such other means as approved by the Geographical Names Board for public comment, and:
    1. if there is no serious objection, at the end of the public comment period refer the recommended name to the Geographical Names Board for registration;
    2. if there is a serious objection, at the end of the public comment period refer the recommended name back to the Nomination and Remuneration Committee to determine if to proceed with the naming or to identify an alternative name;
  2. if approved by the Geographical Names Board, coordinate the installation of appropriate signage and registration of the name on relevant mapping services.


(7) The Division of Facilities Management will maintain an up to date and separate Register of:

  1. campus roads; and
  2. campus walkways and paths.

(8) The Registers will record the following basic information with respect to each road, path and walkway required to be named under the Policy:

  1. campus;
  2. approved name;
  3. approved type (e.g. Street, Circuit, Path);
  4. classification (e.g. primary, secondary);
  5. location on the campus;
  6. an Index listing information concerning the approved name (e.g. if a path is named for an historic figure, information about the historic figure that outlines why the name was selected); and
  7. such other information as the Division of Facilities Management views as appropriate for the purposes of Charles Sturt University (the University).

(9) The Division of Facilities Management will cause the Register and Index to be published on the web site of the University.