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Step 1 of 4: Comment on Document
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(1) This procedure outlines processes and requirements for reporting and investigating workplace incidents at Charles Sturt University (the University). It requires and supports staff to: (2) This procedure has the same scope as the Health, Safety and Wellbeing Policy. (3) This procedure supports the Health, Safety and Wellbeing Policy. (4) For compliance with the Work Health and Safety Act (WHS Act) and Health, Safety and Wellbeing Policy, this procedure must be followed to manage and report any work health and safety: (5) Incidents and notifiable incidents may also constitute an emergency and/or crisis and require managing under: (6) The University promotes reporting and investigating of all work health and safety incidents. This supports a safety culture where learning from errors is used to prevent a recurrence and to comply with legislation. (7) When a notifiable incident occurs: (9) All notifiable incidents must be reported immediately to the Manager, Health Safety and Wellbeing. (10) All other incidents must be reported through the Incident and Hazard Reporting System within 24 hours of the incident occurring. If it is not practicable to use the online system, complete the WHS Incident Report and Investigation Form and email to Health, Safety and Wellbeing. (12) Where incidents constitute an emergency, refer to the site emergency plans for additional reporting requirements. Site emergency plans for University managed facilities can be found via FM Central. (13) Incidents must also be reported to relevant managers and supervisors within the organisational unit that is responsible for the work area and/or the person(s) involved. (15) Health, Safety and Wellbeing must notify SafeWork NSW as soon as practicable, but within 48 hours, of any serious incident. (16) Health, Safety and Wellbeing must notify SafeWork NSW even if the person injured or killed is not a University worker or student. (17) Health, Safety and Wellbeing must notify the University's workers compensation insurer of all employee work-related injuries and illnesses. Notification must be within 48 hours of the incident occurring or of the University receiving notification. See also the Injury Management and Return to Work Procedure. (18) Investigations must be completed by supervisors/managers, or another appropriately assigned investigator, within one week of being reported. Failure to investigate an incident will be reported to the Audit and Risk Committee and other relevant compliance committees. (19) The person investigating must: (20) Incidents involving drones must be investigated in accordance with the University Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS) Operations Manual which can be obtained from the Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President (Research). (21) When requested by Health, Safety and Wellbeing staff, heads of organisational units must review all incident investigations and corrective actions for suitable completion. If needed, further investigation and/or additional or changed corrective actions may be requested. (22) Incident records must be maintained as per NSW general disposal authorities. This may be up to 75 years for an incident that results in a serious personal injury or incapacity to University employees. Where a new incident management software is introduced before retention requirements are met, incident records must be migrated to the new system. (24) This procedure uses terms defined in the Health, Safety and Wellbeing Policy, as well as the following: (25) For this procedure, the following interpretations may apply:Health, Safety and Wellbeing Procedure - Incident Reporting and Investigation
This procedure anticipates that, where a person has been injured, first aid and other appropriate emergency responses have been enacted and the injured person(s) has received immediate necessary treatment.Section 1 - Purpose
Top of PageSection 2 - Policy
Section 3 - Procedures
Part A - Overview
Part B - Preserving the incident site
Part C - Reporting
Reporting internally
Reporting to SafeWork
Reporting to Workers Compensation Insurer
Part D - Investigation of incidents
Review incident and investigation reports
Section 4 - Guidelines
Top of PageSection 5 - Glossary