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Driver Safety Policy

This is not a current document. It has been repealed and is no longer in force.

February 2022 – This document is rescinded and is subsumed by the Travel Policy and Travel Procedure.

Section 1 - Purpose

(1) This documents sets out Charles Sturt University's policy on Safe Driving.

(2) The objectives of this Policy are to:

  1. promote the safety of Charles Sturt University (the University) employees while driving;
  2. actively support safe driving practices;
  3. encourage responsible decision-making in relation to driving for work travel; and
  4. encourage a risk management approach to the planning, approving and undertaking of work related driving, including, when required, consultation between staff travelling and supervisors approving the travel.


(3) This Policy applies to all employees planning, approving or undertaking work related driving.

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Section 2 - Glossary

(4) Nil.

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Section 3 - Policy

Policy Principles

(5) The principle of this Policy is to control the likelihood and/or consequence of driving related incidents by:

  1. complying with all legislative requirements pertaining to the use of a motor vehicle on public roads; and
  2. eliminating the need for travel via the use of available technological facilities (e.g. video-conferencing and teleconferencing); or
  3. where it is not reasonably practicable to eliminate driving travel, manage the risks associated with driving through the application of sound risk management principles, including:
    1. the identification of any reasonably foreseeable hazards;
    2. assessing the risk of all identified hazards; and
    3. controlling risks through the hierarchy of control; and
  4. providing vehicles that meet Australian design guidelines and relevant Australian standards and that are fitted with appropriate safety features.


(6) Employees must:

  1. consider any factors related to their personal fitness, driving competency and proposed journey when planning or undertaking work related travel. A Travel Planning Checklist is available to assist in reviewing these risk factors and determining if they need to be managed or controlled. Employees should only undertake travel after giving consideration to:
    1. the risk factors relevant to their travel or personal circumstances;
    2. the potential for these risk factors to affect their travel; and
    3. the controls to be implemented to manage these risks;
  2. hold a current and appropriate licence for any vehicle they intend to drive and have the licence with them at all times when operating the vehicle;
  3. operate any vehicle in accordance with statutory and licence requirements; and
  4. report any vehicle faults to the relevant University officer as soon as reasonably possible.

(7) Supervisors and Managers must:

  1. satisfy themselves that all the reasonably foreseeable hazards or risk factors associated with the travel have been identified, assessed and controlled to as low as reasonably possible using the hierarchy of control (refer to the Driver Safety Guidelines), prior to approving travel.

(8) Charles Sturt University will:

  1. purchase vehicles that meet Australian design guidelines and relevant Australian standards and that are fitted with appropriate safety features (such as anti-lock brakes and air bags); and
  2. as far as is reasonably practicable, maintain its fleet of vehicles in a road worthy state and according to relevant statutory requirements. The vehicle will be safe to operate in conditions for which the vehicle is intended.
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Section 4 - Procedures

(9) Nil.

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Section 5 - Guidelines

(10) Refer to the Driver Safety Guidelines and Travel Planning Checklist on implementation of this Policy.