(1) Charles Sturt University's brand communicates the University's mission, strategic direction, values and unique reputation, as well as the attractiveness of the University's services and products to stakeholders (including prospective and current students and staff, graduates, communities, businesses, professions, partners, agents, affiliates and government). (2) A strong brand communicates and reinforces the quality and reliability of the University in its mission, achieved through consistency and commitment across all activities of the University. (3) The brand incorporates the University's name, how that name is visually expressed through its marks, logo, design, typography, colours, devices, elements and imagery (visual identity) and how these extend throughout the University's communications (such as stationery, advertising, publications, websites and electronic media, signage, merchandising, media releases, teaching materials, speeches, uniforms, motor vehicles, wines etc.). (4) The University's brand is one of the most valuable elements in its communication. (5) To be effective, the brand must be applied consistently in all the ways we communicate and act, as well as through our visual identity. (6) Because of the importance of brand to the University's identity and reputation, the University will take action to ensure the brand is applied consistently in accordance with the Brand Guidelines and to protect the brand from inappropriate or unauthorised use. (7) The application of the University brand to marketing, advertising, promotional and other forms of communication, including learning and teaching materials, must reinforce and extend the University's brand values. Forms of communication that contradict the University's brand can devalue the University's reputation and position, confuse consumers and stakeholders and, in some cases, damage the University. All communication must therefore be consistent with and extend the University brand. (8) The purpose of this Policy is to manage the development, authorisation, usage and protection of the University's brand as an important strategic asset of the University. (9) Charles Sturt University will present all its activities and services in a consistent and professional manner to foster and grow its reputation. (10) This Policy enables management of the Charles Sturt University brand in order to: (11) This Policy applies to all communications and visual materials, including all forms of media, printed materials, online representations, PowerPoint presentations, signage, uniforms, vehicles and communications and representations created by and for an entity or Budget Centre of the University, and by and for third parties with respect to the University. (12) Nil. (13) Management of the Charles Sturt University brand and corporate visual identity. (14) The Brand Guidelines is the central authoritative reference source for the University brand. The Guideline is the official register of all approved logos, devices, emblems, colours, typefaces and so forth. The Brand Guidelines is approved by the Brand Governance Committee and defines: (15) All University Budget Centres must use only the approved corporate logo to identify their activities and functions (including Faculties, Schools, Divisions, Offices, Units, Research Centres, educational institutes, businesses, facilities and controlled entities of the University. (16) Budget Centres, University entities and affiliated student bodies will not use a logo, device, colour, typeface, emblem or mark that has not been approved by the Brand Governance Committee as published in the Brand Guidelines. (17) The Brand Governance Committee may approve colour variations of the official corporate logo for the identification of approved University Research Centres and clinics only. These Budget Centres must not develop their own colour variations to the corporate logo under any circumstances and only variations approved by the Brand Governance Committee will be permitted. All other Budget Centres and entities must use the official corporate logo. (18) The Brand Governance Committee will approve a range of standard style templates and rules in the Brand Guidelines for word documents, letterhead, business cards, PowerPoint displays, charts, tables, signage, photographs, devices, emblems and other communications. Staff, students and University entities may use these templates in the Brand Guidelines without the need to seek further authorisation as long as the rules are followed. (19) Staff do not need to seek formal approval to use the Charles Sturt University logo and designs on the following items, provided they have the approval of the relevant Budget Centre Brand Officer and strictly comply with the Brand Guidelines and relevant templates therein: (20) Staff wishing to use a Charles Sturt University logo and brand in a manner that does not conform to the Brand Guidelines or for a purpose that is not approved in the Brand Guidelines must submit an application through their Budget Centre Manager to the Brand Governance Committee. (21) Applications for approval by the Brand Governance Committee may be submitted at any time in the form determined by the University Secretary. (22) The Brand Governance Committee may approve standard terms and conditions of usage for a University logo, device or emblem. A third party organisation may use a University logo, device or emblem where approved by the Committee on condition that it complies with the approved terms and conditions of usage as amended from time to time. (23) Where a standard authorisation has not been granted by the Brand Governance Committee, a third party may also apply to use a University logo, device or emblem in writing to the Executive Director, Marketing . An application must be submitted to the Director by the head of the Budget Centre endorsing the third party application. Where the use of the mark is for materials to be used outside Australia, the Director, Office of International Relations must also endorse the application. The Executive Director, Marketing and Chief Marketing Officer, will refer applications to the Brand Governance Committee where the proposed usage does not conform to existing approved brand guidelines. (24) The Division of Marketing and Communication will provide the logo files and guidelines for their use to the third party where approved. (25) The Division of Marketing and Communication will maintain a Register on behalf of the Brand Governance Committee containing all applications for use of the University mark and relevant approvals. (26) The Brand Governance Committee may approve the development and use of approved devices from time to time for particular campaigns or activities. Devices must be consistent with the corporate brand. (27) The Brand Governance Committee may approve the use of a permanent device to define a program, event or service where it is necessary to distinguish it from general University activities to the extent that the device is consistent with the corporate brand (e.g. Student Central, info.csu). (28) The Brand Governance Committee may approve the use of an emblem by affiliated student groups, sporting clubs or student associations to be used alongside the