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Corporate Signage Procedure

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Section 1 - Purpose

(1) This Procedure sets out the creation and management of permanent, semi-permanent and impermanent/temporary signage used by Charles Sturt University (the University), both on campus and in other locations.

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Section 2 - Glossary

(2) In this Procedure:

  1. Permanent signage: includes entrance signs, traffic management and parking lot signs, pedestrian way-finding signs, building and room signs and numbering, directories, and plaques. Permanent signage is managed by the Executive Director, Division of Facilities Management.
  2. Semi-permanent signage: includes some pedestrian way-finding signs, directories, and construction signage that may be required for a set time period or are subject to regular change or put in place as an interim measure until permanent signage is available. Semi-permanent signage is managed by the Executive Director, Division of Facilities Management.
  3. Impermanent/Temporary signage: includes event, function and promotional signs, such as student association signs, campaign or initiative posters, free-standing banners, notices, etc. Impermanent and temporary signage is the responsibility of the organisational unit, but must be designed and implemented in line with the Brand Guidelines. Consultation with the Division of Marketing and Communication is recommended.
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Section 3 - Policy

(3) Refer to the Official Naming Policy.

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Section 4 - Procedures

Part A - Corporate Signage

(4) Charles Sturt University has created a corporate signage system that will provide an effective way-finding system, establish the University's presence and boundaries, and promote a positive image for the University across all campuses, clinics and centres.

(5) Corporate signage has been designed to align with and extend the University’s brand and corporate visual identity to ensure a consistent look and feel. The specifications for the corporate signage system are contained in the Corporate Signage Schedule of the Brand Guidelines and provide details for the size, shape, proportions, colours and fonts to be utilised on all signage, and prescribes how signage is to be used within the University.

(6) The Brand Governance Committee is responsible for approving the design of standard corporate signage contained in the Corporate Signage Schedule of the Brand Guidelines.

(7) The Executive Director, Division of Facilities Management, is responsible for applying the Brand Guidelines and ensuring all signage adheres to the requirements of the Guide.

(8) Templates for signage: A range of templates for the various types of signage has been set up and is included in the Brand Guidelines. Requests for signage in addition to these should be made to the Division of Facilities Management and/or the Division of Marketing and Communication, dependent on the type.

(9) Requests for new permanent and semi-permanent signs and changes to existing signs must be approved by the Executive Director, Division of Facilities Management.

(10) The Executive Director, Division of Facilities Management, may approve a new or varied permanent or semi-permanent sign and its location, consistent with the Brand Guidelines.

(11) The Executive Director, Marketing and Chief Marketing Officer, must approve all impermanent/temporary signage in accordance with the Brand Guidelines.

Part B - Approval of Third Party Signage

(12) Only the University’s corporate logo may be used on perimeter signage and gateways on Charles Sturt University campuses and facilities (including campuses and facilities operated on Crown land, Crown Reserve Land, leasehold and freehold land).

(13) Where a Charles Sturt University facility is located on a site owned by another organisation, and that organisation operates an activity on that site (for example, NSW Police College, Goulburn), signage should to the extent practicable distinguish the University from the other organisation and should be consistent with the Brand Guidelines. Co-branding of signage may be permitted in this limited case with the approval of the Brand Governance Committee.

(14) Where another organisation is located on a Charles Sturt University campus or facility (including a joint centre or facility) and it has a separate logo or brand (e.g. Co-op Bookshop), the corporate logo of that entity may be incorporated into signage installed on the building or facility where the third party organisation operates. Approval of all signage must be granted by the Executive Director, Division of Facilities Management, under this clause.

(15) The Brand Governance Committee may approve rules if necessary with respect to the installation and erection of signage containing third party logos, including wayfinding signage, in addition to the requirements of clause 13. Where approved, applications will be made to the Executive Director, Division of Facilities Management.

(16) Unless approval has been granted by the Brand Governance Committee, only the third party name (and not the third party logos and brand) may be used on wayfinding signage, directories or on other corporate signage.

(17) A third party may use interior signage consistent with its own corporate visual identity.

