(1) This policy prescribes employee’s and other’s use of Charles Sturt University (the University) corporate credit cards. (2) This policy applies to all cardholders, their supervisors and delegated approvers for the two types of corporate credit cards utilised by the University, being: (3) In this policy: (4) The University operates both purchase card and travel card programs and uses the expense management system to monitor, approve and acquit all credit card transactions. (5) Credit card use is strictly controlled and employees using or applying for a corporate credit card should ensure that they are aware of, and adhere to, this policy. (6) Failure to follow or intentionally disregard compliance with this policy may result in cancellation of the card, legal or criminal proceedings and/or disciplinary action in accordance with the University’s disciplinary procedures. (7) Employees who have a purchasing role may apply to have a University purchase card and employees who travel on duty at least once per annum may apply to have a University travel card. (8) Applicants must be an employee of the University. (9) Purchase cards may also be issued in strictly limited circumstances to individuals (other than employees) directly associated with the University on a case by case basis following an assessment and approval by the Chief Financial Officer (CFO), or a delegate of the CFO. (10) All applications must be supported by their Supervisor and authorised by their delegated approver (band 6 or above). (11) Applications can be found on the Division of Finance website. (12) The University is a public statutory body and its funds, irrespective of the source, are public monies. University funds must be spent for their defined purposes and in the best interests of the University. (13) The University is accountable publicly for the use of its funds and all employees exercising financial authority under delegation are responsible for ensuring that approvals for expenditures comply with University delegations, policies and procedures. (14) All purchasing transactions must meet the following four principles. An expenditure must be: (15) University credit cards may only be issued to an employee by an approved officer authorised in accordance with University delegations (refer to the Delegation Schedule 02 - Finance Delegations — FIN17). (16) No person may approve the issue, or an increase to the limit, of their own card nor may they authorise the acquittal of their own expenses. (17) The purchase card is generally limited to $3,000 per transaction and the following apply: (18) The use of credit cards is intended to complement the procurement procedures for minor purchases. (19) Budget Centre Managers are responsible for ensuring they approve expenses in a timely manner throughout the year and that any outstanding acquitted expenses are approved by the end of each financial year. (20) Cardholders are responsible for: (21) Cardholders must return their University credit card when they: (22) The loss or theft of a credit card must be reported immediately to the bank. The loss or theft must also be reported as soon as practicable to the system administrator. (23) Liability for charges incurred with the card rests with the University and not the individual cardholder. (24) The use of the card by the cardholder will not affect an individual's personal credit rating. (25) The cardholder will be liable to repay to the University all costs for transactions that are of a private nature. (26) The credit card may only be used for transactions for University business and purposes, and not for private purchases. Where there are repeated instances of private transactions, it will be subject to disciplinary action in accordance with the University’s disciplinary procedures. (27) The credit card may only be used by the employee whose name appears on the card. The cardholder may not allow any other person to use their card for any purpose whatsoever. (28) All purchases made using the credit card are to be substantiated with appropriate receipts and/or tax invoices. (29) Cardholders who deliberately misuse their credit card may face legal or criminal proceedings along with cancellation of the card and/or disciplinary action in accordance with the University disciplinary procedures. Misuse includes: (30) Nil. (31) Nil.Corporate Credit Card Policy
Section 1 - Purpose
Top of PageSection 2 - Glossary
Top of PageSection 3 - Policy
Part A - Corporate cards
Part B - Eligibility
Part C - Principles
Part D - Cardholder responsibilities
Part E - Liability
Part F - Card usage
Top of PageSection 4 - Procedures
Section 5 - Guidelines
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