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Vice-Chancellor's Leadership Team - Membership and Terms of Reference

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Section 1 - Membership

(1) The Vice-Chancellor's Leadership Team is comprised of the following decision makers:

  1. Vice-Chancellor (Chair);
  2. Provost and Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic);
  3. Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students);
  4. Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Engagement);
  5. Chief Financial Officer; 
  6. Executive Director, Human Resources;
  7. University Secretary;
  8. Director, Strategic Planning;
  9. Director, Government and Community Relations; and
  10. Executive Officer to the Vice-Chancellor.

(2) The Vice-Chancellor may invite other officers of the University to attend meetings of the committee.

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Section 2 - Terms of Reference

(3) The Vice-Chancellor's Leadership Team meets to share information, brief each other and seek advice, as appropriate, on current or imminent activities and issues, and to provide advice to the Vice-Chancellor on:

  1. strategic review and direction of the University;
  2. major matters requiring approval by the Vice-Chancellor;
  3. actions arising from the University Council and senior management committees of the University;
  4. management of major change;
  5. approval of University-wide policies;
  6. establishing, monitoring and maintaining delegations; and
  7. other matters referred to the Committee by the Vice-Chancellor.
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Section 3 - Operating Principles for the Committee

(4) Within the model of "One University" the committee is committed to:

  1. living the University Values;
  2. consultation;
  3. collaborative problem solving across functional areas;
  4. communication across the University; and
  5. recognition of Conflict of Interest - members of the Committee shall notify other members of any "personal interest" in a matter that relates to the affairs of the Committee.
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Section 4 - Meeting Schedule

(5) The Vice-Chancellor's Leadership Team will meet fortnightly. In addition, throughout the year the Vice-Chancellor may convene formal meetings or workshops of the Vice-Chancellor's Leadership Team with other stakeholders to discuss and advise on strategic matters, which include, but are not limited to:

  1. development of annual budgets;
  2. educational and load profiles;
  3. strategic planning, including operational plans;
  4. performance indicators relating to the University Strategy;
  5. quality programs; and
  6. performance management.