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Student Clubs Sponsorship Procedure

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Section 1 - Purpose

(1) This procedure supports the Clubs Policy by stating detailed requirements for student clubs to secure external sponsorships including:

  1. the coordination of student clubs sponsorship activities
  2. ensuring the suitability of the sponsorship activity
  3. guiding student clubs on their obligations and responsibilities relating to sponsorship agreements with external third parties.


(2) This procedure applies to all University student club sponsorship activities.

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Section 2 - Policy

(3) This procedure supports the Clubs Policy and should be read alongside that policy.

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Section 3 - Procedure

(4) Sponsorship activities must comply with University values, policies, procedures and guidelines, and not expose the University to any legal or financial risks.

(5) Student club executives must declare any actual, perceived, or potential conflict of interest as part of the sponsorship form, as outlined in the Conflict of Interest Procedure. This may include, but not be limited to, employment arrangements with the sponsor, or personal or family connections to the sponsor. Any such conflicts of interest will be considered as part of the sponsorship review and approval process.

Types of sponsorship

(6) Sponsorship may be in the form of in-kind or financial support or a combination of both. 

(7) In-kind support may take the form of:

  1. provision of goods or services
  2. promotional support
  3. use of facilities
  4. supply of merchandise.

(8) Financial support is a monetary amount for which the sponsor is invoiced by the University for the use of the student club.

Seeking sponsorship

(9) Before approaching an organisation to secure a sponsorship, the student club will consider:

  1. the needs of the club
  2. the stated and potential goals of the sponsor
  3. whether the benefits provided by the sponsorship are commensurate with the value of the sponsorship
  4. whether the sponsor aligns with the student club’s goals and objectives
  5. whether the sponsor aligns with the University's brand and values.

(10) Sponsorship agreements may be considered at any time of the year.

Sponsorship request form

(11) All student club sponsorship requests must be documented in a sponsorship form.

(12) The sponsorship form will be completed in full by the student club, and will include the following:

  1. Sponsor’s details (business name, ABN, business address and contact person).
  2. Student club name.
  3. Term (period of sponsorship).
  4. Approved activities.
  5. Sponsorship details (nature of arrangement).
  6. Delivery of sponsorship (how and when sponsorship will be provided or paid).
  7. Benefits to the sponsor.
  8. Declaration of conflict of interest (if applicable).
  9. Special conditions.

(13) The completed sponsorship form must be submitted to

(14) The University reserves the right to decline a sponsorship arrangement if it decides the sponsor does not meet the requirements of the University.

Sponsorship agreements and approvals 

(15) Sponsorship agreements must be:

  1. documented on the University's standard form of sponsorship agreement
  2. approved by the appropriate University delegate and the sponsor.

(16) The sponsorship application will be reviewed and a formal sponsorship agreement will be prepared by the Student Representation and Clubs Officer. 

(17) The Student Representation and Clubs Officer will assess the draft sponsorship agreement and request endorsement from the University's Legal Services.

(18) Students and staff should refer to Delegation Schedule C - Finance for the authority to approve acceptance of sponsorship obligations.

(19) Once the appropriate delegated officer has reviewed and signed the agreement, a Student Representation and Clubs Officer will return the agreement to the student club to secure the sponsor’s sign-off.

(20) Upon receipt of signed agreement from the sponsor, a tax invoice will be prepared for the amount specified within the sponsorship agreement and provided to the sponsor for actioning.

Breach of contract

(21) The sponsorship agreement includes provisions for breach of contract. 

(22) Student clubs are to contact their Student Representation and Clubs Officer with any breaches of contract. The Student Representation and Clubs Officer will escalate issues to the Manager, Student Connection for determination on action or further escalation within the University.

Use of student club or University brand

(23) Use of the University brand or sub-brands must be approved in accordance with the Communications and Marketing Procedure – Brand Governance.


(24) The Division of Student Experience is responsible for annual reporting of sponsorships to the delegated officer as defined in Delegation Schedule C - Finance.

Records management

(25) Division of Student Experience is responsible for maintaining a register of all sponsorship agreements, which is to be filed annually with the delegated officer within Delegation Schedule C - Finance.

Related documents

(26) The following procedures and documents are related to this procedure and should be read alongside it:

  1. Student Charter
  2. Student Clubs Affiliation and Operations Procedure
  3. Student Misconduct Rule 2020
  4. Governance (Student Representation) Rule 2007
  5. Conflict of Interest Procedure
  6. Records Management Policy 
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Section 4 - Guidelines

(27) Refer to the Student Clubs Handbook

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Section 5 - Glossary

(28) This procedure uses terms defined in the Clubs Policy, as well as the following:

  1. Sponsor – means a person or organisation that contributes financially to or with an in-kind donation to a student club.
  2. Sponsorship – means a commercial agreement between a student club and a third party, governed by a written agreement. Sponsorship involves provision of financial or in-kind (non-financial) support in return for certain association. Reciprocal benefits may range from general acknowledgements to goods or services in return for some recognition or involvement with the student club that will mutually benefit both parties. Sponsorship does not include selling advertising space (e.g. in student publications) or donations.
  3. Sponsorship agreement – means the agreement between the student club and another party.