Part C - Approval of Construction Signage

(18) The Executive Director, Division of Facilities Management, may approve the installation or erection of semi-permanent signage (for example, construction site signage) that is necessary to meet regulatory requirements or for promotion of a construction program.

(19) Signage must conform to the requirements of the Brand Guidelines.

(20) The logos of other organisations may be applied to the signage where this is required by regulation (for example, the logo of a Government agency).

(21) The Executive Director, Division of Facilities Management, may approve the temporary erection of corporate signage of a contractor in relation to a construction site where this is required under a contract, subject to the signage being deemed appropriate.

Part D - Approval of Government Required Signage

(22) Where Government funding is provided for the construction of a facility, it is commonplace for the Government to require the erection or installation of signage noting the contribution of the Government to the construction. The Executive Director, Division of Facilities Management, may approve the erection of signage that does not conform to the Brand Guidelines where required by the Government.

(23) The erection or installation of permanent signage must be approved by the Vice-Chancellor.

Part E - Approval of Temporary Event Signage

(24) The University Secretary; Executive Director, Marketing and Chief Marketing Officer; Executive Director, Division of Student Administration; Executive Director, Division of Student Services, or a Head of Campus may approve the erection of temporary event signage for graduations, functions, initiatives or other events as required. Official University signage must conform to the Brand Guidelines. Consultation should occur with the Campus Manager within the Division of Facilities Management regarding placement of signage and the proper method for installation to ensure that temporary signage does not impede or obstruct traffic or cause a health and safety risk.

(25) Student association signage, for example for Orientation or recruitment purposes, should be created with the reputation of Charles Sturt University in mind, and should be approved by the Executive Director, Division of Student Services, and the Executive Director, Marketing and Chief Marketing Officer, in accordance with guidelines in the Brand Guidelines.

(26) All temporary signage must be removed following the cessation of the event in a timely manner, leaving the area in a clean and tidy state.

Part F - Approval of Plaques, Building Names and Other Honorary Naming Signage

(27) The approval of honorary and philanthropic naming of Charles Sturt University facilities (including a campus, study centre, building, School, Centre, institute, foundation, street, path, area, garden, wetland, watercourse, collection, hall, parking area, field, pasture, house, residence and athletic facility or part thereof) must be approved in accordance with the Official Naming Policy .

(28) The University Secretary must approve the form of plaque or signage, including any wording attached to a plaque or sign, related to honorary or philanthropic naming in accordance with the Official Naming Policy .

Part G - Approval of Traffic, Pedestrian, Occupational Health and Safety and Other Signage

(29) The Executive Director, Division of Facilities Management, may approve the installation of traffic, road, occupational health and safety and other signage required by law consistent with the obligations of the University.

Part H - Approval of Charles Sturt University Signage on Non-the University Provider Facilities

(30) Approval for use of the Charles Sturt University brand by any non-Charles Sturt University facilities (e.g. hospitals, veterinarians or other ongoing practicum provider facilities), where there is a requirement/preference for the promotion of the University's involvement, must be given by the Executive Director, Division of Facilities Management, in accordance with the Brand Guidelines.

Part I - Posting of Material in Approved Locations

(31) Staff and students may post notices, flyers, posters or other temporary signage in designated locations only. Such items should respect the reputation of Charles Sturt University, and should be removed when they have passed their advertised date.

Part J - Removal of Signage that Does Not Conform to the Brand Guidelines

(32) The inappropriate or unauthorised installation, erection or posting of signage will be regarded as a breach of the Brand Governance Policy.

(33) The Division of Facilities Management has the delegated authority to remove, temporarily or permanently, infringing material or signage at the request of:

  1. the Executive Director, Division of Facilities Management;
  2. the University Secretary;
  3. the Executive Director, Marketing and Chief Marketing Officer; or
  4. a Head of Campus.

(34) Any disputes regarding the interpretation of the requirements may be referred to the Brand Governance Committee for resolution. Unless agreed by the Committee, any infringing material or signage will be withdrawn or removed until the matter is resolved.

(35) Any costs incurred as a result of infringement, or to reproduce material to correct specifications, will be borne by the area or organisation responsible for the non-compliance.

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Section 5 - Guidelines

(36) Nil.