(1) These Guidelines form part of the Charles Sturt University (the University) Induction and Development Program. They came into effect on 1 December, 2003. (2) These Guidelines describe how to arrange access to and induction in the University Information Technology facilities. (3) Nil. (4) Nil. (5) Nil. (6) The process for ensuring that staff have access to and receive induction into the the University Information Technology facilities is a joint responsibility of all Heads of School, managers and the Division of Human Resources (HR) and Division of Information Technology (DIT). (7) The Division of Human Resources is responsible for ensuring that there are processes in place so that the new employee's details are entered into the Alesco system in time for him/her to access the the University Information Technology facilities on the first day of employment. (8) The Division of Information Technology (DIT) is responsible for: (9) Heads of School/managers are responsible for: (10) When HR documentation is returned by the successful applicant, the information is passed to the HR Administration Team to enter the new employee's details into the staff system (Alesco) within three days. This advice flows electronically to DIT and a Username is generated overnight. (11) DIT staff produce a new user letter which contains the Username and password. This letter is forwarded to the relevant School or work unit within three working days, to await the commencement of the new employee. If the employee is commencing within this three day period, the Head of School/manager may request that DIT fax the letter to them on the person's first day of employment. (12) If the information is returned by the employee within one week of his/her commencement date, then HR staff will ensure the information is processed and passed to DIT to allow IT access to be made available in time for the commencement of employment. (13) If the employee does not return the HR documentation until the first day of his/her employment, then HR would process the information on that day. However, system access would not generally be available until the next working day. DIT has processes in place to arrange urgent system access at the request of Heads of School/managers. This is limited to certain areas of the the University system and full access may take up to 24 hours. (14) The the University requires the new employee to access and read the Computing and Communication Facilities Use Policy . When accessing the the University Information Technology facilities for the first time, the new employee will follow the three step the University online setup procedure, which asks for acknowledgement that he/she is aware of the policy. (15) The Human Resources Service Centre advises the Head of School/manager by email of the employee's commencement date. This email will ask the Head of School/manager to contact the new employee, welcome him/her and advise of the arrangements for the first day of employment. If the employee has not yet returned the required HR documentation, the Head of School/manager will remind the person of the necessity to do so. (16) DIT delivers IT induction and provides new employees with a face-to-face session and electronic resources to help them become familiar with the the University Information Technology facilities. Scheduled IT inductions will be held on a weekly basis at Wagga, Albury and Bathurst. It would be expected that a booking would be made by the manager at least one day in advance of the scheduled session to give the opportunity for the session to be cancelled if there are no proposed attendees. (17) IT inductions will be conducted on an appointment basis at other campuses. It would be expected that managers at these other campuses would contact the Manager, Client Services who, in turn, would endeavour to organise an IT induction within the first two weeks of employment of permanent staff. (18) The Head of School/manager organises the Induction and Development Program for the new employee and, in doing so, arranges DIT induction training by requesting a specified session through the DIT website. (19) Heads of School/ managers may arrange IT induction prior to the issue of a Username and password for the new employee. (20) The Head of School/manager ensures that basic support is provided to new employees prior to the IT induction. This is to occur within their first two days of employment (ideally on Day 1) to allow the new employee to commence his/her development programs and access Online Induction. (21) A flowchart (Appendix 1) summarises the steps in Parts B and C for continuing and fixed-term staff. (22) The Head of School/manager will determine prior to engagement whether or not the casual employee requires access to the the University Information Technology facilities to be able to fulfil his/her duties of employment. (23) For staff requiring access to the University Information Technology facilities, the Head of School/manager will complete an "Ad Hoc Access Request Form" on behalf of the casual employee as necessary. (24) DIT staff process this information and a Username and password are generated (this is able to occur on the same day as the Head of School's/manager's request). (25) The Username and password are forwarded to the requesting Head of School/manager, who then issues them to the casual employee. (26) The Head of School/manager is to provide the casual employee with a copy of the Computing and Communication Facilities Use Policy on Day 1 of employment. The Head of School/manager is to ensure the employee follows the three step the University online setup procedure, which asks for acknowledgement that he/she is aware of the policy. (27) The Head of School/manager is responsible for ensuring that the casual employee is able to use the the University Information Technology facilities to be able to perform his/her duties of employment. (28) Depending on the length or function of employment, the Head of School/manager will determine if a full IT induction is required. The request is then made in the same way as for continuing and fixed-term staff.Information Technology Access and Induction Guidelines
Section 1 - Purpose
Section 2 - Glossary
Section 3 - Policy
Section 4 - Procedures
Section 5 - Guidelines
Part A - Responsibilities
Part B - Providing Access to IT Facilities for Continuing and Fixed-term Staff
Part C - Arranging an IT Induction for Continuing and Fixed-term Staff
Part D - Providing Access to IT Facilities for Casual Staff
Part E - Arranging an IT Induction for Casual Staff
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This is not a current document. It has been repealed and is no longer in force.