(1) The Work Health and Safety Policy (previously called the Occupational Health and Safety Policy) outlines Charles Sturt University's commitment to providing and maintaining a safe and healthy workplace for its workers, students, visitors and others. (2) This Policy defines the principles underpinning that commitment and the University's approach to the continual improvement of health and safety in the workplace. (3) This Policy applies to all workers of Charles Sturt University (the University) as well as its students, visitors and others caused to be affected by the conduct of the University's business or undertakings. (4) The University's commitment to health and safety extends to a place in which people work, study and in the case of resident students, reside. (5) Nil. (6) Charles Sturt University (the University) is committed to the following activities in fulfilling its commitment to provide a healthy and safe workplace: (7) The success of the Work Health and Safety Policy rests on the commitment of management at all levels. Its successful implementation also requires the involvement and commitment of staff, students and others. (8) Overall responsibility for work health and safety at the University rests with the Vice-Chancellor. (9) The Executive Director, Human Resources has delegated responsibility for work health and safety across the University. (10) Each level of management has specific responsibilities for the implementation of this Policy. (11) Further, all staff and students have a general responsibility in terms of the Work Health and Safety legislation (WHS Act (NSW) 2011) to ensure a safe and healthy work environment for themselves and others. (12) The broad parameters of these responsibilities are set out in the Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare Objectives and Responsibilities Guidelines. (13) This Policy will be regularly reviewed following legislative or organisational changes, or as a minimum, every three years. (14) To monitor and assist with the implementation of this Policy, Occupational Health and Safety Committees have been established at each Campus. Each Committee reports to the Executive Director, Human Resources. The Presiding Officers of each WHS Committee represent these committees on the University-wide Committee, referred to as the University Safety and Health Management Committee (USHMC), established to coordinate occupational health and safety matters across the University. (15) Nil. (16) Nil.Work Health and Safety Policy
Section 1 - Purpose
Section 2 - Glossary
Section 3 - Policy
Policy Principles
Monitoring and Review
Section 4 - Procedures
Section 5 - Guidelines
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