(1) Charles Sturt University (the University) recognises the need to provide market related remuneration with closer links between pay and performance to attract and retain highly skilled and effective executive and senior managers. The University therefore offers executive and senior managers a flexible, performance based remuneration scheme that reflects practices in the general market place. (2) The scheme provides for five levels of remuneration above the maximum applicable enterprise agreement rates. This enables the University to provide rewards for performance at the organisation, group and individual levels and to review rates regularly against general economic (market) conditions. The University intends to remunerate its executive and senior managers at the median point of the general market, subject to the ongoing achievement of the University's performance objectives. (3) The scheme promotes linkages between strategic planning, performance management and remuneration. (4) In recognising and valuing the importance of its executive and senior managers in implementing the University's mission, the objectives of the Policy are to: (5) This Policy applies to the Vice-Chancellor, Deputy Vice-Chancellors and all other executive and senior managers (i.e. Pro Vice-Chancellor, Executive Deans, Executive Directors, Heads of School, Directors and identified managers) appointed to the five level remuneration structure set out in Part B of this Policy. (6) For the purposes of this Policy, the following definitions apply: (7) The Council determines the remuneration of the Vice-Chancellor, as well as the Deputy Vice-Chancellors, acting on the advice of its Succession Planning Committee and the Vice-Chancellor. (8) The Vice-Chancellor determines the remuneration of all other executive and senior managers covered by this Policy. (9) There are five classification and remuneration levels for executive and senior managers. The appropriate level is based on work value principles, which take into account the accountabilities and responsibilities of a position. (10) Each remuneration level provides a 'minimum', 'mid-point' and 'maximum' total employment cost (TEC). The mid-point TEC is determined annually by the Succession Planning Committee of Council. (See Part D of this Policy.) The minimum TEC is set at 20% below the mid-point and the maximum TEC at 20% above the mid-point. (11) If the executive or senior manager's performance meets or exceeds requirements, then progression through a remuneration level towards the mid-point will occur annually. (12) Remuneration above the mid-point of a level is only possible through payment of an attraction/retention allowance or a re-earnable performance bonus. (13) The benefits of the five level remuneration model are that it: (14) Acting on the advice of the Vice-Chancellor, the Succession Planning Committee of Council annually reviews the remuneration rates for executive and senior managers, taking into account remuneration movements in both the higher education sector and the general market, and the University's performance and capacity to pay. These adjustments are normally effective from 1 July each year. (15) Remuneration rates for executive and senior managers covered by this Policy are not linked to those of other University employees covered by enterprise agreements. (16) Remuneration Levels 3, 2, 1 and above [Vice-Chancellor, Deputy Vice-Chancellors, Pro Vice-Chancellor, Executive Deans and Executive Directors]. (17) The package consists of: (18) The package consists of: (19) Flexible salary packaging is available at Charles Sturt University(see Guidelines for the Voluntary Packaging Scheme). (20) The range of benefit options provided is periodically reviewed to ensure relevance. Options include a motor vehicle, Charles Sturt University childcare, computer products, corporate uniform, subscriptions to professional associations, tuition fees, and contributions to qualifying superannuation funds. (21) The benefits chosen to be included in a package may be extended to meet individual circumstances after discussion with an independent financial adviser. (22) The following principles of appointment apply. (23) The Vice-Chancellor is responsible for the appointment and renewal of fixed-term appointments, the classification of new positions, and the reclassification of existing positions for all positions covered by the five level remuneration model, unless otherwise provided for in the Delegations and Authorisations Policy . (24) Unless determined otherwise by the Vice-Chancellor, appointees to executive positions at Levels 3, 2, 1 and above are appointed on a fixed term basis, and have their terms and conditions specified in an Australian Workplace Agreement (AWA), Individual Transitional Employment Agreement (ITEA), or a common law contract of employment. (25) The Vice-Chancellor shall inform the Succession Planning Committee of Council of any determination made pursuant to clause 24. (26) Appointments of Heads of School are made on a fixed-term basis, with a substantive underlying continuing academic appointment, and subject to the Academic Institutional Leadership Positions Appointment Policy . (27) Unless determined otherwise by the Vice-Chancellor, all other appointees to senior appointments at Levels 5 and 4 are appointed on a fixed-term basis, and have the terms and conditions of appointment specified in an AWA, ITEA or common law contract of employment. (28) Unless determined otherwise by the Vice-Chancellor, the provisions of this clause apply to new executive and senior managers employed on either a continuing or fixed-term appointment. (29) An executive or senior manager employed on a continuing appointment, or on a fixed-term appointment of three years or longer, serves a probationary period of 12 months. (30) The Vice-Chancellor reserves the right to waive or shorten a period of probation, having regard to the executive or senior manager's prior service, qualifications and experience. (31) The Vice-Chancellor has established procedures for: (32) These procedures are contained in the Executive Remuneration and Appointment Procedure. (33) Refer to Motor Vehicles Guidelines - Executive Managers.Executive Remuneration and Appointment Policy
Section 1 - Purpose
Section 2 - Glossary
Top of PageSection 3 - Policy
Part A - Determination of the Remuneration Model
Determination of Remuneration for the Vice-Chancellor and Deputy Vice-Chancellors
Determination of Remuneration for All Other Executive or Senior managers
Part B - Remuneration Model
Part C - Benefits of the Remuneration Model
Part D - Determination of Remuneration Model Increases
Part E - Determination of Individual Remuneration Packages
Quantum of Packages
Remuneration Levels 5 and 4 (Heads of School, Directors and identified managers
Part F - Flexible Salary Packaging
Part G - Appointment of Executive and Senior managers
Appointments at Levels 3, 2, 1 and above
Appointments at Levels 5 and 4
Period of Probation
Waiving or Shortening of Probation
Section 4 - Procedures
Section 5 - Guidelines
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