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Fleet Management Policy

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Section 1 - Purpose

(1) This policy establishes the framework to effectively manage and control Charles Sturt University (the University) motor vehicles.

(2) The use of motor vehicles is to support the travel and service delivery requirements of the University. The fleet is managed to achieve vehicle efficiency, safety of drivers, environmental performance and minimise life cycle costs for each vehicle.


(3) This policy applies to all University owned motor vehicles, except for vehicles provided under Executive Remuneration salary packages.

(4) This policy should be read in conjunction with the following policies/guides:

  1. Travel Policy;
  2. Work Health and Safety Policy;
  3. Driver Safety Policy; and
  4. Driver Safety Guidelines.
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Section 2 - Glossary

(5) In this policy:

  1. Abode - means a temporary place of residence.
  2. Fleet - means all registered passenger and commercial vehicles covered by this policy.
  3. Fleet Manager - means the Manager responsible for the fleet.
  4. Fleet Office – means the fleet section of the Division of Finance.
  5. Incidental private use - means the need to take the vehicle home overnight for the sole purpose of commencing a business journey from the employee's home early the next morning. Similarly, where a business journey ceases in the evening after business hours and the vehicle is returned to the car pool early the next morning.
  6. Private hire - means the ability of employees of the University to avail themselves of the private use of pool vehicles on the basis of a private hire charge that will offset the fringe benefit liability to the University.
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Section 3 - Policy

Part A - General

(6) The Division of Finance has responsibility for managing the fleet and ensuring vehicle safety and roadworthiness.

(7) The University has adopted a user-pays principle for the operation of its motor vehicle pool. Charges are inclusive of all costs.

(8) University motor vehicles shall only be operated by persons holding appropriate current licences valid for driving in Australia. International licences must comply with the requirements for driving in New South Wales.

(9) Use of private vehicles for university business is not permitted, except in circumstances where a fleet pool vehicle is unavailable or it is not practical to use a fleet vehicle. More details regarding the use of private vehicles for university business can be found in the Travel Policy.

(10) Smoking is not permitted in university vehicles.

(11) Animals are not permitted in university vehicles, except for transporting animals for university business, such as for farm, research or veterinary clinics operations.

(12) Any driver responsible for, or in control of, a university vehicle shall take due care for the condition and security of the vehicle and shall comply with this policy and all relevant legislation, traffic laws, regulations and by-laws.

Part B - All university vehicles

(13) University vehicles shall only be driven by university staff or the following classes of non-staff:

  1. researchers, visiting fellows/lecturers, guests of the University, official visitors and students specifically approved by the Fleet Manager;
  2. post-graduate students of the University;
  3. members of University Council; and
  4. family members where the vehicle is under a private hire arrangement and travelling with a staff member.

(14) A breach of clause 13 may result in legal or criminal proceedings and/or disciplinary action in accordance with the University's disciplinary procedures.

(15) University vehicles shall not be used for private purposes, except under a private hire arrangement.

(16) Should a driver have an accident while in breach of clause 15, the driver will be responsible for the insurance excess for the cost of repairs.

(17) Where the driver of a university vehicle is involved in a motor vehicle accident or breakdown, the driver shall follow the procedures provided in the motor vehicle folder. A 24 hour mobile phone number is included in the vehicle folder. All accidents and breakdowns are to be reported to the Procurement and Fleet Office.

(18) User faculties/divisions budget centres will be charged on a regular basis by the Procurement and Fleet Office through the University's Finance system for the cost of actual distance travelled and according to the general ledger codes details provided on the approved travel plan.

(19) The Fleet Manager, is responsible for organising the purchase, disposal and replacement of university vehicles.

(20) Drivers of university vehicles should comply with common sense safe driving practices in recognition of their responsibilities under the work health and safety and road safety laws.

(21) Drivers should display a level of courtesy that reflects the University’s values and brand guidelines.

Part C - Pool vehicles

(22) Pool vehicles are not available for any private travel, other than incidental private use as defined in Section 2 or under a private hire agreement — refer to Part F.

