(1) The Radiation Safety Committee was established in 1998. (2) The Radiation Safety Committee (the committee) reports to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) and through the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) and Vice-Chancellor to the Audit and Risk Committee of the University Council. (3) The committee was established to ensure compliance with the Protection from Harmful Radiation Act 1990 and the Protection from Harmful Radiation Regulation 2013. (4) For the purpose of this document: (5) The Radiation Safety Committee shall be comprised of the following members, nominated by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research): (6) There should be at least one representative of each school that uses radiation across the members listed under clause 5 (a) to (g). (7) The term of appointment for members of the committee shall be three years. (8) Appointment to the committee must be approved by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) following consultation with the presiding officer. (9) Re-appointment is by approval from the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research). (10) The presiding officer is appointed by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research). (11) The deputy presiding officer is elected by the committee at its first meeting of the new term of office. (12) The committee will appoint an executive, including the presiding officer and at least two members from those listed at clause 5 (b) to (g). (13) The executive of the Radiation Safety Committee will be appointed by the committee at its first meeting of the new term of office and then reviewed as required. (14) The Radiation Safety Committee shall: (15) The presiding officer of the Radiation Safety Committee is responsible for the leadership and operation of the committee, to ensure on behalf of the University, all activities relating to the use, storage and disposal of radioactive materials and equipment are conducted in compliance with legislative requirements. (16) The presiding officer is required to adhere to the responsibilities, accountabilities and other details set out in the Accountability Statement – Presiding Officer, Radiation Safety Committee. (17) The deputy presiding officer will act in the role of presiding officer in the absence of the presiding officer. (18) The executive of the Radiation Safety Committee shall review proposals and applications that require a response between scheduled meetings of the committee. (19) The executive may reserve the right to defer the discussion and approval of proposals or applications to the next meeting of the full committee. (20) The committee shall advise staff and students of the University on compliance matters relating to the use of radiation in teaching and research activities. (21) The committee shall respond to enquiries received requesting expert advice on radiation concerns and compliance, application processes and other related matters. (22) The committee shall advise the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) regarding the level of resourcing required by the Committee. (23) The Research Integrity Unit, Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) will provide administrative and secretariat support to the committee, and can be called upon for protocol and procedural advice. (24) A governance officer will be appointed to support the committee in the administration of its business, including the following responsibilities: (25) Decisions about allocation of committee tasks to the governance officer(s) is the responsibility of the Manager, Research Integrity, who may seek advice from the presiding officer. (26) Governance officer/s who attend Committee meetings have the right of audience and debate, particularly in relation to providing advice on procedural matters and corporate knowledge. (27) A quorum is the majority of committee members present at the meeting. (28) A quorum may be established through telephone or video conference links. (29) Only a quorate meeting of the committee shall consider and approve new applications, consider the variation or extension of existing projects or deliberate on other matters of relevant business. If matters on the agenda are urgent, then discussion may occur at the meeting, but the minutes must then be circulated to the remainder of the membership for their consideration and approval asynchronously. (30) Members who are unable to attend meetings must send through their apologies and are encouraged to submit their comments on applications to the presiding officer before the meeting, for consideration during the meeting. (31) The committee will meet at least once each quarter. (32) Meetings for the first and second quarters will be scheduled to allow enough time for approvals to be returned to applicants prior to the commencement of each academic session. (33) At least one meeting each year should be scheduled face to face. (34) A schedule of meeting dates and agenda closing dates is posted on the Radiation Safety Committee website by the beginning of each academic year. (35) In exceptional circumstances, the schedule of meetings may be altered by the presiding officer, in consultation with the governance officer. (36) Applications are allocated to an agenda based on their submission date and agenda closing dates. (37) Where an application requires a response before the next quarterly meeting, the application will be considered by the executive of the Radiation Safety Committee, either via teleconference or asynchronously where members shall, in writing, provide comments on applications and any approvals where possible. (38) If required, the governance officer of the committee may, on behalf of the presiding officer, convene an extraordinary meeting of the committee to review urgent committee business. (39) In those cases where an extraordinary meeting of the committee cannot be convened, the governance officer may circulate proposals and other items of business to the committee members who shall consider them asynchronously and, in writing, provide comments on applications and any approvals where possible. (40) Agendas are circulated to the committee one week before each scheduled meeting. (41) Minutes of the committee meeting are circulated to members within two weeks following the meeting. (42) External members may claim a meeting allowance in accordance with the Compliance Committee Policy - External Members Allowance. (43) Where a member has a perceived or material conflict of interest as described in the University’s Conflict of Interest Procedure, they must declare this to the presiding officer and at the committee meeting before discussion of the item of business. (44) The presiding officer will determine if members with a conflict of interest will remain present for the discussion of the item but not take part in a decision, or if the member must withdraw from the meeting for the discussion of matters that relate to that conflict of interest. Once such members have withdrawn, the remaining members must still constitute a quorum. (45) Matters discussed and papers considered during a committee meeting are confidential to committee members and those with the right of audience and debate. (46) Specific papers considered during a meeting and records of specific meeting discussions may be shared by the presiding officer, or by the governance officer with the permission of the presiding officer, with authorised officers of the University who can demonstrate a need to access the relevant information for the performance of their duties. (47) Variations to the terms of reference and/or membership of the committee must be approved by Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research).'Radiation Safety Committee' - Membership and Terms of Reference
Section 1 - Establishment
Section 2 - Glossary
Top of PageSection 3 - Membership
Term of office
Appointment of members
Presiding officer and deputy presiding officer
Executive of the Radiation Safety Committee
Section 4 - Functions and responsibilities
Member responsibilities
Presiding officer
Deputy presiding officer
Executive of the Radiation Safety Committee
Advisory role
Governance and administrative support
Section 5 - Meetings
Agendas and minutes
Related expenses
Conflicts of interest
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