This is not a current document. It has been repealed and is no longer in force.
Section 1 - Faculty of Science International Education and Partnerships Committee
Part A - Membership
(1) The Committee shall consist of:
- Presiding Officer (namely, the Sub-Dean Pathways and Partnerships, or nominee of the Executive Dean);
- one representative from each School of the Faculty;
- representative of the Division of Marketing and Communication;
- one representative from the Division of International Education and Partnerships;
- one representative from Academic Support; and
- one representative from CSU Global.
(2) Right of audience and debate:
- additional members of the Division of International Education and Partnerships, as deemed relevant form time-to-time;
- Associate Dean, Teaching and Learning; and
- Head of Schools.
Part B - Terms of Reference
(3) The Faculty of Science International Education and Partnerships Committee shall have responsibility for:
- the periodic review of the activities undertaken across the Schools in the Faculty with respect to international education and partnerships and report to Faculty Board;
- provide advice to Faculty Board on matters relevant to the sustainability and appropriateness in international education and partnership activities undertaken in the Faculty;
- provide advice to Faculty Board on policy and strategic matters arising in the University with respect to international education and partnerships;
- recommend to Faculty Board policy on international education and partnerships relevant to the operational plan of the Faculty;
- review policy relevant to the study experience of international students studying with the Faculty of Science and report to Faculty Board;
- recommend to Faculty Board methods to promote opportunities for international education experiences amongst students and staff in the Faculty; and
- recommend to Faculty Board methods to promote opportunities for partnerships to relevant School and Faculty interests.
Top of PageSection 2 - Faculty of Science Curriculum, Learning and Teaching Committee
Part C - Membership
(4) The Curriculum, Learning and Teaching Committee membership shall comprise:
- Associate Dean Learning and Teaching - Presiding Officer;
Chair of the Learning and Teaching Committee from each School in the Faculty;
Course Directors from each School in the Faculty;
- Sub-Dean Professional Placements;
- representatives from Division of the Dean of Students;
- Faculty of Science Manager, Educational Design and Media Team;
- representative from Education for Practice Institute;
- representative from the School of Indigenous Australian Studies (SIAS), to be nominated by the Head, SIAS.
(5) Right of audience and debate:
- Executive Dean, Faculty of Science;
- Sub-Dean Research;
- Sub-Dean Partnership and Pathways;
- Head of Schools in Faculty of Science;
- other key stakeholders identified from time to time (content/policy driven);
- Faculty of Science Learning and Teaching award candidates; and
- student representative (content and policy driven).
(6) Frequency of meetings — The Faculty of Science Curriculum, Learning and Teaching Committee will convene every six weeks with the option of holding additional meetings as required. The Committee will submit minutes and any additional reports to Faculty Board and to the University Curriculum, Learning and Teaching Committee. Agenda items are to be delivered one week in advance of the scheduled meeting.
Part D - Terms of Reference
(7) The Faculty of Science Curriculum, Learning and Teaching Committee (FoSCLTC) will:
- develop, advise and monitor the Faculty of Science annual Learning and Teaching Plan and evaluate performance against key metrics and identify priority areas and targets. The Associate Dean Learning and Teaching will report outcomes to Faculty Board;
- provide advice to Faculty Board on the priorities in curriculum, learning and teaching in the Faculty of Science and recommend communication strategies between School Learning and Teaching Committees, Course Directors, Faculty and Academic Senate;
- through Faculty Board provide advice and monitor policies and procedures in the Schools in the Faculty of Science relating to curriculum design and development, learning, teaching, authentic assessment and evaluation in the Faculty of Science;
- provide a mechanism to foster high quality course design, delivery and evaluation of core strategies (University and Faculty);
- provide advice to Faculty Board on the scholarship and practice of learning and teaching within the Faculty of Science and recommend processes to recognise and champion exemplars, innovation and commitment to quality teaching;
- provide advice to Faculty Board on the implementation of the pedagogical framework of Indigenous Cultural Competencies into course design and curriculum delivery, in addition to the Charles Sturt University Graduate Learning Outcomes; and
- undertake other activities as directed by Faculty Board in relation to learning and teaching in the Faculty.
Top of PageSection 3 - Faculty of Science Professional Placements Committee
Part E - Membership
(8) Members include:
- Sub-Dean Professional Placements (Chair);
- other members will be appointed upon nomination of Head of Schools.
- Chair (or representative) of each of School Fieldwork Committees where committees are established; or
- School representative.
Part F - Terms of reference
(9) The Faculty Professional Placements Committee is responsible for recommending to the Executive Dean and Faculty Board on matters relating to the professional placement components of programs of the Faculty.
(10) The Faculty Professional Placements Committee shall:
- develop a central repository of all relevant Faculty data, risk management strategies and other standard procedures and databases relevant to professional placements;
- review annually the Faculty's Plans as relevant to Professional placements;
- provide advice to the Executive Dean and Faculty Board on matters relating to governance of professional placements;
- develop Faculty-specific policies and mechanisms consistent with University policy, relating to professional placement activities in the Faculty;
- plan and implement activities to enhance the quality of professional placement activities in the Faculty;
- review and comment on communication with external partners that are relevant to the Faculty; and
- ensure alignment of School professional placement activities with Faculty objectives.
Part G - Meetings
(11) Meetings will be held monthly.
Part H - Quorum
(12) Quorum will be set at half plus one of the normal membership of the committee. If quorum is not reached the meeting may proceed and be minuted however any decisions will be held over until the next meeting at which there is a quorum.
Top of PageSection 4 - Faculty of Science Honours Committee
Part I - Membership
(13) Members include:
- Associate Dean Faculty Honours (Presiding Officer);
- Honours Coordinator of each School of the Faculty; and
- Alternative member for each School, who will attend in the absence of the Honours Coordinator.
(14) Right of audience and debate:
- Executive Dean of the Faculty;
- Associate Dean of the Faculty;
- Associate Dean (Teaching and Learning) of the Faculty; and
- Head of Schools of the Faculty.
Part J - Terms of Reference
(15) The Faculty Honours Committee will:
- liaise with the Executive Dean, Associate/Sub Deans of other portfolios, Head of Schools and school staff on honours matters;
- provide advice to Faculty Board on strategic planning for the Faculty Honours programs;
- recommend to Faculty Board methods to recognise, develop and promote quality honours research and supervision;
- recommend to Faculty Board methods to encourage staff to pursue staff development opportunities that will enhance honours research and/or supervision;
- make recommendations to the Faculty, via Faculty Board, on Honours course structures, and course modifications;
- recommend to the Faculty Board methods to facilitate networking of skill bases across disciplines and Schools;
- make recommendations to the Faculty Board on issues relating to Honours regulation, development and refinement; and
- make recommendations to the Faculty on honours grades.