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Information Technology Access and Induction Procedure

This is not a current document. It has been repealed and is no longer in force.

Section 1 - Purpose

(1) This Procedure describes how to arrange access to and induction for new staff in Charles Sturt University (the University) Information Technology (IT) facilities and forms part of the University's Induction and Development Program.



(2) This Procedure applies to all staff of Charles Sturt University.



(3) This Procedure should be read in conjunction with:

  1. Induction and Development Program Guidelines;
  2. Division of Human Resources web site;
  3. IT Fundamentals - ELMO Module (online IT induction);
  4. Temporary Access Administration System;
  5. Computing and Communication Facilities Use Policy;
  6. CSU Learning Analytics Consent Statement available from the Division of Learning and Teaching webpage.
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Section 2 - Glossary

(4) For the purpose of this Policy:

  1. University IT facilities - means communication and computing facilities as defined in the Computing and Communications Facilities Use Policy.
  2. Supervisor - means an employee's nominated supervisor and can include Head of School (HOS)/Section (or nominee), or Executive Director (ED)/Executive Dean (Exec Dean) (or nominee).
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Section 3 - Policy

(5) Nil.

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Section 4 - Procedure


Part A - Responsibilities

(6) The process for ensuring staff have access to and receive induction in the University's IT facilities is a joint responsibility of the Division of Human Resources (HR) , the Division of Information Technology (DIT) and Supervisors.

(7) The HR Service Centre is responsible for ensuring the new employee's details are entered into the HR Information System to allow access to the University's IT facilities on the first day of employment.

(8) DIT is responsible for:

  1. ensuring a new employee is able to access their staff account details on the first day of employment; and
  2. providing a comprehensive and relevant online IT induction (via IT Fundamentals - ELMO Module) for all new employees.

(9) Supervisors are responsible for:

  1. acquiring basic levels of IT literacy to support new employees during the first few weeks of their employment at the University; and
  2. ensuring that support is provided to new employees by other staff in the School/Section so that they can use basic IT facilities prior to completing the online IT Fundamentals - ELMO Module.

Part B - Providing access to IT facilities

(10) IT access will be provided to new continuing, fixed term and casual employees once the acceptance of employment offer and other HR documentation has been received by the University.

(11) New continuing and fixed term employees are responsible for returning HR documentation before their commencement date.

(12) Supervisors are responsible for ensuring a new casual employee's HR documentation is returned to the HR Service Centre at least five days prior to commencement.

(13) Upon receiving HR documentation, the HR Service Centre will enter a new employee's details into the HR Information System.

(14) Once the new employee's details are entered, the information flows electronically through to the Division of Information Technology with their staff account created in the same day and fed back into the HR Information System.

(15) The HR Service Centre will send an automated email to the requesting Supervisor advising them of the new employee's details including position, commencement date, staff ID, CSU username and location.

(16) The Supervisor is responsible for contacting and welcoming the new employee with information of their staff account details, arrangements for their first day of employment and induction activities to be completed on their commencement.

(17) Temporary Access Accounts (limited IT services) will be created for:

  1. employees not processed or paid via the HR Information System (e.g. visitors, contractors and temporary staff). The Supervisor must determine (prior to engagement) whether these employees will require access to University IT services; and
  2. all other employees who did not return HR documentation prior to commencement or are awaiting access to come through.

(18) On the first day of employment, the University requires all new staff with access to University IT facilities to:

  1. read the Computing and Communications Facilities Use Policy and CSU Learning Analytics Consent Statement available from the Division of Learning and Teaching webpage; and
  2. follow the account activation procedure.

Part C - IT induction

(19) An online IT Fundamentals - ELMO Module has been developed by the DIT to help assist new employees in successfully using IT facilities when performing their duties. This training module must be completed within the first month of employment.

(20) Supervisors must ensure that basic IT support is provided to new employees prior to completing the online IT Fundamentals - ELMO Module.

(21) Supervisors of continuing and fixed term staff must ensure the new employee completes the online IT Fundamentals - ELMO Module.

(22) Supervisors of casual, temporary or visiting staff will determine if these staff are required to undertake the online IT Fundamentals - ELMO Module depending on the length or function of their employment.

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Section 5 - Guidelines

(23) Nil.