corporate logo. (29) Approved devices and emblems will be incorporated into the Brand Guidelines by the Division of Marketing and Communication on behalf of the Brand Governance Committee. (30) A co-brand links the University logo with one or more third party logos in relation to a common function or activity. (31) Co-branding may be approved by the Executive Director, Marketing and Chief Marketing Officer, for activities such as: (32) The Division of Marketing and Communication will maintain a Register on behalf of the Brand Governance Committee containing all applications for use of the University mark and relevant approvals. (33) A distinct corporate logo will only be approved in very limited circumstances: (34) Where the University proposes to enter into a joint venture agreement requiring the creation of a distinct corporate logo, the need for a distinct logo must be discussed with the Executive Director, Marketing and Chief Marketing Officer, in advance and any clauses relating to logos must be approved by the University Secretary. (35) The Brand Guidelines must be complied with at all times to ensure standardisation of the corporate visual identity and consistency of communication with the Charles Sturt University brand. (36) Staff and students may not use any mark, logo, shield, emblem, device, colour, typeface or element in association with the University, a Budget Centre or entity unless it is approved by the Brand Governance Committee. Approved marks, logos, shields, emblems, devices, colours, fonts and elements will be published in the Brand Guidelines as a central reference source for all staff and students. (37) The Brand Governance Committee will approve a list of general authorisations, designs and rules for use of the brand and logo by staff and students in the Brand Guidelines. All uses of the logo, designs, emblems and devices must accord precisely with the rules set out in the Guidelines. Approval must be obtained for all other uses of the corporate brand and logo where a general authorisation has not been granted. (38) Signage across all Charles Sturt University campuses and sites must be consistent with the brand. The Brand Governance Committee approves the Corporate Signage Schedule to ensure standardisation of the look and feel of campuses and sites with the brand. All University signage must conform to the Corporate Signage Schedule. (39) Only the Charles Sturt University corporate logo may be used on perimeter signage (e.g. gateways, street facings) on campuses and other primary University sites. Other signage (including variations of the logo for Research Centres and clinics) may be installed inside the campus or primary site perimeter on condition that it does not compete with, or distract from, the identification of the site as a University campus or facility. Where the site is a temporary facility (e.g. a research station or experimental site set up for a limited period not exceeding 24 months) signage may be specific to the function of the site (e.g. carry the logo of a Research Centre) but must always identify the site as a University facility. (40) The Brand Governance Committee may approve procedures under this Policy including designating responsible officers for the purpose of decision making under this Policy. Brand procedures and the Brand Guidelines form part of this Policy. (41) All Charles Sturt University branding, advertising, marketing and promotions will comply with the following ethical standards, in line with the Trade Practices Act 1974 : (42) The inappropriate or unauthorised use of Charles Sturt University marks by a member of staff, student, third party or other stakeholder will be regarded as a breach of this Policy. With respect to persons outside the control of the University, the Chair of the Brand Governance Committee may recommend to the Vice-Chancellor the initiation of legal or other action to enforce the University's ownership and rights in relation to the brand, including enforcement of this Policy. (43) The use of an unauthorised mark by a member of staff, student, third party or stakeholder in connection with the University, its entities or budget centres will be regarded as a breach of this Policy. (44) Inappropriate or unauthorised use of a Universitymark, or use of an unauthorised mark, must be referred to the Chair of the Brand Governance Committee. The Chair may refer an allegation to an authorised officer for investigation. (45) Where inappropriate or unauthorised use of a Charles Sturt University mark, or use of an unauthorised mark, has occurred as a result of a person or group internal to Charles Sturt University not following procedures and/or the Brand Guidelines, the investigating officer will generally contact that person or group directly to resolve non-compliance issues. (46) The University Secretary, or Executive Director, Marketing and Chief Marketing Officer, may order the removal, temporarily, of material that is alleged to infringe this Policy from circulation subject to determination of a matter under this Policy. (47) The University Secretary, may order the permanent removal of material that is found to be in breach of this Policy, or to order that the material be reproduced to correct specifications. (48) The person or group responsible for non-compliance must take all reasonable steps to ensure that procedures are in place within the Budget Centre or entity within an agreed time period to ensure that such a breach does not recur. (49) Where the breach is the responsibility of a member of staff or Budget Centre of the University, any related costs incurred in the removal or correction of the use will be borne by the budget centre responsible for the non-compliance. (50) In the case of inappropriate or unauthorised use of Charles Sturt University marks by a third party external to Charles Sturt University, the University Secretary, will consult with the Legal Unit to determine the appropriate action undertaken as required. (51) Where the breach is the responsibility of a student or organisation of students, any related costs incurred in the removal or correction of the use will be borne by the student or organisation of students responsible for the non-compliance. (52) Any disputes regarding the interpretation of the requirements may be referred to the Brand Governance Committee for resolution. (53) Nil. (54) Refer to the Brand Guidelines.Brand Governance Policy
Section 1 - Purpose
Section 2 - Glossary
Section 3 - Policy
Part A - Responsibilities
Part B - Elements/Components
Brand Guidelines
Part C - Usage
Use of Approved Logos
Internal Usage of Logos
External Use of Logos
Approved Devices and Emblems
Approved Co-branding
subject to the logo being displayed in accordance with the requirements set out in the Brand Guidelines.Approved Distinct Corporate Logos
Use of the Charles Sturt University brand and corporate visual identity
Brand and Signage
Brand Procedures
Part D - Ethics
Ethical Standards for Branding, Advertising, Marketing and Promotion
Part E - Unauthorised Use
Inappropriate or unauthorised use of the Charles Sturt University brand and corporate visual identity
Section 4 - Procedures
Section 5 - Guidelines
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