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(1) The Radiation Safety Audit Procedure has been developed to aid clear and auditable compliance records for Charles Sturt University's radiation facilities and irradiating apparatus. (2) The Radiation Safety Audit Procedure is to ensure compliance with the: (3) This document forms part of radiation safety management at Charles Sturt University (the University) and is applicable to: (4) For the purpose of this procedure: (5) This procedure should be read in conjunction with the Research Policy. (6) The committee will ensure that an annual audit of radiation areas is conducted, for compliance with radiation control legislation and codes of practices, against audit questions approved by Radiation Safety Committee (RSC). (7) The audit cycle over a 4 year period is as follows (commencing in 2019): (8) Radiation area audits will usually occur within the first half of a calendar year, or as determined by the RSC in consultation with facility staff. (9) All audit reports must be submitted to the RSC by 31 August each year, for inclusion on the next RSC meeting agenda. (10) The RSC may, from time to time, conduct additional audits of the University’s designated radiation areas and irradiating apparatus if required, and may engage external services or experts to do so. (11) Audits will be conducted using templates and questions approved by the RSC. (12) Audit teams will comprise of the following: (13) The Research Integrity Unit will provide secretariat support for audit activities, such as bookings, invitations, circulation of documents, assisting with travel arrangements (if required) and record keeping. (14) A corrective action plan will be produced by the audit team for each facility with concerns arising from the audit. (15) The RSC will review audit reports and queries raised and will follow up to ensure that any non-compliance issues are addressed promptly and recorded. (16) The RSC will communicate all audit findings and reports with each audit team and the Faculty of Science Technical Support Unit. (17) The RSC will provide a report to the Audit and Risk Committee of any compliance concerns and how they are being addressed. (18) Urgent non-compliance matters are to be reported immediately to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research), via the Manager, Research Integrity. (19) The governance officer will confirm with faculty subjects teams and/or schools which subjects are identified as radiation subjects and require Radiation Safety Committee approval prior to the commencement of teaching. This will be done by the end of September each year for the following year’s subjects. (20) The Radiation Safety Committee (RSC) will conduct an annual audit of approved research projects, as outlined below, to ensure that projects do not propose to use radiation without the approval of the committee. (21) The audit of approved research proposals will be conducted in the first half of each calendar year. (22) Each January, a sample of research proposals approved in the previous calendar year will be provided to the RSC, as follows: (23) The sample research proposals will be circulated to committee members who will evaluate them against regulatory requirements. Their responses will be collated and added to the agenda of the next RSC meeting for discussion. (24) Based on the recommendation of the committee, the RSC's presiding officer will notify non-compliant staff of their non-compliance and advise corrective actions. (25) Non-compliance by staff will be reported to staff line managers, the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) and the Audit and Risk Committee as appropriate. (26) The Radiation Safety Procedure lists all persons required to complete the training specified by the Radiation Safety Committee (RSC). (27) It is the responsibility of all heads of school and centre directors to monitor personnel within schools and centres who may be at risk of conducting activities that fall under the scope of relevant radiation safety legislation and direct them to complete the required training. (28) Annually, in July the RSC will send a reminder to all heads of school and centre directors of their responsibilities in ensuring compliance of all staff under their purview, and include a link to the Radiation Safety Procedure. (29) The Radiation Safety Committee (RSC) will review completion of the required training module/s on a quarterly basis at each meeting. Training completion reports will be a standing item in the agenda of each RSC meeting and non-compliance discussed. (30) The Research Integrity Unit will request a report from containing: (31) The RSC will report on the review of training completion in the quarterly compliance committee report to the Audit and Risk Committee. (32) The Faculty of Science and Health Executive Officer will provide the Radiation Safety Committee (RSC) with an annual report on any faculty or work health and safety internal audit findings relating to radiation safety. (33) Annual audits may include, but are not limited to, the following:Radiation Safety Audit Procedure
Section 1 - Purpose
Top of PageSection 2 - Glossary
Top of Page
Section 3 - Policy
Section 4 - Procedures
Part A - Audit of radiation facilities
Audit cycle and schedule
Audit process
Notification of non-compliance
Part B - Audit of potential radiation subjects
Part C - Audit of research projects
Part D - Review of training completion
Requirement to complete training
Review procedure
Part E - Audit of Faculty of Science and Health compliance documentation relating to radiation safety
Top of PageSection 5 - Guidelines