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Radiation Safety Committee - Membership and Terms of Reference

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Section 1 - Establishment

(1) The Radiation Safety Committee was established in 1998 to ensure compliance with the Radiation Control Act 1990 No 13 and associated Regulations, and will report to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research, Development and Industry). 

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Section 2 - Glossary

(2) For the purpose of this document:

  1. Committee – means the Radiation Safety Committee 
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Section 3 - Membership

(3) The Radiation Safety Committee shall be comprised of the following members, nominated by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research, Development and Industry):

  1. at least one expert/user of radioactive substances (Laboratories);
  2. at least one expert/user of radioactive substances (Nuclear Medicine);
  3. at least one expert/user of irradiating apparatus;
  4. at least one expert/user of irradiating apparatus (Dentistry);
  5. at least one expert/user of non-ionising radiation;
  6. one representative from the Division of Facilities Management;
  7. one representative from the Division of Human Resources, Work health and Safety; and
  8. one representative from the Faculty of Science, Technical Support Unit. 

(4) There should be at least one representative of each School that uses ionising radiation across the members listed under clause 3, a to e.

(5) The Ethics and Compliance Unit, Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research, Development and Industry) will provide secretariat support to the Committee, who shall be called upon for protocol and procedural advice.

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Section 4 - Terms of Reference

(6) The Radiation Safety Committee shall:

  1. produce a Radiation Management Plan incorporating guidelines, policies and procedures in the acquisition, handling, storage and disposal of radioactive substances, irradiating apparatus and the safe use of non-ionising radiation at Charles Sturt University (the University);
  2. ensure the Radiation Management Plan is available to all users of radiation at the University;
  3. receive and consider feedback on operating procedures and processes as set out in the Radiation Management Plan;
  4. report to and make recommendations to the Vice-Chancellor's nominee, the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research, Development and Industry), on measures needed to ensure all radiation safety standards are maintained;
  5. report to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research, Development and Industry) and Finance, Audit and Risk Committee on issues regarding compliance or legislation changes;
  6. as soon as known, report any instances of non-compliance and material correspondence with regulatory bodies regarding these instances to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research, Development and Industry) and University Secretary and Director, Governance and Corporate Affairs;
  7. consider the radiation safety and legislative implications of all proposed teaching and research conducted at the University involving the use of radioactive substances, irradiating apparatus and/or non-ionising radiation conducted a the University, and approve that all meet the required radiation standards;
  8. perform other duties as required under the current Radiation Control Act 1990 No 13 and the Regulations, including the use of consulting radiation experts and radiation security assessors where required;
  9. receive and respond to complaints and issues of non-compliance raised by any person; and
  10. submit a quarterly compliance report to the Finance, Audit and Risk Committee, via the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research, Development and Industry).