This is not a current document. It has been repealed and is no longer in force.
Section 1 - Common Academic Calendar
(1) The Academic Senate determined on 27 May 2009 (AS 09/61), and as amended on 5 August 2009 (AS 09/112), that the policy for development of a common the University academic calendar commencing in 2010 be as follows:
Academic Calendar - Domestic Programs
- Session 1 to commence on the 9th Monday of the calendar year;
- Session 1 and 2 be 16 weeks in length inclusive of an end of session examination period of two weeks;
- Session 3 be 13 weeks in length inclusive of an end of session examination period of one week;
- there be a common session commencement date for all modes of teaching;
- there be a common session conclusion date for all modes of teaching;
- there be a one week mid-session break in Session 3 to accommodate Christmas/New Year;
- there be a three week inter-session break between Session 1 and Session 2;
- there be a two week inter-session break between Session 2 and Session 3;
- there be a two week inter-session break between Session 3 and Session 1 inclusive of a one week Orientation period for Session 1 commencing students.
- there be a two week intra-session residential school period that falls in weeks seven and eight of Sessions 1 and 2. [The intra-session residential school period for Session 1 may be moved to weeks six and seven if the combination of Easter and/or Anzac day adversely impacts on the number of days available for the conduct of residential schools];
- residential school periods may be prescribed for other times within the academic calendar.
Academic Calendar - International Programs
(2) The proposed calendar transposes the same domestic calendar structure to a northern hemisphere timeline and seasonal pattern. The international sessions are labelled 'terms' to distinguish them from domestic 'sessions';
- Terms 1 and 2 be 16 weeks and Term 3 be 12 weeks in length inclusive of the end of session examination period;
- Term 1 to commence on the last Monday in August or first Monday in September to align with the commencement of the Northern Hemisphere academic year;
- Term 2 to commence on the 2nd Monday in January (as such the calendar year sequence is Term 2, Term 3, Term 1, and Term 3 aligns with the Northern Hemisphere Summer).
Graduation Ceremonies held during Residential Schools
(3) Wherever possible, the scheduling of graduation ceremonies during residential school periods will be avoided, however, this is not always possible given the constraints associated with scheduling ceremonies.