(1) This guideline provides details to be followed when changes are made to schools, including name changes, establishing, merging and disestablishing schools. This guideline ensures that the changes are properly authorised and consistently applied. (2) This guideline applies to: (3) For the purpose of this guideline, the following terms have the definitions stated: (4) Refer to Faculties - Membership and Terms of Reference. (5) Nil. (6) The Vice-Chancellor has the authority to make changes to schools and will report any action taken to the University Council (Council). (7) A change to a school may include any or all of the following: (8) Where the change involves minor modification to the name of a school, for instance, the rearrangement of words or correction of a spelling error with no change to the function of the school, then approvals outlined in this guideline will not be required. (9) Advice from key University stakeholders, including each relevant division, portfolio and the relevant faculty, should be sought in advance of seeking approval to establish or change schools. This is to ensure that all University corporate systems and functional areas are aligned to achieve common goals. (10) Where a major organisational change is planned, it will be managed under the provisions of the Enterprise Agreement. (11) After consultation with the relevant Executive Dean(s), the final recommendation on a school change is to be made by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) to the Vice-Chancellor. (12) Notice of approved discipline changes should be communicated promptly by the relevant faculty to all portfolios and divisions to ensure corporate systems and reporting are updated appropriately. (13) A ‘school’ is an academic organisational unit responsible for the academic functions of teaching and research, and sits within a faculty. Staff belonging to schools are generally located on campuses where the school has subject offerings or may be located off-campus. (14) Schools enable the delivery of the strategic objectives of the University and the faculties where they reside, including teaching, research, community, professional and industry engagement. (15) Schools aim to foster a culture of collaboration and interdisciplinary exploration. (16) Schools must ensure that all school operations maintain strict adherence to rules, policies, procedures and quality assurance and accreditation processes, both from within the University, and from external regulatory entities. (17) Faculties will establish school structures that assure the operational delivery and governance of teaching and research. (18) In order for an organisational unit to be recognised as a school: (19) Various resources were researched to inform the development of this policy, including:Establishment and Change of School Guidelines
Section 1 - Purpose
Top of PageSection 2 - Glossary
Top of PageSection 3 - Policy
Section 4 - Procedures
Section 5 - Guidelines
Approval process
Top of PageSection 6 - Resources and acknowledgements
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Note: Clause 39 of the Delegations and Authorisations Policy applied to delegation schedule 1 GOV17 confirmed as ‘disestablish’ and ‘alter the status of’ with the holder of the authority, confirmed as the Vice-Chancellor.