(23) The Procurement and Fleet Office shall be responsible for cleaning, maintaining and controlling the availability of fleet pool vehicles, keeping records, paying maintenance/running costs and cost recovery from user faculties/divisions.

(24) Pool vehicle bookings are subject to availability and vehicles will be matched as requested to the functional need wherever possible. The Fleet Manager, has the right to deny bookings on reasonable grounds.

(25) Pool vehicle bookings are made based on the times provided in the approved travel plan. The travel plan must clearly specify the commencing and finishing times of the journey, which may be different to the pick-up and return times for the vehicle on the travel plan.

(26) Drivers are expected to pick up their booked vehicle at the requested time only. Vehicles may not necessarily be available before that time. If there is to be a delay in returning a vehicle due to unforeseen circumstances, the driver must advise the Procurement and Fleet Office, as the vehicle may be booked for another trip.

(27) Where a vehicle is retained overnight at the driver's home, it must be secured in a safe location and parked off street.

(28) Drivers should travel by the normal most direct route for the trip.

(29) Pool vehicles will normally be garaged on campus in the motor vehicle compounds where provided on each campus.

(30) Vehicles may be booked in a travel plan as a one way booking in abnormal circumstances when approved by the Fleet Manager. One way bookings may incur an additional cost to have the vehicle returned to its home campus.

(31) Fuel cards are provided in all pool vehicles. Fuel must be purchased using the provided fuel card wherever possible. It is important that drivers provide the odometer kilometre reading when purchasing fuel. 

(32) The vehicle log sheet must be completed at the commencement and completion of each journey.

(33) All pool vehicles are fitted with eToll tags for use with all tollways. The cost of the tolls will be charged according to the GL code details provided on the approved travel plan.

(34) Students are permitted to use University motor vehicles subject to the following conditions:

  1. approval of a travel plan by the relevant Budget Centre Manager;
  2. there is a suitable vehicle available;
  3. the student driving the vehicle must possess a current driver's licence; and
  4. only in special circumstances, approved in advance by the Fleet Manager, are students permitted to retain a vehicle overnight.

Part D - Service vehicles

(35) Faculties/divisions allocated vehicles on a permanent basis shall be responsible for controlling the usage of allocated vehicles, cleaning the vehicles and keeping appropriate records requested by the Procurement and Fleet Office.

(36) An allocation and per kilometre recovery fee applies to all dedicated vehicles.

(37) All accidents and breakdowns are to be reported to the Procurement and Fleet Office.

Part E - Packaged vehicles

(38) The Fleet Manager, is responsible for the purchase, disposal and replacement of vehicles approved as part of remuneration packages.

(39) Packaged vehicles are covered under the provisions of the Executive Remuneration and Appointment Policy and Procedures.

Part F - Private hire

(40) University vehicles may be available for private hire during off peak usage times subject to the following conditions:

  1. a vehicle is available and is not required at that time for official use. If a vehicle reserved for a private hire is subsequently required for official use, then the private booking may be cancelled;
  2. only employees of the University (i.e. continuing — full time or part time and fixed term) and employees of controlled entities are permitted to private hire vehicles;
  3. private hire is subject to hire rates determined by the University and includes fuel costs. The rates and the minimum charge applicable can be found on the Division of Finance website under “Guides and Manuals”;
  4. the vehicle must be returned filled with fuel. If the vehicle has not been refuelled, an administrative fee of $30 to cover staff costs to take the vehicle to be refuelled may be charged; and
  5. the private hire form outlines a range of conditions and staff members hiring a vehicle must abide by all of these conditions.

(41) Where a vehicle has been allocated for an official journey and, subject to approval, a staff member may seek extended use of the vehicle for private hire. The vehicle log sheet must be completed up to the commencement of the private hire and at the conclusion of the private hire. The private kilometres travelled will be charged at the official kilometre rate with the minimum kilometre charge applying. The vehicle may only be driven by approved university staff and any family member designated in the request for private hire documentation.

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Section 4 - Procedures

(42) Nil.

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Section 5 - Guidelines

(43) Nil.