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Work Health and Safety Policy

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Section 1 - Purpose

(1) Charles Sturt University (the University) recognises its duty of care to all persons in its workplaces, including staff, students, labour hire, contractors, their sub-contractors and their workers, volunteers and other visitors.

(2) The University will provide a safe and healthy workplace through a planned and systematic approach to the management of work health and safety, which is integrated into the core business of the University, and the provision of resources for its successful implementation.

(3) The University's Work Health and Safety Management System is consistent with and supports the University's vision, values, and strategic goals; is appropriate to the University's services, activities and people; and ensures a culture of continual improvement.

(4) The planned and systematic approach of the Work Health and Safety Management System includes injury management (claims management and rehabilitation).


(5) This Policy applies to all workers of the University as well as to students and visitors of the University and its controlled entities. This Policy applies to all University premises (or properties of its controlled entities).

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Section 2 - Glossary

(6) Consistent with the terminology in the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 No 10 (NSW), "worker" is used to refer to any person that carries out work for the University, including:

  1. employees;
  2. trainees;
  3. volunteers and affiliates, including visiting and honorary fellows;
  4. outworkers;
  5. apprentices;
  6. work experience students;
  7. contractors and sub-contractors and their employees; and
  8. employees of labour hire companies.

(7) "Visitor" - means any person who visits the University and is not defined as a worker as per clause 6. Visitors may include:

  1. students;
  2. family /friends of workers or students;
  3. community visitors, including prospective students, parents and collaborators;
  4. conference and function attendees; and
  5. commercial clients or customers using Veterinary Clinical Centre, Winery, Dental Clinics, etc.
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Section 3 - Policy

Policy Principles

(8) The University is committed to the following activities in fulfilling its commitment to provide a healthy and safe workplace:

  1. comply with applicable health and safety legislation as well as other requirements such as Codes of Practice or Australian Standards;
  2. implement a Work Health and Safety Management System, comprising an integrated suite of policies, procedures, plans, positions and resources to prevent injuries and to systematically manage work health and safety at workplaces owned, controlled or managed by the University;
  3. establish measurable objectives and targets to ensure continued improvement aimed at elimination of work-related injury and illness, and ensure that adequate reporting mechanisms are maintained in order to facilitate this;
  4. develop, implement and promote initiatives for the improved health and wellbeing of workers and students;
  5. provide return to work programs to facilitate safe and durable return to work for staff, where possible for both work related and non-work related health conditions;
  6. allocate sufficient financial and physical resources to enable the effective implementation of the Work Health and Safety (WHS) Policy;
  7. provide first aid, first aid officers and resources to meet legislative requirements;
  8. provide emergency wardens and resources to meet legislative requirements;
  9. provide appropriate health and safety information, training, instruction, and supervision to all staff and other workers, students and others, including visitors to the University, as required by legislation or on a case by case basis, to equip them with the knowledge and skills necessary to meet their work health and safety responsibilities (internal and external expertise will be utilised to improve workplace safety and injury management standards);
  10. implement a health and safety risk management process to ensure workplace hazards are identified, assessed, controlled and reviewed where they are not able to be eliminated;
  11. develop a work health and safety annual return and safety management plan by individual faculties and organisational units;
  12. promote dignity and respect in all workplaces and take action to prevent and respond to bullying in its workplaces;
  13. provide, monitor and maintain safe systems of work for the use, handling, storage and transportation of infrastructure, plant, equipment and substances;
  14. provide facilities needed for workers, contractors, students and volunteers to conduct their activities in a healthy and safe environment, including ensuring access to those facilities;
  15. support the election of Health and Safety Representatives within designated work groups, and has established a Work Health and Safety Committee to facilitate formal consultation on work health and safety matters;
  16. consult with all University workers to enhance the effectiveness of the University Health and Safety Management System, and on any other matter directly relating to health or safety that may directly affect them;
  17. ensure that adequate records are created and maintained to support the University's Work Health and Safety Management System and to comply with its record keeping responsibilities under the Work Health and Safety Act 2011; and
  18. regularly review and evaluate health and safety management systems, including audits and workplace inspections.


(9) The success of the Work Health and Safety Policy rests on the commitment of management at all levels. Its successful implementation also requires the involvement and commitment of staff, students and others.

(10) Overall responsibility for work health and safety at the University rests with the Vice-Chancellor.

(11) The Executive Director, People and Culture has delegated responsibility for work health and safety across the University.

(12) Each level of management has specific responsibilities for the implementation of this Policy.

(13) All staff and students have a general responsibility in terms of the work health and safety legislation (Work Health and Safety Act 2011 No 10 (NSW) to ensure a safe and healthy work environment for themselves and others.

(14) The broad parameters of these responsibilities are set out in the Work Health and Safety Roles and Responsibilities Guidelines.

Monitoring and Review

(15) This Policy will be regularly reviewed, following legislative or organisational changes or, as a minimum, every three years.

(16) To monitor and assist with the implementation of this Policy, Work Health and Safety Committees have been established at each campus. Each Committee reports to the Executive Director, People and Culture. The Presiding Officers of each Work Health and Safety Committee represent these committees on the University-wide committee, referred to as the University Safety and Health Management Committee (USHMC), established to coordinate work health and safety matters across the University.

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Section 4 - Procedures

(17) Nil.

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Section 5 - Guidelines

(18) Refer to the Work Health and Safety Roles and Responsibilities Guidelines.