Document Feedback - Review and Comment
Step 1 of 4: Comment on Document
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(1) This procedure supports the Governance (Honorary Awards and Titles) Rule 2021 by providing details on nominations, selection criteria, conferral and the privileges for honorary degrees and the honorary titles of Companion of the University and Emeritus Professor, and may inform nominations and selection of Pro Chancellor titleholders. (2) This procedure applies to the staff and community of Charles Sturt University (the University). (4) This procedure supports the Governance (Honorary Awards and Titles) Rule 2021. (5) The Vice-Chancellor will invite nominations for honorary awards in July each year, which must be received in time for the November Nomination and Remuneration Committee meeting. Senior academic leaders, the professoriate and Advancement Office should be encouraged to make nominations. (7) A nomination for an honorary award or title must be made by: (8) Nominations must be submitted to the Vice-Chancellor using the submission form and with the following information: (9) The Vice-Chancellor must exercise due diligence and will vet the nominations before referring to the nomination to the Nomination and Remuneration Committee. This will include but is not limited to: (10) The Vice-Chancellor may refer the nomination to the Nomination and Remuneration Committee or decline the nomination. The Vice-Chancellor is authorised to consult with members of the senior executive of the University or as otherwise required to make this decision. A decision of the Vice-Chancellor to decline a nomination is final. (11) Nominations for an honorary degree should demonstrate the nominee’s national or international eminence, outstanding achievements or significant contributions to the public good in one or more of the following: (12) Nominations for the title of Companion of the University should demonstrate the nominee’s significant contribution to one or more of the following: (13) Nominations for the title of Emeritus Professor should demonstrate that the nominee has, upon their retirement or resignation from the University: (14) Retiring professors are not automatically entitled to the title of Emeritus Professor, and nominations for resigning professors or other former professors of the University will normally only be considered in exceptional circumstances (as determined by the Nomination and Remuneration Committee). (15) Conferral of a Pro Chancellor title is at the discretion of Council or the Nomination and Remuneration Committee as authorised by Council. The University Secretary and Chancellor may determine which, if any, of the nomination, selection criteria, determination and conferral processes in this procedure will apply, or whether other processes will be followed. (16) Normally, up to four individuals will be conferred the Pro Chancellor title, to represent the University in its regions, including southern, central and northern New South Wales, and Sydney. (17) Evidence of achievements or contributions may include examples of the following: (18) For nominations of First Nations’ Elders and community leaders, additional or alternative evidence may demonstrate the following: (19) Evidence should also include: (20) The Nomination and Remuneration Committee (the Committee) will consider all nominations referred by the Vice-Chancellor at the November meeting and, in accordance with the Rule, may either: (21) The Committee reserves the right not to approve a nomination in any one year. (22) The Committee may make such changes to the nomination, draft citation, or the award or title to be conferred, as the Committee deems fit. (23) Where a nomination is approved, the Committee will advise the Council of the decision. (24) The Chancellor will write to the approved nominee and offer the honorary award or title on behalf of the Council. (25) Where an award or title is: (26) In accordance with clause 32 of the Governance (Honorary Awards and Titles) Rule 2021, all nominations are to remain strictly confidential until disclosure is authorised by the Chancellor or the University Secretary. (27) Future relationships with holders of honorary awards and titles will be managed to support their connection with the University, the provision of appropriate privileges, and their inclusion in relevant events and activities. Relationship management is the responsibility of: (28) Holders of honorary awards and titles will be entitled to privileges, which may include: (29) With agreement from the relevant Executive Dean, an Emeritus Professor may be able to continue to access the University's facilities for research, research supervision, scholarship and teaching. (30) Pro Chancellor titleholders may be eligible for travel and accommodation expenses in accordance with the arrangements for Council members set out in the University Council Entitlements Procedure. Titleholders are responsible for obtaining their own advice from a qualified person with respect to their legal and tax obligations, or the impact of any payment on their eligibility to receive payments from other sources. (31) A person who has been conferred an honorary doctorate by the University may use the post-nominals appropriate for that award but will not use the pre-nominal ‘Doctor’ outside of the University. Post-nominals are: (32) A person who has been admitted to the Order of the Companion of the University may use the post-nominals ‘Companion CSturt’. (33) The post-nominals will normally be listed as follows: (34) A person who has been conferred the title of Emeritus Professor may use the title ‘Emeritus Professor of Charles Sturt University’ or pre-nominal ‘Emeritus Professor’. (35) A person who has been conferred the title of Pro Chancellor may use the title ‘Pro Chancellor of Charles Sturt University’ or ‘Pro Chancellor’.Honorary Awards and Titles Procedure
Section 1 - Purpose
Section 2 - Glossary
Top of PageSection 3 - Policy
Section 4 - Procedures
Nomination process
Criteria for awards and titles
Honorary degree
Companion of the University
Emeritus Professor
Pro Chancellor
Supporting evidence
Determination and conferral
Privileges and further relationships
Pre and post-nominals
Top of PageSection 5 - Guidelines