Document Feedback - Review and Comment
Step 1 of 4: Comment on Document
How to make a comment?
1. Use this to open a comment box for your chosen Section, Part, Heading or clause.
2. Type your feedback into the comments box and then click "save comment" button located in the lower-right of the comment box.
3. Do not open more than one comment box at the same time.
4. When you have finished making comments proceed to the next stage by clicking on the "Continue to Step 2" button at the very bottom of this page.
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DO NOT exit from the interface until you have completed all three stages of the submission process.
(1) This procedure supports the Timetable Policy by stating detailed requirements for the preparation and use of the timetable and for casual bookings of learning and teaching spaces. (2) This procedure has the same scope as the Timetable Policy. (3) The University campuses for which the University carries out the timetabling, and to which this procedure and the Timetable Policy currently apply, are the Albury-Wodonga, Bathurst, Dubbo, Orange, Port Macquarie, Wagga Wagga and Metro campuses. (4) See the Timetable Policy. (5) In addition to the approval authorities for timetabling as stated in the Timetable Policy, the following positions have responsibilities in relation to timetabling: (6) The Timetable and Completion will: (7) The enterprise timetabling system is used: (8) The enterprise timetabling system must be used to book any learning and teaching space for teaching, assessment or for other uses. (9) The enterprise timetabling system contains all reference data required for the scheduling of on-campus classes of the University. (10) Anyone changing the equipment, seating capacity or purpose of such a space must inform the Timetable and Completion. (11) The Timetable and Completion provides training on the use of the enterprise timetabling system. (12) The timetabling website for staff provides: (13) The timetable process is conducted twice a year with timetabling split into two periods: January to July and July to December. The teaching faculty or school will inform the Timetable and Completion of the timetabling contact for each course prior to the commencement of each timetabling process. (14) The teaching faculty must: (15) Faculties and schools must submit requests for learning and teaching spaces by the relevant deadline for timetable preparation as published by the Timetable and Completion. (16) The Timetable and Completion will utilise data from the same period of the previous year to inform initial timetable planning. (17) Faculty and School staff responsible for timetabling must record and review all information necessary to construct the timetable as per the current data collection process, including: (18) The Timetable and Completion will accommodate schools’ preferences for time and location of classes wherever possible. (19) When scheduling classes the Timetable and Completion will consider the following constraints: (20) It will be assumed that staff are available for full-time scheduled classes unless the Timetable and Completion is notified using the staff unavailability form. (21) Where staff availability is already constrained by the terms of the staff member’s part-time contract or casual contract, the staff member (or school on their behalf) will submit details of the constraint using the staff unavailability form, for: (22) Where staff wish to have a timetabling constraint placed on their availability to teach: (23) When constructing the timetable, the Timetable and Completion will: (24) Because of space constraints, it will sometimes be necessary to schedule classes outside core teaching hours. (25) The timetable will be scheduled to ensure that, as far as possible: (26) Where timetabling constraints mean that it is necessary to schedule a class across a lunch hour, the Timetable and Completion will consult the subject coordinator and offer them other options, such as outside core hours. (27) The minimum time period for a room booking for a class is one hour. (28) Each class will start five minutes past the hour and end five minutes to the hour. (29) If there are no enrolments in a class by census date, the Team Leader, Timetabling may approve the deletion of the class. (30) Where a class would occur on a public holiday, the subject coordinator may: (31) Where two or more clients ask to use the same learning and teaching space at the same time(s), the Timetable and Completion will use the following criteria to assign the space. These criteria will also be used by those who review scheduling and casual room booking decisions: (32) See the Timetable Policy for requesting a review of timetabling decisions. (33) The Timetable and Completion will liaise with the Faculty subjects team to obtain intensive school information such as dates, locations as per the deadline in the timetabling schedule. (34) Intensive school scheduling is published by faculties on the intensive school website. For more information refer to the Course and Subject Procedure - Delivery Management. (35) Student Administration will publish the timetable for all on-campus classes in a session at least four weeks before the session start date. (36) The timetable will be published to students via the student timetable interface, which students access from the Student Portal. Teaching staff can search the published timetable for their own timetabled classes using the staff interface to the timetable, which they can access from the timetable web page for staff. (37) Other staff, intensive school students and the public can access the timetable via the University website. (38) Where a school teaches subjects outside session dates, the school must notify the relevant students of the teaching dates and times. (39) Where there is only one instance of a class for a subject, the student will be automatically allocated to the class via the allocation system. (40) Where there is more than one instance of a class for a subject: (41) All on-campus classes that students are expected to attend as part of their course of study should appear on their personal timetable. (42) Student attendance at intensive schools will be managed by the teaching school. (43) Timetable and Completion will use patterns of enrolment, pathways, student sets, and other information provided by course directors, to ensure that as far as possible students have a clash-free timetable. (44) If a student does have a clash, and the Timetable and Completion cannot resolve it in other ways, they may instruct the student to vary their enrolment to: (45) Requests for changes to the draft timetable can be submitted as per the current draft amendment request process as communicated by the Timetable and Completion. (46) Changes to the published timetable will only be approved for the following reasons (see the Timetable Policy for approval authorities): (47) Changes for the above reasons may be approved by the Head of School or their delegate. Changes for any other reason must be approved by the relevant Executive Dean/Director. (48) Where a change to the published timetable occurs three days or less before the class is to take place, the teaching School must: (49) Where the timetable is changed after publication, the relevant classes may: (50) The Timetable and Completion will retain the timetable change request form and record of the approval for 12 months after the approval date. (51) Casual room bookings are used for non-teaching activities, meetings or activities of student clubs. (52) Requests for a casual room must be submitted on a business day and, at a minimum, 24 hours prior to the commencement of the activity. (53) To request a casual room booking: (54) Bookings from external individuals or groups must: (55) Casual room bookings can be requested in advance, but cannot be confirmed until: (56) Where a casual booking uses a space in which there are faculty resources and/or equipment, these resources must be used carefully. At the end of the booking, the group using the space must notify the relevant faculty or school of any breakages, missing or faulty equipment. (57) If the group using the space has damaged the faculty resources or equipment in the space, the Executive Dean of the faculty may invoice them for the cost of repair or replacement. (58) Where a scheduled space is left unused, the Timetable and Completion will liaise with the subject coordinator or person who booked the space to obtain details on why the space was not used. (59) If a space is found to be repeatedly unused by the same subject or casual user the space may be reassigned after consultation. (60) As far as possible, FM or the DIT is expected to schedule refurbishment and maintenance of learning and teaching spaces outside standard university teaching times. (61) FM and/or DIT will notify the Timetable and Completion, with as much notice as possible, when learning and teaching spaces will be unavailable, stating: (62) When a critical incident results in the closure of part or all of one of the six main campuses or prevents students from attending a campus, the emergency response plan will be enacted. A critical incident may include but not be limited to natural disaster, pandemic response or security threat. (64) This procedure uses terms defined in the Timetable Policy, as well as the following:Timetable Procedure
Section 1 - Purpose
Top of PageSection 2 - Policy
Section 3 - Procedure
Collaboration to ensure effective timetabling
Enterprise timetabling system
Timetabling website for staff
Preparation of the timetable
Timetabling constraints
Constraints on staff availability
Core teaching hours
Scheduling rules
Review of space assignment decisions
Criteria for deciding competing demands for space
Review process
Intensive schools
Publication of the timetable
Allocation of students to classes
Changes to the timetable
Casual room bookings
Unused space
Learning and teaching space maintenance
Emergency response plan
Section 4 - Guidelines
Top of PageSection 5 - Glossary