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Official Session Dates Variation Policy

This is not a current document. It has been repealed and is no longer in force.

Section 1 - Introduction

(1) This document sets out Charles Sturt University's policy and procedures for the variation of dates of offering of teaching and learning activities outside the official session dates. It should be read in conjunction with the Academic Calendar Policy. The expectation is that there will be few applications for variations to official session dates submitted for approval.

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Section 2 - Glossary

  1. Official - approved by the appropriately delegated Charles Sturt University (the University) or body.
  2. Official Session Dates - those dates approved by the Academic Senate for delivery of teaching and learning activities at the University each year, according to the principles described in the Academic Calendar Policy.
  3. Calendar - an approved set of dates for a given academic year. For example the international program calendar will show key teaching and learning dates relating to delivery of University programs to international students offshore.
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Section 3 - Policy

Permissible Variations

(2) Listed below are the variations which may be approved under this policy.

Course and Subject Scheduling

(3) Offering courses and/or subjects using a non-standard calendar. Examples would include the offering of a domestic student program under the international program calendar, or vice versa. Offering a 'mixed' calendar of domestic program and international program dates would also fall under this category of variation.

Start and End Dates for Sessions

(4) Varying the formal start and end dates for a given session.

Scheduling of Classes

(5) Scheduling of classes for internal students outside the official internal dates.

Residential Schools

(6) Scheduling of residential schools outside the official residential School periods.

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Section 4 - Principles and Criteria for Approval of Requests for Variations to Official Dates

(7) The following principles and criteria will be applied in determining approval for variations to official dates. Faculties submitting requests for variations will be required to demonstrate consultation with all affected parties.

  1. Academic quality and standards will not be compromised and if possible will be enhanced by the proposal.
  2. Professional registration or course accreditation requirements in academic and/or clinical studies and/or industry practicum placements, which require non-standard dates or duration of study, will be accommodated where possible.
  3. Resource constraints, such as provision of laboratory space or class rooms for residential schools, can be better managed by non-standard academic calendar dates.
  4. Programs involving partner organisations that require coordination with partner schedules, which fall outside standard academic calendar dates.
  5. Requests for non-standard academic calendar dates can be delivered without significant impact on other School or Faculty program provision or timetabling.
  6. Support Divisions are able to accommodate a request for non-standard scheduling of programs without significant impact on their capacity to support other programs.
  7. The benefits to be derived from the proposed variation can be demonstrated to justify the additional resource cost required (e.g. formal examination).
  8. Compliance with census dates and associated legislation.
  9. Requests for non-standard academic calendar dates do not infringe University policies or regulations pertaining to both staff and students.
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Section 5 - Approvals

(8) Variations will be approved either by the Provost and Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic), or the University Secretary or their delegate, according to the delegations below:

  1. Course and Subject Scheduling (clause 3 of the Policy) - to be approved by the Provost and Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic)
  2. Start and End Dates for Sessions (clause 4 of the Policy) - to be approved by the Provost and Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic)
  3. Scheduling of Classes (clause 5 of the Policy) - to be approved by the University Secretary or their delegate (in consultation with the Course Director or Course Coordinator);
  4. Residential Schools (clause 6 of the Policy) - to be approved by the University Secretary or their delegate (in consultation with the Course Director or Course Coordinator).