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Prizes, Scholarships and Grants Policy

Section 1 - Purpose

(1) This policy states:

  1. the areas within Charles Sturt University (the University) that have the authority and responsibility to manage student prizes, scholarships and grants, and manage the donor relationships associated with these;
  2. the approval authorities for new, or changes to existing, student prizes, scholarships and grants; and
  3. the requirements for the presentation or recognition of prize or scholarship winners.


(2) This policy applies to all student cohorts of the University, however the supporting procedures or criteria for individual prizes, scholarships or grants will set their own scope and student eligibility requirements.

(3) This policy does not apply to:

  1. University Medals and Executive Dean’s Awards, which are governed by the Medals and Executive Dean's Awards Policy,
  2. external grant or prize applications,
  3. community grants, or
  4. competitions or events that might be organised by different areas of the University for promotion or participation in non-academic activities.
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Section 2 - Glossary

(4) For the purpose of this policy, the following terms have the definitions stated:

  1. Donor – means a person, organisation or government agency that funds a prize, scholarship or grant.
  2. Equity group – means a group identified by the University as under-represented in university education and thus eligible for extra consideration and support to increase participation in study at the University. The ‘Inclusion’ sections of the Admissions Procedure provides further information about equity groups currently recognised by the University.
  3. Grant – see the ‘Classification of prizes, scholarships and grants’ section of this policy.
  4. Prize – see the ‘Classification of prizes, scholarships and grants’ section of this policy.
  5. Scholarship – see the ‘Classification of prizes, scholarships and grants’ section of this policy.
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Section 3 - Policy

Classification of prizes, scholarships and grants

(5) The following is the preferred use of ‘prize’, ‘scholarship’ and ‘grant’ for all areas of the University under this policy:

  1. A prize is typically a once only award of money, financial support or some other form of recognition such as a gift voucher, subscriptions, goods or an award certificate. Prizes are generally awarded on a competitive basis.
  2. A scholarship is typically a substantial award of money or other form of financial support to a student, to help them undertake or continue their studies, or undertake other academic activities.
  3. A grant is typically an award of money or financial support to a student for a specific purpose in relation to their studies or to enable the student to commence or continue their studies by relieving hardship. Grants are generally awarded based on meeting eligibility criteria, depending on the availability of funding.

(6) Notwithstanding clause 5, the terms may be used interchangeably for new or existing prizes, scholarships and grants, based on the target audience or donor expectations and subject to the appropriate approval authority.

Responsible management areas

(7) The following areas have been authorised to manage and administer prizes, scholarships and grants, and to manage the donor relationships on behalf of the University. Any new donor relationship or proposal for a new prize, scholarship or grant must be approved and managed through one of these responsible management areas:

  1. Faculties, and principally the faculty operations teams, manage faculty based prizes, scholarships, grants and donor relations.
  2. The Advancement Office and Charles Sturt University Foundation Trust (the Foundation) teams manage the Foundation’s prizes, scholarship, grants and donor relations.
  3. The Systems manage equity group prizes, scholarships and grants, and may also provide centralised administration for any of the other areas by agreement.
  4. The Office of Global Engagement manage international experience and global engagement prizes, scholarships and grants.
  5. The Office of Research Services manage the prizes, scholarships and grants for higher degree by research students as stated in the Higher Degree by Research Scholarships Procedure - Australian Government Research Training Program Funded Scholarships.
  6. The Office for Student Safety and Wellbeing manage some grants for equity and financial support.
  7. The Division of Marketing and Communication manage some grants for conversion and accommodation support.

(8) Each area may develop a procedure for the management of prizes, scholarships, grants and the donor relationships that they are responsible for. Procedures must be consistent with this policy except where the prize, scholarship or grant is subject to government or regulatory requirements.

Management of prizes, scholarships and grants 

(9) Proposals for new or changes to existing prizes, scholarships or grants must be approved by the following approval authorities. This includes but is not limited to changes to eligibility criteria, value or frequency: 

  1. For faculties, the Executive Dean or delegate.
  2. For the Foundation, the Director, Advancement or delegate.
  3. For the Systems, the Executive Director, Division of Student Administration or delegate.
  4. For the Office of Global Engagement, the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Community and Global Engagement) or delegate.
  5. For the Office of Research Services, as stated in the Higher Degree by Research Scholarships Procedure - Australian Government Research Training Program Funded Scholarships.
  6. For the Office of Student Safety and Wellbeing, the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) or delegate.
  7. For the Division of Marketing and Communication, the Executive Director, Division of Marketing and Communication or delegate.

(10) Each area should ensure that their prizes, scholarships and grants are registered and administered in systems that can:

  1. enable authorisations and approvals,
  2. document the donor relationship managers and contacts,
  3. document and provide data to other University systems about the recipients, and if required the revocation, of a prize, scholarship or grant, and
  4. provide reports on the numbers and values of prizes, scholarships and grants awarded or issued.

(11) The relevant procedures or the terms and conditions for each prize, scholarship or grant will state the eligibility criteria and how they will be awarded or granted to students.

(12) The Philanthropic Donations and Gifts Received Policy states the University’s requirements in relation to donations and endowments.

Presentation of prizes, scholarships and grants 

(13) The supporting procedures or conditions for each prize, scholarship or grant may state how each will be presented or issued to the recipient.

(14) Only prizes where the eligibility is restricted to graduating students may be presented at graduation ceremonies or recognised in the graduation program. 

Australian Higher Education Graduation Statement (AHEGS) 

(15) A graduate’s Australian Higher Education Graduation Statement (AHEGS) may include the academically related prizes and scholarships that they have been awarded.

(16) A prize or scholarship must be approved for inclusion on the AHEGS by the relevant approval authority listed at clause 9, with confirmation that the prize or scholarship is awarded based on academic merit.

Termination of prizes, scholarships and grants

(17) At the discretion of the approval authorities stated at clause 9, a prize, scholarship or grant:

  1. may be terminated where:
    1. the recipient ceases to meet the eligibility criteria, or
    2. the recipient withdraws from the course, subject or activity it was related to,
  2. may be terminated and the recipient may be required to repay any money already paid to them where it is found that the prize, scholarship or grant was awarded on the basis of misleading or incomplete information, or
  3. may be terminated for any other condition as stated by the responsible management area.

(18) A prize, scholarship or grant may be terminated or revoked as a penalty where a student is found to have committed misconduct, as stated in the Student Misconduct Rule 2020.

Appeals and complaints

(19) Where a prospective student or a current student believes that the eligibility criteria for a prize, scholarship or grant have been applied incorrectly, they may:

  1. request a review of the decision if the responsible management area provides a review process,
  2. appeal the decision if the responsible management area provides an appeal process, and/or
  3. submit a complaint in accordance with the Complaints Management Procedure.

(20) Where a prize, scholarship or grant is terminated because an academic decision causes the recipient to no longer meet the eligibility criteria (for example, a review of grade or academic progress decision), the recipient should seek a review of the academic decision by the appeal or review process stated in the relevant academic policy or procedure.

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Section 4 - Procedures

(21) The following procedures have been developed by the responsible management areas where further administrative and management details are required:

  1. Prizes, Scholarships and Grants (Faculty) Procedures
  2. Higher Degree by Research Scholarships Procedure - Australian Government Research Training Program Funded Scholarships
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Section 5 - Guidelines

(22) Nil.