(1) Agreements with overseas institutions play an important role in internationalising Charles Sturt University (the University). They provide specific opportunities for internationalisation activities to occur and an opportunity to enhance the University's international reputation. (2) In developing relationships with overseas institutions, the University seeks to ensure that: (3) This Policy is intended to ensure that the University's international partnerships are aligned with the University's Strategy and its policy on the management of contracts. It provides a framework for the development, maintenance and management of all international agreements. (4) The University establishes various types of agreements with overseas institutions. These include but are not limited to: (5) Details on these types of agreement are provided in Attachment 1 . (6) The Vice-Chancellor is the only officer authorised to sign an agreement with an overseas institution. (7) Agreements with overseas institutions are prepared by the Office of International Relations, at the request of the: (8) Before negotiation of an agreement with an overseas institution commences the proposed collaboration should be discussed with the Sub-Dean International (for Faculty requests) and have 'in principle' approval from the appropriate Deputy Vice-Chancellor (DVC), Dean, or Centre Director. (9) If the proposed agreement is for Student Exchange, the proposal must be discussed with the Office of International Relations before negotiations commence. (10) If the proposed agreement is an Agreement for Academic Cooperation, the proposal must be endorsed by the University Ontario Management Group before negotiations commence. (11) Agreements for commercial activities such as agreements for Joint Cooperation - Third Party Course Delivery, must be initiated and undertaken in accordance with the Procedure for Approval of Commercial Course Offerings. (12) The proposed relationship should be consistent with University strategic objectives and aligned with the University International Education Strategy and relevant Faculty or Centre operational plans. (13) The Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Dean, Centre Director or their nominated delegate should liaise with the overseas institution to: (14) Details of past and current agreements with overseas institutions are maintained by the Office of International Relations. A list of the University's current international linkages can be accessed via the Office of Global Engagement and Partnerships webpage. (15) Upon completion of these investigations, the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Dean or Centre Director should submit the Request for International Agreement form to the Office of International Relations. (16) The Office of International Relations will prepare a draft agreement and forward the document to the proposing Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Dean or Centre Director for review. (17) It is the University's preference to have the overseas institution sign an agreement prepared by the University. However, where an overseas institution has requested that the University sign its agreement, a copy of the proposed agreement should be attached to the Request for International Agreement. The Office of International Relations will coordinate the University Legal review of the proposed agreement. (18) The Office of International Relations will liaise with the overseas institution to seek their endorsement of the agreement and will coordinate approval where required from Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Administration), Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic), Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research, Development and Industry), University Legal and other Faculties, Centres and Divisions who may be affected by the agreement. (19) After obtaining the overseas institution's endorsement and University internal approvals, the Office of International Relations will provide two copies of the agreement for signing to the overseas institution. (20) Where a signing ceremony is requested, the Office of International Relations will liaise with relevant parties to coordinate the event. Costs of signing ceremonies will be met by the requesting Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Dean or Centre Director. (21) Upon return of the signed agreement to the University, the Office of International Relations will prepare a briefing document for the Vice-Chancellor and request the Vice-Chancellor's endorsement of the agreement. (22) The Office of International Relations will courier one copy of the signed original agreement to the overseas institution and maintain one original copy in the Office of the Vice-Chancellor. (23) An electronic version of the agreement will be provided to the requesting Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Dean, Centre Director, CRGT (for Centre agreements) and relevant Divisions. (24) The Office of International Relations will establish a TRIM file, determine a review date and provide details of the linkage on the Office of International Relations web site. (25) For further information, including development of an international agreement contact: (26) Office of International Relations (27) Email: oir@csu.edu.au (28) Phone: 61 2 69334120 (29) The Office of International Relations is responsible for maintaining a register of agreements held with overseas institutions. (30) The Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Administration) is responsible for international contract management. (31) Nil. (32) Nil.Overseas Institutions Agreements Establishment Policy
Section 1 - Purpose
Section 2 - Types of International Agreements
Section 3 - Policy
Procedure for Establishing Agreements
Register of Agreements
Review of Agreements
International Agreements will be reviewed six months prior to the expiry of the agreement, or as otherwise requested by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Administration).
Agreement reviews will be coordinated by the Office of International Relations.Section 4 - Procedures
Section 5 - Guidelines
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