(1) The Capital Planning Committee is established by the Vice-Chancellor on the recommendation of the Vice-Chancellor's Leadership Team. (2) The purpose of the Capital Planning Committee is to provide broad and strategic oversight of Charles Sturt University's (the University's) Capital Management Plan for campus infrastructure projects including Minor Works programs and Information and Communication Technology (ICT) capital expenditures. (3) Under the University's capitalisation policy, capital equipment comprises those items where the acquisition cost is greater than $10,000 and in regards to infrastructure and construction related assets, cost greater than $100,000. For the purposes of the Capital Planning Committee, capital will refer to activities funded under Fund codes A405 (Infrastructure) and A108 (ICT) for the thresholds applicable within the Accounting Capitalisation Policy. (4) The Capital Management Plan is overseen by the Capital Planning Committee which has cross-University representation and is chaired by the Chief Financial Officer. (5) The Capital Planning Committee scope will include all activities proposed for funding under the capital program for major infrastructure, ICT and Minor Works activities as defined above, including property and the proposed disposal/retirement of major infrastructure assets. ICT capital funding includes provision of ICT infrastructure; licensing, maintenance and associated costs in the implementation of ICT infrastructure or equivalent Internet based virtual services. (6) The Capital Planning Committee will also provide advice to the University's Planning and Strategy Group (PSG) and to the Finance, Audit and Risk Committee of University Council as appropriate on such matters as the following: (7) The Capital Planning Committee will balance governance and oversight of capital expenditure in the Division of Facilities Management (DFM) and Division of Information Technology (DIT) against the responsibility and role of the respective Executive Directors for those Divisions to provide leadership, advice and drive in the strategic allocation and management of these funds. (8) The regular members of the Capital Planning Committee shall be: (9) The Capital Planning Committee will be serviced by the Chief Financial Officer Executive Officer. (10) A regular member may appoint another person to attend a meeting or meetings on their behalf, or to act on their behalf for a specified timeframe. A person so appointed will be deemed to be a regular member of the Committee for the specified time and may vote as a regular member. (11) A quorum shall be five regular members of the Capital Planning Committee. (12) Approximately four meetings will be held annually. (13) Where approvals are required between meetings due to criticality or urgency of decision required, the Executive Director, Division of Information Technology or Executive Director, Division of Facilities Management may seek the approval of the Chief Financial Officer to address such issues via 'flying minute' with the Committee. (14) The Capital Planning Committee has and may exercise the following functions for and on behalf of the University:Capital Planning Committee - Membership and Terms of Reference
Section 1 - Establishment
Section 2 - Purpose
Section 3 - Glossary
Section 4 - Scope
Section 5 - Membership
Section 6 - Conduct of Meetings
Section 7 - Terms of Reference
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