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Distinguished Professor Procedure

Section 1 - Purpose

(1) This procedure sets out the eligibility criteria, appointment processes and terms of appointment as a Charles Sturt University Distinguished Professor.


(2) This procedure:

  1. applies to current and prospective fixed-term and continuing academic staff
  2. does not apply to casual, visiting or adjunct academic appointments.
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Section 2 - Policy

(3) This procedure supports the Appointments Policy and Academic Promotion Policy.

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Section 3 - Procedure

Eligibility and criteria for appointment

(4) The Charles Sturt University Distinguished Professor is a highly prestigious appointment that recognises eminent professors of exceptional distinction who have made an outstanding contribution to their field or discipline.

(5) There is no limit on the number of Charles Sturt University Distinguished Professors that the University may appoint, but the number awarded will reflect the fact that this is a highly prestigious title.

(6) To be eligible for consideration as a distinguished professor, a nominee must:

  1. hold or be appointable to a Level E/Professor appointment at Charles Sturt University
  2. meet the criteria set out at clause 7.

(7) Nominations for Charles Sturt University Distinguished Professor will be considered with reference to the following criteria:

Example evidence
An international reputation for exceptional research and scholarship
  1. Sustained quantity and quality of scholarly publications through internationally reputable publishing houses.
  2. Original research results and other scholarly endeavours published in peer-reviewed journals and/or conference proceedings of high international reputation.
  3. Publication of reports commissioned by government agencies and international organisations.
  4. Successful application for patents and licences based on original research and development.
  5. Original designs and executed structures or instruments which result in high professional standing.
  6. Demonstrated success at securing significant levels of funding from external peer-reviewed grant agencies.
  7. Demonstrated record of editorial leadership in the development and dissemination of knowledge.
  8. Demonstrated success at securing significant levels of funding for contract research from government agencies, industry and commerce.
  9. Record of achievement in the transfer and application of the results of research and development to industry and commerce, the professions and wider community.
  10. Leadership in the generation of collaborative research and development programs with other institutions including universities, government agencies, industry and commerce.
  11. Publication of advanced textbooks in the candidate's field of expertise through publishing houses of high national/international repute.
  12. Reports on high-level consultancies carried out for industrial and commercial firms.
Professional peer recognition of significant achievements at a state, national and international level
  1. High category of membership of professional societies and associations.
  2. Leadership in professional societies and associations as demonstrated by the holding of executive office.
  3. Membership of nationally and internationally recognised honorific societies.
  4. Membership of government advisory bodies, committees of inquiry and boards of management.
  5. Membership of international delegations in the candidate's area of expertise.
  6. Invitations to serve as a referee or adjudicator by major national and competitive grant awarding or award-granting schemes or organisations.
  7. Invitations to serve as external examiner in other higher education institutions.
  8. Invitations to speak at major international conferences.
  9. Invitations to serve as visiting professor in other higher education institutions or as visiting academic in government departments and agencies.
  10. Invitations to edit special issue journals and books.
  11. Opinion sought by other institutions for their research.
  12. Chair of a major (international) conference.
  13. Invitation to serve as external member on high-level selection committees.
  14. Appointment to an international journal editorial board.
  15. Have been awarded a prestigious award or prize in recognition of research achievements by a relevant academic society.
Research/research team leadership
  1. Successful guidance and development of early career researchers and postgraduate students through supervision, mentoring, monitoring and collaboration.
  2. Leadership of successful research teams.
  3. Fostering the research of other groups and individuals in the faculty/department/institute/centre and related disciplines as appropriate.
Outstanding community engagement
  1. Involvement in, and contribution to, activities extending beyond the University, particularly those relating to the candidate's profession or discipline, which reflect favourably on the University.
  2. Ability to liaise and communicate effectively with members of the community, and where appropriate, professional and industry bodies in relation to research.

Nomination and appointments process


(8) Nominations for Charles Sturt University Distinguished Professor may be:

  1. Self-nomination: current eligible staff may self-nominate during the annual academic promotion round, using the Distinguished Professor application form (see also the Academic Promotion Policy and Academic Promotion Procedure).
  2. Nomination by an Executive Leadership Team (ELT) member: ELT members may nominate prospective or current academic staff, normally for recruitment processes, retention or recognition purposes. ELT nominations may be made at any time, using the Distinguished Professor application form.

(9) ELT members should ensure that they are confident of the candidate’s prospects of success before making a nomination and must maintain strict confidentiality in relation to the consideration of nominations.

Review and approval

(10) Nominations will be reviewed and approved as follows:

  1. Review and confirmation of evidence: Nominations will be submitted to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) (DVCR), who may consult with the Professorial Promotion Committee (PPC), to evaluate and confirm that the evidence provided meets the criteria.
  2. Consideration and recommendation: If confirmed by the DVCR and/or PPC, nominations will be submitted to ELT for consideration. ELT may request any additional information it requires concerning the candidate.
  3. Approval: If recommended by the ELT, the Vice-Chancellor may approve the candidate to be offered appointment as Charles Sturt University Distinguished Professor.

Communication of outcomes

(11) Nominees receive written notification of the outcome and, where successful, an offer of appointment as Charles Sturt University Distinguished Professor. For internal nominees, copies of the offer are provided to the applicant’s supervisor.

(12) If the nominee accepts the appointment, this will be communicated to University staff and reported to the University Council.

(13) Feedback will be provided to unsuccessful internal nominees by the DVCR, which may address any gaps in the evidence, strengths of the application, areas for improvement and advice on future activities that might be undertaken to strengthen the case.

(14) Unsuccessful applicants can not apply for a Distinguished Professorship in the following calendar year unless they have written permission from the DVCR to do so.

Terms of appointment

(15) Appointments as a Charles Sturt University Distinguished Professor are made on the following terms:

  1. Title: The title ‘Charles Sturt University Distinguished Professor’ or ‘Distinguished Professor’ may be used.
  2. Remuneration: A superannuable loading of $25,000 per annum, in addition to the remuneration of their substantive appointment. (Enterprise Agreement employees only).
  3. Workload arrangements: The workload arrangements for Distinguished Professor appointments are different to those identified under clause 30 of the Charles Sturt University Enterprise Agreement 2018-2021, and any subsequent academic workload arrangement clauses within future enterprise agreements of the University. Annual workload arrangements are via mutual agreement with the supervisor and are not captured within the AWM system.
  4. Length of appointment: Charles Sturt University Distinguished Professorships are appointed until their retirement or resignation from the University, unless the appointment is withdrawn earlier.
  5. Performance review: Appointment is subject to satisfactory performance and continuing to meet the criteria set out at clause 7, which will be reviewed through the University’s EDRS/performance review processes.
  6. Withdrawal of appointment: The Vice-Chancellor, at their sole discretion, may withdraw the appointment from any individual. Such withdrawal will be in writing and the reasons for withdrawal are not required.
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Section 4 - Guidelines

(16) Nil.

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Section 5 - Glossary

(17) Nil.