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Residential College Affiliation Rule

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Section 1 - Purpose

(1) This document sets out Charles Sturt University's rule for the affilitation of residential colleges.

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Section 2 - Glossary

(2) Nil.

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Section 3 - Rule

(3) The Council may establish or assist in the establishment of residential colleges or halls of residences.

(4) The Council may grant, upon such conditions as it thinks fit, affiliation with a residential college or hall of residence.

(5) The Council will approve the constitution of a residential college or hall of residence seeking affiliation with Charles Sturt University (the University).

(6) The constitution of an affiliated residential college will not be amended without the prior approval of the Council.

(7) Where the Council is of the opinion there may, in relation to an affiliated residential college or hall of residence, have been a contravention of any of the provisions of this Guideline or any of the conditions upon which affiliation with the residential college or hall of residence was granted, the Council may give notice in writing to the governing body of the residential college or hall of residence:

  1. specifying the matters in respect of which the Council is of the opinion that there may have been such a contravention;
  2. stating that its affiliation with the University may be withdrawn if the Council forms the opinion that there was such a contravention; and
  3. inviting the governing body to show cause why its affiliation should not be withdrawn.

(8) Where the Council:

  1. has given notice under clause 7 to the governing body of a residential college or hall of residence;
  2. has given the governing body an opportunity of showing cause why the affiliation should not be withdrawn; and
  3. has, after consideration of any matters raised by the governing body, formed the opinion that there has been such a contravention as is referred to in clause 7;

    the Council may, after two months after giving notice in writing to the governing body stating that it has formed the opinion referred to in point c, withdraw the residential college's or hall of residence's affiliation with the University.