(1) This Rule is the Rule for the Committees of Academic Senate 2006. (2) This Rule commences on 14 June 2006. (3) This Rule is enacted to prescribe the committees of the Academic Senate of the University to which the Academic Senate has delegated some of its functions in accordance with clause 107 of the By-Law. (4) This Rule is enacted under the authority granted to the Academic Senate under section 32 of the Act and clause 110 of the By-Law . (5) In this Rule: (6) Note: Clause 107 of the By-Law prescribes that the Academic Senate may constitute one or more committees. Such committees are "prescribed under section 20 of the Act as a body to which Council may delegate all or any of its functions (except the power of delegation) but only in relation to those functions conferred on the Academic Senate under clause 105". (7) Subject to the Act , the By-Law and to Rules or Resolutions of the Council, the Academic Senate shall; (8) The composition and terms of reference of Committees of the Academic Senate shall be as determined by the Academic Senate from time to time. (9) When the Academic Senate establishes a Committee in accordance with this Rule, the Presiding Officer of the Academic Senate shall ensure that the composition and terms of reference of the committee is published on the Internet on the website of the University.Boards and Committees Policy - Committees of Academic Senate
Section 1 - Name of Rule
Section 2 - Commencement
Section 3 - Purpose
Section 4 - Authority
Section 5 - Glossary
Top of PageSection 6 - Committees of the Academic Senate
Top of PageSection 7 - Composition and Terms of Reference of Committees of Academic Senate
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